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Posts Tagged ‘top speakers in calgary

Personal Power Mastery minute – Your future is determined by what you do NOW!

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Douglas Vermeeren - Personal Power Mastery 180

Often times people talk about how they would like their life and future to look. Where things go amiss is when they fail to connect that future with the present. The key to creating a better future is to decide what you will do today to bring that future. Decisions are the hinge that either make or break the connection to your ideal future. But too often people make their decisions based on what they are currently experiencing rather than what they want. Decisions create future, not the present. You are already in the present.

So next time you say “I can’t because of… (lack of money, lack of connection to people, opportunities, things, knowledge, etc.) recognize that the only thing that can possibly change your future is to simply DO IT anyways.

Your decisions of today are the only thing that will give you something better tomorrow.

A decision now may require you to stretch and grow. But one thing is certain if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you’ve always gotten. Nothing will change. You can’t repeat the same patterns and expect different results.

If you want more money = you must make a new decision.

If you want more opportunity = you must make a new decision.

If you want better relationships = you must make a new decision.

All things can be improved and changed for the better if you decide. Decisions lead lives.

What will you decide today?

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What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you. Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.) He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide. He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

Personal Power Mastery Minute – Are you in flow for success?

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All growth requires your expansion. If you want better relationships, more abundance, bigger results at work or in your business… or whatever it is you are looking to grow and improve it’s going to start with you. You can’t expand what is around you until you are bigger and better. Growth requires new perspectives, new skills and new understanding. Positive change is always a result of positive preparation.

If you think about it its pretty obvious to see the importance of expansion. Even the universe is in a constant state of expansion and has been since the beginning of the Big Bang. Anything that is not expanding is by nature contracting and as a result fighting against the entire universe.

In other words, when we hold back from growth and expansion we are in fact fighting against the entire universe. Expansion is the direction for everything. Are you in line with the movement?

I hope so. It is a decision to do so. It has been interesting to observe that both expansion and contraction take work. There is a significant amount of effort required to dig in your heels and resist growth. It is not easy to stay the same in a world that is ever changing. But some people choose to stay put.

As a result they end up doing more work and fighting an uphill battle more frequently. We all know people who end up repeating serious life lessons again and again because they refuse to learn. We have all seen people in financial or relationship troubles because they keep repeating poor patterns without improvement. These same people often seek out immediate gratification (with no long term benefits or power) or they would prefer to relax and lazily watch others progress.

Expansion and growth on the other hand open doors of possibility. Yes, there is work involved. But it is easier because you moving with the flow rather than against it.

So here’s the question, What are you doing today to expand?

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What is the first thing a speaker should do to grow their business? Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

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This is one of the most common questions I get asked from new speakers. What should I do first?


The first thing needed when getting started in the speaking business is to determine what you will be sharing for content and who you will be sharing it with. You need to determine what will be relevant and valuable to your audience and what qualifies you to share with this group. Your efforts in the beginning should be placed on crafting a powerful message. When you feel you have that the next step will be determining how you will share it.

You can build your speech, your business or even design a product until you know what is valuable and relevant to your audience.

Discovering this message is a lot more difficult than it sounds. It can take a lot of research and work to find something that resonates with you and your audience. I encourage you to take your time with this however. As a speaker you must be dedicated to a long term game plan rather than a quick rush to get on the stage and speak. A profitable speaking business requires that you provide value in such a way that people can compensate you.

You can’t provide this kind of value until you understand the conversation surrounding your audience in the marketplace. Take the time to learn this.

One of the most valuable lessons that I learned when building my speaking business was to involve my clients. If I knew what they wanted and were willing to support it was easier to create it. How often are you talking with these people?  Are you implementing their suggestions into your business? Are you bringing their questions into your talk and onto the stage?

To be engaging you must engage.

More on the subject later.

Anyways. There’s a few quick thoughts to think about for now.

the-speaking-business-multiplier-bannerDouglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. As you’ve already discovered in life the best can teachers are those who have done it. Douglas Vermeeren has done it!

Generated more than 1.6 Million US in his first six months as a speaker
Share the stage and joint ventured with almost all of the top names in speaking today
He is the creator of 3 of the top 10 personal development movies of all time. (The Opus with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle, Morris Goodman and others. The Gratitude Experiment with Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Gray, John Demartini, Mary Morrissey. The Treasure Map with John Demartini, Raymond Aaron, Loral Langemeier, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage and others.)
Author of multiple top selling books
Largest audience to date 17,000
And more!

He can help you: Create a highly profitable speaking businesses, Position yourself as an expert, Attract media attention, Get publishing deals, Get more speaking gigs, Speak internationally and JV with other top names in the business. This is going to be incredible.

The Speaking Business Multiplier systems and secrets can be yours. His clients include beginning speakers all the way to movie and music celebrities, professional and Olympic athletes, top business leaders and other speakers just like YOU! He has been consistently rated by the media as the top speaker trainer in the world today with the most comprehensive and powerful tools available.

Other trainers stop at presentation skills while Douglas Vermeeren is the only one who helps you build the speaking business systems that you need for success. Come find out why all the top speakers are working with him!

Speakers Must do this if they are to be successful in 2017- Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

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Speakers Must do This if they are to be successful in 2017

By Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

Over the years I have spent time with a lot of people wanting to grow a business in the speaking or coaching industry. More often than not those individuals remain anonymous and broke. The personal development industry is highly competitive with many people feeling that they have empowerment to offer. Many times they are right- they do have great strategies to offer and they are excellent at delivering their content either on stage or working in groups or with individuals. But these individuals seem to struggle to create a thriving predictable business that provides value long term to their audiences.  Why is that? What mistakes are they making? What is being left out?

Here are a few considerations that you should think about if you are looking to create a sustainable speaking or coaching business:


  1. You must get dialled in to the current marketplace conversation – It is essential that know what is being talked about in your niche. You much be aware of the conversation and be able to contribute in meaningful ways. You can’t rely on content or ideas that you were teaching a year ago or even six months ago. What worked yesterday won’t work today. The world is changing faster than ever before. You must know what’s happening now and strive to become a leader int he conversation. If you want to be relevant to your audiences or your students you must know what is relevant. Too many speakers develop a “signature talk” (Which is actually the old way of doing things anyhow) and then they stick to it for years. If you want to be relevant today you need preview sessions which are adaptable to the audience you are interacting with. You must know your content and the marketplace so well that you can be valuable in any setting. We have a saying among my students about content that, If you know i, you can flow it.”  You must spend time each day dialling into the conversation and expanding your content knowledge.o-speaker-business-conference-facebook
  2. You must have an effective business model with a planned sales funnel – Too often less successful coaches and speakers are flying by the seat of their pants. They don’t have a business model other than to speak and get paid or speak and sell. Alone these are also archaic models of what used to work in the 1990s. You need to recognize what business models are being used in your niche market and what others could be implemented by you to work for you. The business of your business is to become profitable. And if you are not profitable you will not get the privilege to continue. Your best business models will begin as you are able to identify where your students and you can create a transaction. The speaking business or coaching business is a business. Transactions are necessary if you are going to stay in business. (More on this later)  As for sales funnels they are essential. You need to know the map of where you are going to take each student. Even if they choose not to go the full distance with you you need to know the route. If you don’t know they will sense it and they will lack confidence in you. (We will talk more about funnels later as well.)Marketing word cloud
  3. Plan to market – The world is like a big library. If you don’t know the name of the book as you come in the door you will often have a hard time finding it. In the same way there may be people looking for you and your content right now but if they have never heard of you or what you do they will never find you. There are many easily accessible and affordable ways to market your speaking or coaching business today it can be very easy if you know how to attract clients through appropriate messaging. The challenge that many speakers have is that they don’t know who they are well enough to share it with others. Try this as an expert: Describe what you do, who you serve and what results they will get inside of one sentence. And ONLY ONE SENTENCE. Can you do it? Most speakers can’t. When you are can describe yourself in terms that are specific and clear, your audience will be attainable and near. Get clarity! The second part of marketing today is not promotion who you are – it’s actually being who you are. People expect you to teach! They want to feel as though you can deliver the results. Personal development marketing today is about building tribes and relationships instead of rushing right into a sale. People expect to get to know you and your content before they will trust you with their money.

As I have taught these 3 strategies along with a few others I have seen my speaker students gain more speaking opportunities, build great following and brand loyalty and witnessed massive expansions in their income. The speaking business is much more strategic than most people realize, but if you know what to do it can be very lucrative.


the-speaking-business-multiplier-bannerDouglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier
Are you ready to level up your speaking business? Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. You can only teach others if you’ve done it yourself and his tool are helping speakers: Create highly profitable speaking businesses, Position themselves as experts, Attract media attention, Get publishing deals, Get more speaking gigs, Speak internationally and JV with other top names in the business. The Speaking Business Multiplier has done this and more and now his systems and secrets can be yours. His clients include beginning speakers all the way to movie and music celebrities, professional and Olympic athletes, top business leaders and other speakers just like YOU!

He has been consistently rated by the media as the top speaker trainer in the world today with the most comprehensive and powerful tools available. Other trainers stop at presentation skills while Vermeeren is the only one who helps you build the speaking business systems that you need for success. Come find out why all the top speakers are working with him!


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The Speaking Business Multiplier – 3 Tips to think about developing content – Douglas Vermeeren

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While you’d think that content and acquiring content would at the top of the priority list for people wanting to be considered experts in the field of speaking, coaching and training – it isn’t always. Over the last several decades I have been involved in the personal development business I’ve seen many who just don’t feel that constant preparation, improvement or education is that important. I regularly see speakers who prepare a speech only after they have an event booked and I’ve also seen others who prepared one speech a long time ago and every time (even to the same audience) bring out that same speech. This is a short cut. And although it may be the easy way it will never open up the doors for you to be considered an expert or a person with solutions of any depth.

I suppose it’s very similar to the one hit wonders of the music business. Or better yet like a  pianist with only one key to play. LAME.

Here are 3 thoughts to think about when preparing your content that will help you to position yourself as an expert, be prepared for any event you are called upon without notice (And this happens often for higher level speakers) and lastly, to become profitable as a speaker.


  1. Read, research, watch, listen and learn every single day. I would even suggest multiple times a day. The flow of ideas into your mins on the subject you speak about needs to be constant. Almost to the point of overflow. As it overflows in your mind it will fill the minds of those you present to. In their minds you will be the well from which they know they can gain the answer. The only way that you can become that is if you first fill your mind. An old hindu saying says it best: An empty vessel can fill no other cup. Obviously it goes without saying that from the beginning I hope you have chosen a subject that you are excited about. If you are truly excited about this subject matter you’ll find that this quest for content isn’t a burden but an exciting opportunity. And I should mention if you aren’t cited about your subject it will be very difficult to get others excited about it. 452830868_0f1406ba87_b
  2. Record and sort it as though you were to teach it. When we learn with purpose we retain and record things in a more powerful way than if we to simply read something. I invite all of my students to record the content they are researching as though they had to teach it. As they look at how their research can help and bless the lives of their students they have all found amazing results. One of the most powerful being is that have immediately started to recognize what has been most valuable and practical in their research. They have been able to recognize where in their presentations these new findings have been able to fit. They have also noticed that their level of expertise has risen among their audiences. It really does become clear which speakers are consistently learning and which are just coasting. Naturally as you learn to teach your students will also feel who really cares.online_keyboard_news
  3. Look for ways to share what you are learning outside of your presentation. More and more I am seeing a massive shift in the personal development and speaking industry. No longer are people able to maintain a career simply as “a keynoter.” In order to thrive in this business it is necessary to expand to other platforms and areas such as coaching, mentoring, masterminds, products and an array of other platforms. One of the other necessities is a social media presence. Daily communication to your tribe or community is becoming more and more of an expectation. And the more your visibility and stature in the industry rise the more it is expected of you. Your daily content quests are a great way to find and prepare information to share. It needn’t be long but it definitely needs to be consistent.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. His clients include beginning speakers all the way to celebrities, athletes, top business leaders and more. His focus is on helping them to develop high profit speaking, coaching and training businesses. He is the author of three books in the guerrilla marketing series and filmmaker behind 3 of the most popular personal development films of all time. 

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Douglas Vermeeren – Speaker training upcoming dates

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We are please to announce that we will be coming to Florida, the UK, Las Vegas NV and Los Angeles area all before Christmas to conduct speaker training. Our training is different than most in that we do not focus on the skills for the stage – we focus on the skills for the business of speaking.

If you want to learn how to:

Get more gigs!

Attract more exposure and media!

Create products and presentations that people want!

Create Highly Profitable sales funnels!

How to attract and JV with bigger stages and speakers!

And more.


You need to be here!







Don’t get discouraged – Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t get discouraged

By Douglas Vermeeren

Things can go wrong. Things can go really wrong although you had good or even great intentions. Obstacles arise that you hadn’t planned for. People change their minds or sometimes lie to get their way. Your efforts don’t always produce the results you expected. feelings get hurt unintentionally or things you say or are said to you can misunderstood.  Sometimes even the weather won’t cooperate. And we can get discouraged when things like this happen. When we are discouraged its very difficult to perform at our best and see situations and opportunities clearly. we tend to paint everything with a cynical or less than enthusiastic point of view.

Things don’t always go perfect. Or do they?


Often we are quick to judge whether an event or situation is positive or negative. What makes an even positive or negative? Most people would say the results or the way it makes me feel. This definition can be a little misleading. The problem with the hastiness of this definition is that it instantly has an effect of how we perform and what we are willing to believe. It immediately changes our desires and dedication to what we may be trying to do.

The truth of the matter is in handiness nearly everyone I have ever met have admitted that sometimes they are very grateful that certain things did not work out. They often are excited for the fact that because something didn’t work out they were able to discover better opportunities and situations waiting for them just ahead. So then was the negative experience really a negative experience or was it the seeds of a more positive opportunity just ahead?

This is why whenever something challenges comes along we need to do our best to deal with the matter at hand but recognize that this event may be the cataylst to unlock the more positive experience just a short distance away. When we get discouraged we shut off many possibilities.

Now I want to clarify I’m not saying its not okay to feel hurt, frustrated, maybe even angry at times. Those are natural human emotions and you will experience them. What I am saying is don’t get discouraged. What discouragement is defined as is the removal of the courage to move forward. DON’T DO IT.  Get mad, get angry, be hurt – just don’t quit.


Students at Personal Power Mastery have expressed at times how had they quit they would never have found the perfect job. started the business that made them wealthy, found their soul mate and in one case I am aware of beat a terminal illness.

Life is not easy. That much I agree with.

But it is easier for those don’t get discouraged. When you move forward with hope things get more hopeful.

It is time to recognize that it is not our business to declare what a negative situation is. Because they seldom turn out that way in the long run. Now is your time – Make it count!


DV Photo 1Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

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Douglas Vermeeren featured on the cover of Soar to Success magazine

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For more on this issue click on the following link:



Personal Power Mastery is Coming to FLORIDA!

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PPM logoGet your free tickets for Douglas Vermeeren’s Personal Power Mastery by clicking here! Personal Power Mastery in Florida! Get your free tickets now!

You can’t afford to miss out!

Personal Power Mastery is a top rated course designed to help individuals unlock their best self.


Some of the empowering strategies that participants are introduced to include:

Finding what you really want out of life, business and relationships
Make better choices that give you what you really want
How to become a leader to yourself
Making changes to make the most of your life
Tap into the mindset of mastery
Rising to the standards of excellence
Break down the habits in your life that aren’t working
How to use your emotions to create the results you want
The power of the reactive/proactivity paradigm
Making decisions that lead you to your greatest self
Recognizing your brilliance and igniting your best self
Discovering what you value most and what will be most valuable to you
How to recognize what’s most important in life and putting first things first
How to overcome the 2 main obstacles that stop most people from living the life they really want
Why getting momentum is more important than motivation
How to increase the probability that you will be successful
Breakthrough obstacles that are keeping you stuck
Understand and overcome fears that are robbing you of your best self
Beat procrastination once and for all
identify your strengths and take them to a higher level
Dial into the frequency of success
Open up the doors to your most important dreams
Recognize who you really could be

This material has been developed through Douglas Vermeeren’s extensive research into more than 400 of the worlds top achievers. It is calculated to help you transform your life and situation from where you are to the life that you dream about. With Personal Power Mastery you will be armed with tools to make the changes you really want and be programmed for high levels of success. Your best self is ready to meet you. Now is your time!

For more information on this program please call 1-877-393-9496 or email Rachel Dobson




How are you making your most important life decisions? – Douglas Vermeeren

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If you’ve ever had challenges making important decisions or have found that you’ve made an important decision only to find you’ve made the wrong answer – you may want to take a moment and read this article.

How are you making your most important decisions? Doug Vermeeren 75Achievement Expert Douglas Vermeeren is a regular contribute for NY Daily News, Home Business Magazine, HR Magazine, Top Achiever Magazine and others. His insights and strategies are calculated to help individuals and business reach their best results.