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Douglas Vermeeren cast in BIG CATS

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When Ichabod Price, a respected cryptozoologist, decides to shoot a documentary about alleged panther sightings in the English countryside, he soon discovers more than just big cats lurking in the woods.

Excited to announce that Douglas Vermeeren has just been cast in this film in the role of Piers Rothschild.

Douglas Vermeeren as Piers Rothschild

Little has yet to be revealed about the plot or this character. Stayed tuned and we’ll report back more as the details unfold.

Be sure to watch for it. Shooting in the UK later this summer.

#bigcats #bigcatsmovie #douglasvermeeren #dougvermeeren #horrorfilms #scarymovies #ukmovies #chrissanders #blackcoppicefilms

3 Morning Rituals from an Entrepreneur of Influence that you’ve never heard… Douglas Vermeeren

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Are you running your business right?

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Do you think I am right? What kind of business are you running? Or are you running a babysitting job? This is a special episode for entrepreneurs. Learn about what it really means to hustle – AND to HUSTLE WITH PURPOSE. You won’t want to miss this episode.




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Escape the Rat Race Students give Back!

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I want to congratulate my students for raising a nice donation for the Great Ormand Street Children’s Hospital.  Passive Income for ourselves is not our only mission. It becomes our responsibility to give back once we have received! Thank you all for embracing the mission! #1passiveincomecoach #Douglasvermeeren #superstars #charities #giveback #giversgain #childrenscharity #escapetheratrace

Are you using a system to create success? By Douglas Vermeeren the #1 Passive Income Coach

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#1 passive income caoch - douglas vermeeren - systems.jpg

Systems are the foundation of success in almost anything. The give you the ability to create results, repeat them and improve on them. Systems are the key ingredient in creating leverage. Unless you use systems you will always be stuck in the rat race and trading your time, effort, opportunity and freedom t make things happen in your life. Systems allow you to get other people, technology, services and devices working on your behalf.

Imagine a carpenter trying to put in a nail without a hammer. That’s where most people stop. Now imagine you have a carpenter with a hammer who will put the nail in for you while you’re doing something else.

That’s what I am really talking about.

How are you using systems to grow your wealth and success?

#1passiveincomecoach #passiveincome #millionairementor #douglasvermeeren #entrepreneur #entrepreneurifestyle #freedom #financialfreedom #passiveincomemillionaire #escapetheratrace

Why you need passive income – by the #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach 4

Passive Income is supposed to be just that PASSIVE. That means that it does not occupy much of your time once it is set up and running. Can you believe that as I am here snorkelling and finding sea shells I am making money. This is the kind of experience I believe everyone should have. And it’s not that difficult to do if you know the right systems to set up.

Passive income is your ticket to freedom and it is the way that all wealthy people build their fortunes.

No one wealthy trades time for money.

They just don’t do it.

I am just about to launch my newest ebook that will show you how to build passive income in your life. I am excited about this because this book reveals how you can actually create passive income using easy to follow ideas and strategies. In this book I dispel so many of the passive income myths that cause most people to think it’s just too hard. It’s not.

It really easy quite straight forward and there are specific things steps you can take immediately that will make it even easier. Stay tuned and shortly you can get your own copy of this easy to use manual for wealth.

#1passiveincomecoach #passiveincomemillionaire #douglasvermeeren #millionairementor #passiveincomemillionairebook #yourfirstmillion #passiveincome #Freedom #millionairelifestyle #1wealthcoach

Creating the outcomes you want – Personal Power Mastery by Douglas Vermeeren

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The reason why most people are not successful is that they either wait until they feel inspired, in the mood or excited enough to do something to get to work doing what they need to do to get what they want. Or they wait for the opposite feelings of pain, regret, guilt or remorse to come to spur them work. Top achievers and those who are successful actually get to work by choice not as a result of feelings or reactions to something outside themselves or around them. That is the definition of proactivity. To be successful you must be a self starter regardless of what is going on around you or how you feel. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #success #goalsetting #achievement #personaldevelopmentDouglas Vermeeren Personal Power MAstery 193

Written by douglasvermeeren

August 21, 2018 at 12:00 am

Don’t Suck at Selling #3

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Don't suck at selling Shut up
Don’t Suck at Selling #3
Shut up and listen
This one is pretty obvious and most likely you’ve heard it before. But if that’s really true why do we need to keep saying it again and again?
Well, to be quite frank it’s because people are still not listening.
And even if you are a listener this is a skill that can improved every single day.
I am always amazed at how many people that attend my sales seminars say that they are really good listeners. And then they won’t shut up. That’s all the evidence I need.
This is especially obvious at the early stages of a selling relationship. When you first meet a prospect it is your job to do the investigation to see if these people are qualified. And if they are not sure they are qualified you need to listen enough so you can help them see they are, if that’s the case.
Too many crappy sales people rush in to get the sale and that they slide right past discovery into a presentation. (Yikes -Sales suicide!)
I was recently at a networking event and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I saw a “salesperson” corner a potential prospect, who by the look on his face obviously wanted to escape the moment they entered the trap.
All the clues of desperation were there. Looking at the watch. The body language of trying to squeeze past. The longing glance away for help. The disinterested nods. It was all there.
Yet this sales person didn’t get it. Instead he had even whipped out his phone to share a slide deck on his products I can only imagine what came next was a full presentation on his product line. What the heck? And even beyond what the heck, how does this delusional sales person actually think that he is going to be successful?
Obviously when you are listening you can’t just hear words. You need to be paying attention to everything. Especially look at body language.
And quite frankly had this crummy salesperson been doing that he would have easily seen that this prospect was not a prospect at all. He was a frickin’ prisoner. He was looking for an escape route the entire time, but this sales person was so wrapped up in himself that he couldn’t see how overbearing he was.
Try and listen next time. #douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #salestips #1salestrainer #1salestraining #improveyoursales #sellmore

Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren


Don’t be a script — Be a real person.

If you sound canned, too rehearsed, practiced or like you are performing YOU WILL SUCK. Sales is about connection. If you come with every words and gesture designed you are old school.

I recently watched a sales training video from a guy you all know. If you think about it you’ll know who I’m tlaking about. In the video his hand gestures were so calculated he looked like a robot with a stick up his backside. He was obviously reading from a teleprompter and that made it even more inauthentic. And the crazy thing is this guy is a well-knwn international sales trainer and he’s been doing this for year. Insane!

And if you think that’s bad — so many of the people he trains end up being the same way. Robots impersonating that main robot. Let’s get real for a minute… You wouldn’t by from a robot like that. (Kind of reminds me of a self-checkout. Sure I pay the machine, but the machine didn’t help me buy anything.)

Any ways, we will talk more in detail about this another time. But for today I’m going to suggest if you want to really start to increase your sales you must know your product, service, pricing, competitors and marketplace enough that you can be a real person. (now some of you out there may think I’m suggesting you wing it and you don’t need to prep. If you think that — shame on you. YOU WILL SUCK and then probably try to blame me and this article. Don’t.)

I am not saying don’t prepare or have a game plan. You need that and we will talk about that another time. What I’m saying is cut out this script crap and trying to memorize a prepatterned monolog to throw up all over your prospects. They won’t like it and you won’t like your results.

About DV: Douglas Vermeeren has been selling forever. He cvalls it like it is and gets results. He has been featured on all kinds of media. He is called by many THE Sales Trainer because he is THAT good. He speaks to audiences around the globe and can help you. Nothing else matters.

#douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #1salestrainer #salestraining #selling #makemoresales #dontsuckatselling #DV

Warning: Motivational Speakers Can’t Afford To Make Mistakes

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10X Your Speaking Business Douglas Vermeeren are you right?

Over the last few months Doug Vermeeren have seen that many speaker trainers are starting to appear on the scene, while some of them have some interesting ideas most of them are sharing information that doesn’t work at a high level in todays marketplace. Ideas and concepts such as developing signature speeches, seeking out paid speaking events and so forth are very limited (if they will get you results at all)

The speaking business is undergoing a massive shift right now – simply due to the massive volume of people that are entering the speaking profession. That means that if you want to have a platform or a business you will need to be more valuable than anyone else in todays marketplace.

Those who cannot level up will be natural processes find themselves irrelevant in a hurry.

If you have a brilliant message you owe it to yourself to level up what you do. And that begins with getting better people to teach you. You can’t settle for paying someone who doesn’t have the skills to get you what you need in todays marketplace. Life is too short and you don’t have it to waste on theories that don’t work or tools that are decades old. If you want to become the best you need the best to help you. Good intentions and a heartfelt “speaker trainer” won’t get you there in today’s marketplace.

#10XYourspeakingbusiness #douglasvermeeren #topspeakertraining #speakersuccess #becomeaspeaker