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The Prosperity Consciousness TEST

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The Prosperity Consciousness Test By Douglas Vermeeren

Do you have Prosperity Consciousness?

As I have considered all of the people I have met who have manifested a clear prosperity consciousness I decided to make a list of how they looked at the world and how they thought and acted. I should confess that this is not a complete list. You may even have some of your own to add. 

The following are some of my observations specifically as I interviewed and researched some of the top business leaders and entrepreneurs of our times.

 Perhaps you will find yourself in these reflections. (And if not, maybe you want to consider adopting some of these ideas to widen your personal prosperity consciousness.) It’s my hope that these things will either reenforce the prosperity qualities you already have or inspire you to get to work on creating some you feel might be missing in your life.

Here we go:

  • Prosperity Conscious people look for ways to become more.
  • Prosperity Conscious people resist negative influences.
  • Prosperity Conscious people pay little attention to what others think.
  • Prosperity Conscious people collaborate rather than compete.
  • Prosperity Conscious people look at money as a seed that grows more when planted with care.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are deliberate in their actions.
  • Prosperity Conscious people understand prosperity is not just about money. (They honor all abundance and use all resources with respect.)
  • Prosperity Conscious people act with courage.
  • Prosperity Conscious people deal with risk by getting a better understanding and the support of knowledgable experts.
  • Prosperity Conscious people have a long term perspective.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe abundance is everywhere.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe it is not necessary to knock someone else down in order for them to win.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe wealth comes from systems and connections. (Not through the rat race.)
  • Prosperity Conscious people are not afraid to let go of old ways of thinking or doing.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe that resources follow resourcefulness.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe they have control over their outcomes.
  • Prosperity Conscious people believe they have a choice on what happens in their life.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are learners.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are active.
  • Prosperity Conscious people do not reach abundance by accident. They have plans.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are optimistic.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are on a mission of constant improvement.
  • Prosperity Conscious people celebrate success wherever they find it.
  • Prosperity Conscious people use the power of visualization.
  • Prosperity Conscious people associate with other prosperity conscious people.
  • Prosperity Conscious people understand they choose and create happiness.
  • Prosperity Conscious people understand that a Prosperity Consciousness is learned and must be nurtured to keep.
  • Prosperity Conscious is a result of discipline.
  • Prosperity Conscious people have string self esteem and confidence.
  • Prosperity Conscious people boldly declare wha they want!
  • Prosperity Conscious people have strong degree of willingness!
  • Prosperity Conscious people have faith in the future.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are active decision makers.
  • Prosperity Conscious people look for ways to create income streams.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are problem solvers and solution oriented.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are good team players.
  • Prosperity Conscious people take care of what they already have.
  • Prosperity Conscious people understand that everything they need for abundance can be acquired.
  • Prosperity Conscious people do not wait for perfection to start.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are not threatened by challenges or obstacles.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are not frantic, desperate or discouraged. The trust their destination and keep going.
  • Prosperity Conscious people expect good things.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are eager to try.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are teachable.
  • Prosperity Conscious people practice self care.
  • Prosperity Conscious people build strong support networks.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are enthusiastic.
  • Prosperity Conscious people look to keep things easy and simple.
  • Prosperity Conscious people leave things better than they found them.
  • Prosperity Conscious people take responsibility.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are always looking for ways to increase education and skills.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are persistent.
  • Prosperity Conscious people see prosperity everywhere.
  • Prosperity Conscious people are specific about what they want.
  • Prosperity Conscious people keep prosperity flowing.
  • Prosperity Conscious people treat themselves to experiences that reenforce feelings of prosperity.
  • Prosperity Consciousness is an expanding energy.
  • Prosperity Conscious people see potential for greatness in themselves and others.

Hopefully you have recognized some of these attributes in yourself or at least been inspired to start working on some. Prosperity Consciousness is the beginning of all wealth and abundance in your life. Everything you create in reality begins first in your mind. 


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Hey Everyone ! I want to announce something that will really help anyone wanting to change their financial circumstances. Especially during these challenging times.
As the producer and director of HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS a lot of people have asked me for suggestions on how their thinking can improve their abundance and income. The truth is that thinking won’t do much. It’s only the beginning. YOU ACTUALLY MUST CREATE.
Recently MONEY MAGAZINE rated me as the #1 Passive income coach in the world. The reason was simple: My students make money when they follow my systems.
And I am ready to help you get started with a my new program that has more support than ever before!
I invite you to join me for a weekly step by step support system to start building income streams immediately. I call it the INCOME STREAM CHALLENGE. Each week I am going to give you training, ideas, suggestions and support to build a new income stream.
You’ve heard many people say that the fastest way to learn how to create wealth is to simply take a millionaire out to lunch. There is a lot of value in that, but it is only partially true. Rather than experiencing a big change with just one lunch with a millionaire you need ongoing mentorship, support and training.
This exclusive invitation will open the door to that ongoing support for you to build income streams that will unlock your financial freedom. YOU WILL GET THIS SUPPORT EVERY WEEK! I am going to show you exactly how I did what I did to get to millionaire status and what I am doing today. I am also going to bring some of my wealthy friends as additional support to share with you their ideas. This group will hold you to a higher standard and you will get results!
In addition, everything I share with you will be available to you to rewatch and learn from again and again in a private members only VIP portal.
And the best news of all is that you can access is all for just $9. A very small price to investment to start creating income streams with weekly support. (Cheaper in fact than taking a millionaire to lunch). Click here to learn more about the program.
There’s never been anything like this before. I am going to show you step by step how to do it. And let’s be honest, if you’re not committed enough to your future to invest $9 then I am sorry you’ll never make it happen.
And by the way if you are one of the first 100 to join me I have some additional special gifts that will make this even easier and quicker. I am on a mission to show that my strategies and formulas work better and faster than anything else out there today – let me make you rich and use you as one of my case studies.
Click the above link now to claim your spot!

Congratulations to my UK students!

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#1 passive income coach - student reviews

Congratulations to 5 of my superstar UK students who have now started to live a passive income lifestyle. They are proof that anyone (including you) can do this by following the simple and straight forward strategies designed to create passive or leveraged income. It works and one of the things that will surprise you most is how close you are to creating this kind of freedom in your life. Isn’t it time you got started? #1Passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #millionairementor #entrepreneur #freedom #passiveincomelifestyle #multiplestreamsof income

Why you need passive income – by the #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach 4

Passive Income is supposed to be just that PASSIVE. That means that it does not occupy much of your time once it is set up and running. Can you believe that as I am here snorkelling and finding sea shells I am making money. This is the kind of experience I believe everyone should have. And it’s not that difficult to do if you know the right systems to set up.

Passive income is your ticket to freedom and it is the way that all wealthy people build their fortunes.

No one wealthy trades time for money.

They just don’t do it.

I am just about to launch my newest ebook that will show you how to build passive income in your life. I am excited about this because this book reveals how you can actually create passive income using easy to follow ideas and strategies. In this book I dispel so many of the passive income myths that cause most people to think it’s just too hard. It’s not.

It really easy quite straight forward and there are specific things steps you can take immediately that will make it even easier. Stay tuned and shortly you can get your own copy of this easy to use manual for wealth.

#1passiveincomecoach #passiveincomemillionaire #douglasvermeeren #millionairementor #passiveincomemillionairebook #yourfirstmillion #passiveincome #Freedom #millionairelifestyle #1wealthcoach

#1 Passive Income Coach – Passive Income allows you to seek out Adventure.

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income Coach 3

That was a fun day as I stood for the first time on the Great Wall of China. I never eer thought I would see this place live growing up. It just wasn’t a possibility given the financial circumstances I had come from. We were broke and the closest I ever came to this kind of adventure was borrowing books from teh Public library.
That day however I realized how much Passive Income had changed my life. It literally opened the doors to adventure for me.
Now as I stood on the Great Wall I had another epiphany.
You can see from the picture that The Great Wall goes on for miles and miles, stretching over hills and mountains further than the eye can see. SOme have even said that The Great Wall is the largest manmade object on earth - even visible from outer space.
Here’s the epiphany. As I stood on the Great Wall I looked down a tmy feet and saw that the entire Wall was made up of small bricks. It was then that I realized that the reason why most people never build financial freedom through passive income is that they look for the big payoff. (The Wall) and they neglect how the wall is built. (Small bricks.)
The lesson don’t neglect starting with small passive income streams. Recognize that you will need to build several small streams to create your life of financial freedom.
Passive Income allows you to step out from behind a desk or a job and LIVE! Our planet has so many amazing things to see and do. Most people will never have the chance to explore even a fraction of it.
You don’t want that to be you. Seize the day, embark one the exciting journey which is life! And that opportunity can become your daily life through Passive Income!
#1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #pasiveincomemillionaire #neverworkagain #passiveincomecashflow

Passive Income requires an active beginning – Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income Coach 2

Most people think passive means doing nothing. The truth behind passive income is that it is only created by those who take action and it is maintained by those who implement systems. Passive income works for those who understand how it works. Passive income systems are not accidental and they don’t occur by chance. They originate with a choice and continue grow in exactly the same way.  Get started today!  #1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #makemoremoney #livefree #neverworkagain #passiveincomemillionaire #passiveincomemillionairebook

You can show up how you like

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income Coach quote

I still remember the day I showed at a business meeting in my Ferrari. (This car in the picture is actually not mine – it’s my friend Ryans. And it’s a Lambo for those who know their cars. By the way he makes his money passively too.)

Any ways, I showed up in this meeting in my Ferrari and I was wearing shorts, a t-shirt, flip flops and a baseball cap. It was a big real estate deal and everyone else was in a proper business suit. At first I was uncomfortable because I wasn’t aware that the meeting was going to be so formal. One of the guys beside me sensing I was feeling uncomfortable leaned over simply said, “You can show up in Shorts and a T-shirt or anything else you want when you drive a nice car.” Everyone around the table laughed. I’ll never forget that moment.

And since then I have thought about how having a passive income lets you live the life you want regardless of the setting. The bottom line is when you live with passive income you don’t have the same rules as other people.

#douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #1passiveincomecoach #createpassiveincome #cashflow #passivecashflow #makemoney #ferrari #lamborghini

Never trade your most valuable asset for money – #1 Passive Income Coach

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Douglas Vermeeren # 1 Passive Income CoachAll traditional streams of income require a trade. At the top of the list of things that you are trading is time. Time is your most valuable asset and the one thing you can never replace. Passive Income is the most powerful tools you cancreate to recapture your time and ultimately your life.

Passive income arrives as you understand how to create value or package the value you already have in ways that it can be systematized and leveraged. Most people never take the time to figure this out and as a result they get stuck in the rat race.

Make a commitment today to start leveraging your value in the marketplace.

#Douglasvermeeren #1passiveincomecoach #passiveincome #financialfreedom #getbackyourtime #entrepreneurlife #Millionairelifestyle #passiveincomelifestyle #Passiveincomemillionaire #neverworkagain

Not All Passive Income is created Equal

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income CoachWhen I say that not all Passive Income opportunities are created equal let me explain. First of all, ALL passive income streams have value as long as they are producing cashflow. Cashflow when produced passively is free money. We never want to say no to that. But as you’ve hopefully learned with me by now all passive income streams require some kind of asset to produce the cashflow. Some of those assets have additional benefits. For example, If you have a real estate property that is producing the passive income stream in the form of a renter. You have cash-flow but you also have equity building. That equity is an asset which someone like the bank may look at as security to loan you more money to build more assets. While I make digital courses, ebooks, online funnels etc. They have no equity and therefore cannot be leveraged. All they can do is produce cashflow.

(Now I want to be clear – I am NOT saying don’t build online passive income. In fact, I make a lot of money doing this myself. What I am saying is recognize that different assets have different benefits. I encourage you to diversify in order to expand your empire. If you start online look for ways to expand to assets that will increase your power of leverage.)

Douglas Vermeeren is consider the #1 Passive Income coach today. He appears regularly on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC and others. He is the author of Passive Income Millionaire and Never Work Again. He conducts seminars and trainings to help people just like you develop passive income streams.

#1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #passiveincomelifestyle #neverworkagain #passiveincomemillionaire #money #cashflow

Don’t trade your time for money – Passive income power with Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income Coach.jpg

This is me taking Helicopter lessons. It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t have to be working at a job somewhere. Passive income allows you to do that. If you don’t currently have a passive stream of income (or ideally many passive income streams) you are destined to trade your time for money until you die. (Warren Buffets words not mine :)) Set a goal right now that you will start to develop more passive income streams in your life and escape the system.