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Archive for the ‘prospecting tools for mlm’ Category

Your Highest Value Skill is NOT sales

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Your Highest Value Skill is NOT Sales.

Some business gurus are telling people that they need to develop their Highest Value or most valuable skills.That part is right! You need to focus on the skill that will give you the highest return on your efforts.

What they got wrong is that they are teaching that it is sales. Sales is important, but its not the first step.

Your network is. You can’t sell unless you have someone to sell to. And the level of your network will determine the level of the people who you get to sell to. Lastly I would also suggest that sales is not the most valuable thing your network could offer you either. You will find that networking to sell is the weakest kind of networking. Instead network to find more valuable things. Most of the time in life and business your highest value skills and assets are things that will give you long term returns not a short term sale or commission.

Here are 4 to think about:

1) Support and resources 

Who in your network can help yu with the things you need to grow your business. This can be education and mentorship, financial support, help implementing systems or even introductions to other people. There is truth to the russian proverb which states, “It is better to have a 100 friends than 1000 rubles.”


Most of the big opportunities in my life have come through other people. Some of these opportunities have been to attend or speak at big events, become involved in excellent investment opportunities or attend high level events or meet celebrities. Recently one of my contacts in the UK invited me to have tea at Kensington Palace with the Royals and attend ASCOT. Your best opportunities in life will come through those you know.

3)Team members or business systems

At high level networking events it is not uncommon to meet people with specialized skillset who are very successful at what they do. These opportunities are fantastic occasions to find people, services or systems that you can use to strengthen your own business.

4) Customers (but not in the way you think) 

Low level networkers look for single individual customers — you need to look for people to collaborate with that have large groups of your customers.)

Again sales is an important skill, but it isn’t the one that will create the most wealth or success for you. The skill you need to develop is your ability to build a higher level network.

Hope this is helpful.

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6 Networking mistakes that Business Owners make

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Learn to Sell or Die – Douglas Vermeeren Sales Quote 12

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Douglas Vermeeren quote 12

Your future begins with the actions you are taking right now. #douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #topsalestrainer #1wealthcoach

Douglas Vermeeren shares sales tips from his upcoming book Learn to Sell or Die. These tips are taken from the best practices of top sales people who are serious about growing their sales career and getting to higher results!


Learn to Sell or Die


Written by douglasvermeeren

July 13, 2017 at 10:16 pm

Learn to Sell or Die – Sales tips from Douglas Vermeeren 1

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Douglas Vermeeren Sales quotes 1

Douglas Vermeeren shares sales tips from his upcoming book Learn to Sell or Die. These tips are taken from the best practices of top sales people who are serious about growing their sales career and getting to higher results!

You can’t sell like it’s still 1982

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Times have changes. In fact, they have changed in every industry on the planet. They have changed int he way we communicate and also in terms of what we expect from each other. Recently I had a conversation that led to a sales presentation at a coffee shop. I do this quite often because I want to learn about what’s happening in the world of sales and since I teach sales I want to see regularly what is happening in the marketplace. From time to time I see some awesome ideas and strategies at work. Other times I see some crazy stuff that is basically laughable. This is one of those experiences.


However although at the time to me it was laughable it was also quite tragic because this isn’t the first time I saw this and I fear that it might still be pretty common. I call the approach I’m about to share “selling like it’s ’82” Why? Because this kind of crap actually used to work.

So here’s what happened:

I met this “Flashy” dressed guy at a local networking group. He had a handshake that was a little too excited for my tastes. He expressed interest in me, but honestly I could feel that he was trying to restrain himself from blurting out his pitch. Within seconds everything switched to his excitement about this amazing venture he found. it was changing lives and had scientific data to back it up and everything. Within the three minutes we had together he tried to cover the entire companies history, present, future, founders, marketshare, potential for return and compensation plan. Very overwhelming.  He concluded with an invite to continue the conversation over coffee.

I could tell when I said yes he felt he had qualified me.

When we met he went directly into the presentation and shared with me everything he had ever learned about the company, its directors and every positive testimonial the company had ever received.

Every time I would nod my head he would declare, “See, you get it. Right?”

He attempted several sales tactics that I knew he had learned from their outdated sales materials. He used obvious tie-down questions, yes-frames and standard trial closes. His presentation although glossy didn’t resonate with me and at the end of the meeting he began to push using his approach to why everyone should logically be part of this important and revolutionary crusade. I declined.

And now here we are at this article.

In the 1980’s you could sell if you were slick.

Today requires authenticity.

In the 1980’s you could sell of you were tactic driven.

Today requires relationship before tactics.

In the 1980’s you could be pushy and use hard closes.

Today requires that you recognize that people are intelligent.

Overall it was an interesting experience. I hope for those of you reading this involved in sales you recognize that authenticity, relationship with proper use of tactics and solving real problems that your prospect recognize and want to solve will help you. People do want to buy from good salesmen. What they don’t want is to be sold by a crappy one.

Sales people have a bad reputation. It seems that no matter where you go sales people are interrupting your life to offer you things that you don’t want, need or have an interest in. Their timing is terrible as they show up at your office, on your doorstep or on the phone. Sales people are often seen as scripted robots on a mission to separate your from your cash and often their tactics leaving people feeling cheated or swindled.

If you find yourself nodding along to the sentiments above it might be time to slow down. The truth of the matter is that all people are sales people. You included.

Sales is an essential part of human existence. Sales is often perceived as transactional encounters where people are exchanging money for goods or services. While this is an essential part of sales, (you couldn’t eat without these kind of exchanges) sales is much broader than this limited view.

Sales includes all forms of influence and sharing of ideas. Sales includes even the way we talk to ourselves. (More on that another time.)

So why do we hate sales people so much. Recently I conducted a survey online in the hopes of understanding why we all have such contempt for sales people and for those of us who are dedicated to becoming likeable and trusted sales people what we can do to become more likeable.

douglas-vermeeren-600Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in sales, personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of “Learn to Sell or You’ll die” program which helps you sell more.


Vermeeren is the author of 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and one in the Dummies book series. He is also the creator of the personal development films The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map. Enterprise magazine calls him Canada’s Tony Robbins! He is the regular featured achievement expert on FOX, FOX Business, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC and others.


What does Carla Think about Business Networker?

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What does Carla think about Business Networker? You be the judge. More and more people are coming to use the fastest growing social networking site for Business.

Business Networker is the Premiere networking site for business owners, entrepreneurs and business innovators. Powerful Networking for Powerful People. For a free 30 day trial go to and use access code biznet87194

What does Jim Think about Business Networker?

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Have you started finding your business leads on Business Networker yet? Come by for a free trial.

Business Networker is NOW LIVE!!!!

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Business Networker

Business Networker

Business owners now have an incredible place to connect and do business.If you have a small business, or if you are an entrepreneur or business innovator then you need to check out Business Networker. ( Business Networker is destined to become the top resource for business owners on the internet. Members of the premium community have the opportunity to use customized search engines to find highly targeted leads, the ability to create a store to sell their products or services and even tools to manage contacts and customers quickly and efficiently.

With members across the United States and Canada, Business Networker is quickly expanding its reach and will soon be available in the UK, Australia, South Africa and other parts of the English speaking world.

For more information go to To access a free 30 day trial use the pass code biznet87194

Business Networker Business tips #3

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These business tips are provided as a free service by Business Networker. They will help you with tips, tools and strategies to grow your business. 

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Have you ever wondered why you don’t have more leads?

Here’s the business tip of the week from Business Networker: In this episode Business Networker shares tips on how to make your networking more effective to create better connections and stronger relationships.