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Archive for the ‘10 X your speaking business’ Category

Your Credibility as a Speaker is Weak.

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10X Your speaking business douglas vermeeren credibility.jpg

According to Douglas Vermeeren most speakers don’t fully understand the importance or process of attaining credibility. Most think that what they really need is a unique approach to present and a focus on a signature talk and personal story. While those things are interesting  they are not valuable. They also don’t build massive credibility for your brand.

In other words just telling your story isn’t enough to make you an expert. YOU MUST ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR MARKET AND DELIVER RESULTS DRIVEN VALUE. Ummm… is this important. Why the heck do you think I wrote in in caps??? It is paramount and this is what will separate speakers in the future between those who have careers and those who do it as a hobby. If you want to rise above the chaos that is the speaking business today drop the idea of a signature story making you special and valuable. It’s a lie taught by those who don’t understand the business.

What the industry supports is people who actually add value. You gain this kind of credibility by taking your speaking business seriously enough to invest the effort to understand the marketplace, the content that is occurring in the conversation, to create and think about things in an innovative pioneering way and just get good at working with people. Wow! Why aren’t people doing it?  (lazy? ego based?  unaware? I don’t know possibly all of the above. Most people think that the speaking business is easy money and they aren’t willing to do the work.)

It is work. Get on it.

End rant


10X Your Speaking Business Show – Alex Ford and Technology For Speakers

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10X Your Speaking Business - Douglas Vermeeren Alex ford

Douglas Vermeeren : Get ready for tomorrows show! This is a topic that scares the crap out of so many speakers – Technology! And I have one of the best in the business ALEX FORD to explain how he has helped speakers manage their contacts, develop online programs, reoccurring revenue streams and more! You don’t want to miss this one.

Wednesday morning @9am MST Weekly:…

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Douglas Vermeeren Rated As One Of The Top Speaker Trainers By Huffington Post

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Douglas Vermeeren rated as one of the top speaker trainers by Huffington Post


Douglas Vermeeren excited to have my company 10X Your Speaking Business and myself recognized by the Huffington Post as on of the top speaker training programs today. I must admit that we have worked very hard to become the best and our results are definitely speaking for themselves. We work very hard to make sure that our tools are leading the marketplace and helping speakers create profitable busiensses.

We look at training our speakers very different than others. We not only want you to have practical skills on stage, we believe that you need to understand how to be competitive in todays marketplace. You need to understand the business models available to yo in todays market. You need to know how to get speaking gigs. You need ot know how to create and host your own events. You need to know how to use social media. You need to know how to get attention and so many other improtant skills for a speaking career today.

I am grateful that Huffington Post recognizes how we lead the way and I am excited about what is coming next.
If you are a speaker that wants to really grow your career we want to hear from you.
And here’s a link to the Huffington post article:


Warning: Motivational Speakers Can’t Afford To Make Mistakes

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10X Your Speaking Business Douglas Vermeeren are you right?

Over the last few months Doug Vermeeren have seen that many speaker trainers are starting to appear on the scene, while some of them have some interesting ideas most of them are sharing information that doesn’t work at a high level in todays marketplace. Ideas and concepts such as developing signature speeches, seeking out paid speaking events and so forth are very limited (if they will get you results at all)

The speaking business is undergoing a massive shift right now – simply due to the massive volume of people that are entering the speaking profession. That means that if you want to have a platform or a business you will need to be more valuable than anyone else in todays marketplace.

Those who cannot level up will be natural processes find themselves irrelevant in a hurry.

If you have a brilliant message you owe it to yourself to level up what you do. And that begins with getting better people to teach you. You can’t settle for paying someone who doesn’t have the skills to get you what you need in todays marketplace. Life is too short and you don’t have it to waste on theories that don’t work or tools that are decades old. If you want to become the best you need the best to help you. Good intentions and a heartfelt “speaker trainer” won’t get you there in today’s marketplace.

#10XYourspeakingbusiness #douglasvermeeren #topspeakertraining #speakersuccess #becomeaspeaker

2 Things That Keep Speakers From Sharing Their Message

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10X Your speaking Business douglas Vermeeren inside

Douglas Vermeeren : Have you ever thought about how many brilliant people there are in the world. (And yes, you are one of them) Each of these people has an important and valuable lesson to share and as these message are shared with each other we can create more abundance, prosperity and advancement in every aspect of human happiness and satisfaction.

However there are many who aren’t sharing their message. In my experience there are two reasons

1) Some people are afraid to speak up and let their voice share their expertise. (That’s inside work)

2) People have a message and they aren’t afraid to share it but they are doing it wrong and so they never get noticed. They stay invisible and never find the people that need their message most. (This is outside work)

What’s the difference between inside and outside work?

Inside work is generally stuff that the individual needs to sort out. Yes, they can get help but it really is stuff they need to overcome.

Outside work is different. That’s the stuff that they can really only fix if they will get help from others like a mentor, coach or support group. Outside work is generally needed when someone has tried everything they know and still gets poor results. Outside work only improves as the individual is confident enough to ask for help and seek out people who can help them be more effective.

#douglasvermeeren #10XYourspeakingBusiness #speaking #topspeakertraining #becomeaspeaker #publicspeaking

Is The Public Speaking Dead?

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Is public speaking as a business dead?

by Douglas Vermeeren 10X Your Speaking Business

For the last two decades I have been a public speaker. I have seen a lot of changes and most prominently I have seen many new speakers arrive on the scene with the intention to create a massive business sharing their expertise.
More often than not they fail.

This makes me ask: Is public speaking as a business dead or dying?

As I have carefully considered this question and looked at the complete landscape of what is really going on in this highly saturated industry of speaking, coaching, mentoring and personal development in general I have an answer to this question:

The old way of building this business is dying.

While those who understand the nuances of today’s marketplace are not only thriving but building incredible 7 & 8 figure businesses.

If I were summarize a few of the differences between the dying and thriving it would be as simple as this:

The dying are relying on an old model of the speaking business. In other words they are focusing on creating signature speeches, speaking for a fee and doing as many speeches as they possibly can. The thriving understand that building a brand is important and real authentic connection with the audience trumps signature speeches every time.

The dying are always on the hunt for the next event to get in front of an audience.
The thriving understand the platforms available to them to create audiences around them and their content. They understand that once they find their vibe they earn their tribe.

The dying take out ads and do posts on social media focused on telling about themselves and their many accomplishments, constantly inviting you to events or buy products and promoting their latest greatest whatever it is.The thriving understand that today’s market place is value content and relationship driven. The more you give away the more likely you are to attract people who want to learn more.

The dying also don’t understand the important of building relationships with the power players in the business and that reputation helps create brand. The thriving understand that relationships with high level experts is available to them and they understand how to create synergy with people that matter. The dying don’t have a game plan and they often fly by the seat of their pants, taking whatever speaking gigs come their way.

The thriving understand that a business strategy is essential to success in the speaking business and saying no to events that don’t serve your bran is one of the best things you can do.
Anyways, there are a few thoughts for now.

End Rant.10X Your Speaking Business Douglas Vermeeren are you right?

Are You Building Your Speaking Business Correctly?

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Are you building your speaking business correctly?
By Douglas Vermeeren 10X Your Speaking Business

10X Your Speaking Business Douglas Vermeeren are you right?

Over the last 2 decades Douglas Vermeeren have had a chance to seriously observe hundreds of speakers emerging in todays marketplace. Some of them have been quite successful and other seemed to struggle along or quickly became stagnant ed in their career. The vast majority fall into the second category.

The majority of speakers struggle to build their businesses and find more opportunities to speak. As a result they also seem to be on the brink of financial struggle all the time.

As most speakers claim to teach and share tools that are supposed to improve your situation I would say that this failure of their own constitutes a massive failure.

The failing however upon close examination isn’t always connected to their content or their ability to deliver it from the stage. Many of these failing speakers are excellent speakers and have great content.

The challenge comes down to how they’ve structured (or technically not structured) their speaking business. They lack the elements to make their speaking business work.

And there isn’t really anywhere for them to learn this. I have been involved in most of the professional associations for speakers and it’s not there. It’s basically broke speakers teaching other speakers how to do the same.

It is for this reason that Doug Vermeeren created 10X Your Speaking Business. While this article isn’t about me I should tell you why I’m qualified to create such a program:

In my first 6 months as a speaker I create a 7 figure business and have never looked back.

I have joint ventured and created projects where some of the top speakers in the business have supported me. I am the producer of 3 of the top 10 personal development movies of all time. (With support from Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, John Demartini, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Marie Diamond, John Gray, Bob Doyle, Morris Goodman, Mary Morrissey and many other top thought leaders.)

I know the formula for creating products, workshops and trainings that sell.

I have spoken to audiences all around the world. I was even awarded the distinction of youngest Visiting professor at the Wu Zhai University in China. I regularly speak today on nearly every continent on the globe. (The only ones I’ve missed are really bizarre – like who wants to speak in Antarctica?)

Those that have used my tools have exponentially grown their speaking business. I have students that range from beginning speakers all the way to well known celebrities. I have taught (and still teach) Olympians, movie starts, top musicians, business leaders and my favourite speakers with a brilliant message.

If you are ready to get your speaking business figured out correctly I look forward to having a conversation with you. Here’s a link for some free resources to get you started

Feel free to reach out to me to connect


Come Join Us For The Weekly 10X Your Speaking Business Show

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10X Your Speaking Business Douglas Vermeeren Episode 2

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Les Brown & Douglas Vermeeren in London

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Les Brown & Douglas Vermeeren coming to London! By Toni Charmaine

Les Brown Douglas Vermeeren 10x Your Speaking Business

Les Brown is know around the world as the king of motivation, the motivational master and an all around powerhouse! Douglas Vermeeren is known as the Speaking Business Multiplier and arguably the most powerful speaker trainer around. Thy will be together on stage in London, UK this November to present an incredible never before seen program.
Now we understand that normally these kinds of events are sold to the public on a campaign of over hyped promises, cliched pizzazz words and bold declarations of your new life to come. (Perhaps the overuse of these strategies has made so few of them effective in todays marketplace.) Maybe you will even see that kind of marketing appear from some of the partners and affiliates flogging tickets online. You probably will.

Douglas Vermeeren 10X Your Speaking Business Les Brown
But I want to take a different approach and look at these two individuals as people who actually have value and are real humans who can make a difference in your life. In other words I want to push aside all the hype and get real authentic.


Les Brown is a genuinely nice guy. He cares about those he speaks to. He has been through many difficult situaitons in his life and by cultivating a belief in himself he has been able to rise above his challenges and stay motivated in his own life. He has a gift of being able to help people through similar difficulties. In my opinion he is different than many motivational speakers in the simple sense that he does not point you to himself as the source for your answers. Instead he helps you draw upon yourself and the brilliance that we often forget is within us. For this reason alone I recommend this event.


Douglas Vermeeren is another individual I say spearates himself from the pack through his authenticity. He too, has had his share of troubles and has risen above them. His focus one this event is not to motivate however. He has his own speciality. He believes in the power and messages of others and he is there to help them bring their message to the world through public speaking. His company 10X Your Speaking Business has a simple mission statement: Help you share your brilliance and your story.
In todays marketplace it is very easy for those in personal development or the motivation space to lose touch with their audience and the “Service” approach. These two speakers have demonstrated in fact, that service-first pays the biggest dividends.

If you are interested to attend this event in London, UK Nov 12 be sure to check out the website for more details on how you can register:

Are You an Authentic Speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business

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Are you an authentic speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

Ar eyou an authentic speaker? 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

How important is authenticity in public speaking? It didn’t used to be. What used to be important was delivering a “signature” speech and prepared and scripted power point . The information to be shared was the most important. Perhaps you’ve even heard the saying content is KING. Well, not any more.

The most important aspect a speaker can master in todays marketplace is connection and engagement.

Don’t believe me take a look at the social media world (which is a reflection of how conversations take place in real life and how brands are built today.) With the advent of the internet information has reached a point of oversaturation. We have more information and content than we could ever hope to consume in our lifetime. What people are seeking now is to receive that information from those who can show us how to use it in authentic and valuable ways.

In other words what we want is connection. We need to connect with the messenger and we need to see how the content connects to us. Which is also the job of the messenger.

Share your thoughts… Am I wrong?

End rant