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Archive for September 2018

Entrepreneur Lesson 2 – Not all work is created equal

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Entrepreneur Academy Douglas Vermeeren 2

Entrepreneur Lesson 2 - Not all work is created equal

You’ve heard it a million times - Work Smarter not harder. The problem is most people think they are already working as smartly as they can. You’ve also heard the cry to take MASSIVE ACTION and that those who take action will win today! Partly true. When you put these two concepts together you will see that taking deliberate massive action is actually what you what. I don’t want you tell you to get busy I want you to get productive. There’s a massive difference.

Aside from the from the importance of understanding that not all work is created equal it is essential that you understand there are two kinds of work. 1) Functional work

2)Vital work

I  am indebted to my friend Daniel Priestly who uses these terms.

Functional work can be best described as work that must get done to make your company work. Systems, processes and procedures that gets your product or service into the hands of your customers. Most of the time this work can and should be delegated or outsourced. Many entrepreneurs stay broke because they remain as workers or technicians within their businesses doing this kind of thing. Often its very time consuming and keeps you from the more important work.

Which is the vital work:

Vital work is best described as the life force and the irreplaceable part of your business. You are the leadership behind the company and lead its purpose. You do so with power, purpose and passion. Your work and actions are deliberate and focused on guiding the business to growth, profit and reputation.

While both kinds of this work are essential to business success the best entrepreneurs understand that you need to delegate as much of the functional work as you can effectively do. And your time needs to be spent more in the vital work areas. As you move to higher levels of irreplaceability and creating a better experience for those in your company and those who do business with your company you will see everything expand.

Too many entrepreneurs forget that one of the key definitions of entrepreneur is to be a visionary. You can create a lead a vision if you are lost in too many functional tasks.

Douglas Vermeeren is the founder of the Entrepreneur Academy. After interviewing more than 400 of the worlds top achievers he has become known as the Modern Day Napoleon HIll. Many of these top achievers are now faculty members at the Entrepreneur Academy and can help you grow your business to higher and more profitable levels.

Are you waiting for perfection? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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Douglas Vermeeren Personal Power MAstery 194

Too often people in life and business wait for everything to be just right before they get started. As a result they do nothing. You can’t wait for perfection. You must start with what you have and start where you are. You can always make adjustments once you have momentum. Even the most successful platforms in the world today are constantly making adjustments and improvements. (Think of how often your computer asks you to update for an example.) Don’t wait until you have things perfect, get started with something that is functional. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #PPM #entrepreneuracademy #entreprenurs #businessleaders #entrepreneurmindset