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Posts Tagged ‘success

Authenticity – what does that really mean? Personal Power Mastery minute – Douglas Vermeeren

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Authenticity isn’t about getting to do what you want. It’s about discovering your highest values and living within the boundaries of those values. Too often the declaration “I’ve got to be me.” leads to short sighted choices based on immediate gratification. This will never provide lasting happiness or produce the best consequences. Take time to discover your values and create consequences that will support them.

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Personal Power Mastery minute – Your future is determined by what you do NOW!

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Often times people talk about how they would like their life and future to look. Where things go amiss is when they fail to connect that future with the present. The key to creating a better future is to decide what you will do today to bring that future. Decisions are the hinge that either make or break the connection to your ideal future. But too often people make their decisions based on what they are currently experiencing rather than what they want. Decisions create future, not the present. You are already in the present.

So next time you say “I can’t because of… (lack of money, lack of connection to people, opportunities, things, knowledge, etc.) recognize that the only thing that can possibly change your future is to simply DO IT anyways.

Your decisions of today are the only thing that will give you something better tomorrow.

A decision now may require you to stretch and grow. But one thing is certain if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you’ve always gotten. Nothing will change. You can’t repeat the same patterns and expect different results.

If you want more money = you must make a new decision.

If you want more opportunity = you must make a new decision.

If you want better relationships = you must make a new decision.

All things can be improved and changed for the better if you decide. Decisions lead lives.

What will you decide today?

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What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you. Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.) He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide. He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

As simple strategy to create more success! By Douglas Vermeeren

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As people it is our human nature to select the activities and habits in our life to lead with our highest values. One of the disappointments that we create for ourselves is that we try to fool ourselves into chasing and pursuing things that don’t matter to us at deepest levels. We often pursue the wrong things because we take messages from those around us or the media as to what we are told we should enjoy and appreciate. Authenticity to our highest values will create results and happiness.

This can be seen in immediate gratification choices too. People grab what they think they want in the short term rather than what they really value in the long term.

Immediate gratification choices rarely add to our satisfaction in the long term. Most of the time they actually create regrets. They are generally based on what we value in the short term rather than support our long term vision of who we want to be and what we want to have. Those are long term decisions.

Most powerful opportunities and moments of greatness appear as people focus on sticking close tot heir long term values.

Make some decisions today that will allow you to identify your long term values as they manifest themselves each day as the decisions that you need to make. If you decide before the moment of decision arrives you will begin to see greater success!

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Entrepreneur Lesson 2 – Not all work is created equal

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Entrepreneur Lesson 2 - Not all work is created equal

You’ve heard it a million times - Work Smarter not harder. The problem is most people think they are already working as smartly as they can. You’ve also heard the cry to take MASSIVE ACTION and that those who take action will win today! Partly true. When you put these two concepts together you will see that taking deliberate massive action is actually what you what. I don’t want you tell you to get busy I want you to get productive. There’s a massive difference.

Aside from the from the importance of understanding that not all work is created equal it is essential that you understand there are two kinds of work. 1) Functional work

2)Vital work

I  am indebted to my friend Daniel Priestly who uses these terms.

Functional work can be best described as work that must get done to make your company work. Systems, processes and procedures that gets your product or service into the hands of your customers. Most of the time this work can and should be delegated or outsourced. Many entrepreneurs stay broke because they remain as workers or technicians within their businesses doing this kind of thing. Often its very time consuming and keeps you from the more important work.

Which is the vital work:

Vital work is best described as the life force and the irreplaceable part of your business. You are the leadership behind the company and lead its purpose. You do so with power, purpose and passion. Your work and actions are deliberate and focused on guiding the business to growth, profit and reputation.

While both kinds of this work are essential to business success the best entrepreneurs understand that you need to delegate as much of the functional work as you can effectively do. And your time needs to be spent more in the vital work areas. As you move to higher levels of irreplaceability and creating a better experience for those in your company and those who do business with your company you will see everything expand.

Too many entrepreneurs forget that one of the key definitions of entrepreneur is to be a visionary. You can create a lead a vision if you are lost in too many functional tasks.

Douglas Vermeeren is the founder of the Entrepreneur Academy. After interviewing more than 400 of the worlds top achievers he has become known as the Modern Day Napoleon HIll. Many of these top achievers are now faculty members at the Entrepreneur Academy and can help you grow your business to higher and more profitable levels.

Are you waiting for perfection? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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Too often people in life and business wait for everything to be just right before they get started. As a result they do nothing. You can’t wait for perfection. You must start with what you have and start where you are. You can always make adjustments once you have momentum. Even the most successful platforms in the world today are constantly making adjustments and improvements. (Think of how often your computer asks you to update for an example.) Don’t wait until you have things perfect, get started with something that is functional. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #PPM #entrepreneuracademy #entreprenurs #businessleaders #entrepreneurmindset

What do you value? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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As people it is our human nature to select the activities and habits in our life to lead with our highest values. One of the disappointments that we create for ourselves is that we try to fool ourselves into chasing and pursuing things that don’t matter to us at deepest levels. We often pursue the wrong things because we take messages from those around us or the media as to what we are told we should enjoy and appreciate. Authenticity to our highest values will create results and happiness. This can be seen in immediate gratification choices too. People grab what they think they want in the short term rather than what they really value in the long term. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #success #goalsetting #personaldevelopmentDouglas Vermeren Personal Power MAstery 189

Are you too perfect for success? Personal Power Mastery minute with Douglas Vermeeren

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Most people never create the successes they want in life because they play safe and except perfection. They spend too much time trying to get it perfect and miss out of the essential opportunities to make massive progress. Make a commitment to yourself today that once you decide what you want you take action because even mistakes and failures will move you closer to your goals. Boldness has power! And most mistakes and failure contain the knowledge, power and seeds for the successes you want to create in the future. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermasteryDouglas Vermeeren Personal Power MAStery 181

Your future may be in jeopardy – Personal Power Mastery Minute with Douglas Vermeeren

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Too many people don’t take time to consider how their decisions and actions in the present create their future. They also don’t understand that positive results are not the only option. It is possible (and for most people common) to create negative or constricting futures because of weak or poor choices in the present. Don’t make decisions based on scarcity or what you see in the present. Make your decisions and actions conform to what you want and who you want to become. Even if you can’t see the way in the present your deliberate actions will start opening the doors to the future you want. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #PPMDouglas Vermeeren - Personal Power Mastery 180

Why do most entrepreneurs fail? Personal Power Mastery minute – Douglas Vermeeren

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Most people can come up with great ideas and are extremely creative. I am one of those people and I see others like me everywhere I go. Until I learned that the rewards are in being bold, taking action and then finishing the job (or hiring others to help you finish the job) you will never create massive success. What can you do today to start, keep going and finish at a level of competence? That’s where the real rewards are!!! #personalpowermastery #douglasvermeeren #ppmDouglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery 177

Personal Power Mastery Podcast now on iTunes!

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This is just a quick to let everyone know that the Personal Power Mastery Podcast is now available on iTunes. We broadcast every week and the episodes explore in detail some of the lessons and strategies that I discovered first hand in interviews with many of the worlds top achievers. Here’s a link to check it out: