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HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS – Was The Secret wrong ?!?!?

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How thoughts Become Things poster

A brand new film called HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS shed new light on several of the ideas and concepts that were shared in the 2006 Law of Attraction film The Secret. The Secret was an international global phenomenon that inspired people everywhere to activate something called the law of attraction in their lives. The concept was simple Thoughts Become Things and the universe responds to our feelings on a level of frequency and vibration. Many people scoffed at the idea while other embraced it as a new way of being.

Over a decade later the film HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS is ready to answer the questions left behind from The Secret. In this effort to set the record straight some of the new revelations around the power of thought, the law of attraction, the role of emotions, overcoming negative thinking and quantum physics will astound you. Some of what you thought you understood on this subject will cause you to rethink what you have previously believed. In HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS you will discover the process of HOW your thoughts develop and create your reality. You will also discover the process of BECOMING which refers to the changes that proper and empowered thinking can bring into your life.

Featured in this film are several returning starts from the film THE SECRET and several new additions who will add much to the conversation.

This film features Bob Proctor, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Marie Diamond, Denis Waitley, Bob Doyle, Douglas Vermeeren, Travis Fox, Meagan Fettes, Karen Perkins and Marina Bruni.

Here are few thoughts from the film:

Emotion is what is creating your life. You cannot create without emotion. – Joe Vitale

Scarcity thinking is manifest in jealousy, comparison, Competition, Criticism and complaining.  If you want to improve your situation you need to let go of scarcity thinking. – Douglas Vermeeren

 Sometimes people are afraid to think differently than their families, their friends, their neighbours or their colleagues  because then they will stand out.  And if they stand out they could be left out.  – Marie Diamond

What you believe to be true is true for you. But it’s not necessarily based on reality.            – Dr. Karen Perkins

Some people think that to make the law of attract work, to be able to create a life you love that you can never have a negative thought and that’s just not true. – Bob Doyle

There’s a huge difference between having thoughts and thinking. Thinking involves higher cortical functions of the brain, whereas thoughts, they’re just there. They’re random. Some make sense, some don’t . Our job then is to be aware of the thoughts.          – John Assaraf

Thinking is in my opinion the highest thinking that we are capable of. The problem is that most people do not think. Although its the highest function we are capable of very few people do it. – Bob Proctor

If we look around us pretty much everybody is on automatic pilot. Most of the time. Unless you have very good control of your thoughts, unless you are very intentional. – Marina Bruni

Reality is different for every human being.  Because reality is based on what we perceive we’ve heard from our family and from our environment and what it means to us.               -Denis Waitley

Our thoughts become things. And our inner most dominant thought becomes our outer most tangible reality. Whatever you think about most you bring about most in life.             – John Demartini



Do something NEW! Replace something OLD!

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Douglas Vermeeren - Stop old

What are you hanging on to that is keeping you from getting to a new future you’d prefer? You can’t fill the space if there’s something already in place. Take a more careful loo at the thoughts, activities, behaviour and habits that you have allowed to block out the better choices that you really want.


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Personal Power Mastery minute – Your future is determined by what you do NOW!

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Douglas Vermeeren - Personal Power Mastery 180

Often times people talk about how they would like their life and future to look. Where things go amiss is when they fail to connect that future with the present. The key to creating a better future is to decide what you will do today to bring that future. Decisions are the hinge that either make or break the connection to your ideal future. But too often people make their decisions based on what they are currently experiencing rather than what they want. Decisions create future, not the present. You are already in the present.

So next time you say “I can’t because of… (lack of money, lack of connection to people, opportunities, things, knowledge, etc.) recognize that the only thing that can possibly change your future is to simply DO IT anyways.

Your decisions of today are the only thing that will give you something better tomorrow.

A decision now may require you to stretch and grow. But one thing is certain if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you’ve always gotten. Nothing will change. You can’t repeat the same patterns and expect different results.

If you want more money = you must make a new decision.

If you want more opportunity = you must make a new decision.

If you want better relationships = you must make a new decision.

All things can be improved and changed for the better if you decide. Decisions lead lives.

What will you decide today?

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What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you. Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.) He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide. He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

Personal Power Mastery Minute – Are you in flow for success?

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All growth requires your expansion. If you want better relationships, more abundance, bigger results at work or in your business… or whatever it is you are looking to grow and improve it’s going to start with you. You can’t expand what is around you until you are bigger and better. Growth requires new perspectives, new skills and new understanding. Positive change is always a result of positive preparation.

If you think about it its pretty obvious to see the importance of expansion. Even the universe is in a constant state of expansion and has been since the beginning of the Big Bang. Anything that is not expanding is by nature contracting and as a result fighting against the entire universe.

In other words, when we hold back from growth and expansion we are in fact fighting against the entire universe. Expansion is the direction for everything. Are you in line with the movement?

I hope so. It is a decision to do so. It has been interesting to observe that both expansion and contraction take work. There is a significant amount of effort required to dig in your heels and resist growth. It is not easy to stay the same in a world that is ever changing. But some people choose to stay put.

As a result they end up doing more work and fighting an uphill battle more frequently. We all know people who end up repeating serious life lessons again and again because they refuse to learn. We have all seen people in financial or relationship troubles because they keep repeating poor patterns without improvement. These same people often seek out immediate gratification (with no long term benefits or power) or they would prefer to relax and lazily watch others progress.

Expansion and growth on the other hand open doors of possibility. Yes, there is work involved. But it is easier because you moving with the flow rather than against it.

So here’s the question, What are you doing today to expand?

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As simple strategy to create more success! By Douglas Vermeeren

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As people it is our human nature to select the activities and habits in our life to lead with our highest values. One of the disappointments that we create for ourselves is that we try to fool ourselves into chasing and pursuing things that don’t matter to us at deepest levels. We often pursue the wrong things because we take messages from those around us or the media as to what we are told we should enjoy and appreciate. Authenticity to our highest values will create results and happiness.

This can be seen in immediate gratification choices too. People grab what they think they want in the short term rather than what they really value in the long term.

Immediate gratification choices rarely add to our satisfaction in the long term. Most of the time they actually create regrets. They are generally based on what we value in the short term rather than support our long term vision of who we want to be and what we want to have. Those are long term decisions.

Most powerful opportunities and moments of greatness appear as people focus on sticking close tot heir long term values.

Make some decisions today that will allow you to identify your long term values as they manifest themselves each day as the decisions that you need to make. If you decide before the moment of decision arrives you will begin to see greater success!

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You can’t hit a target you can’t define – Personal Power Mastery with Douglas Vermeeren

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Most people have a hard time creating success because they never consider what success really looks like for them. Without a clue of what it looks like they lack a direction of what to do first to get there. And even if they happen to start down a correct path they have no idea what to improve or adjust along the way. You’ve probably heard the saying that a problem well defined is already half solved, The same is true in success. If you really know what you want half the challenge of creating it will be solved and you can more easily recognize what you need to do to make it happen. Take some time today to think more carefully about what you really want and don’t just passively wait and watch for things to happen. #personalpowermastery #ppm #douglasvermeeren #success #achiewvement #goalssetting


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How to get to high levels of success – Personal Power Mastery minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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High levels of success require the support of a team. But a team requires the vision of a committed and dedicated leader. The idea that a solopreneur can create massive success by themselves is incorrect. It has never happened on a major scale. In order to reach higher, further and do it faster you will need the expertise, effort and insights of others. You can’t possibly do it alone. So the question is how will you find and inspire those people to get behind your vision? The answer get committed to one. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #ppm #success #enterpreneurship #commitment #goalsetting

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What do you value? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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As people it is our human nature to select the activities and habits in our life to lead with our highest values. One of the disappointments that we create for ourselves is that we try to fool ourselves into chasing and pursuing things that don’t matter to us at deepest levels. We often pursue the wrong things because we take messages from those around us or the media as to what we are told we should enjoy and appreciate. Authenticity to our highest values will create results and happiness. This can be seen in immediate gratification choices too. People grab what they think they want in the short term rather than what they really value in the long term. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #success #goalsetting #personaldevelopmentDouglas Vermeren Personal Power MAstery 189

Won’t you be successful? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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What you tell yourself about your ability to succeed goes a long ways to either creating or extinguishing your success. If you say that you can’t without even trying it is a lie! Most of the time when people say they can’t they are believing a lie. If there’s one thing that I’ve seen often is that people quickly say can’t because they don’t think they have the skills (or access to other people who have the skills that can help then.) A limited view always creates limited activity which naturally created very limited results. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #PPM #Success #quotes #successquotes #personaldevelopment

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Your future may be in jeopardy – Personal Power Mastery Minute with Douglas Vermeeren

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Too many people don’t take time to consider how their decisions and actions in the present create their future. They also don’t understand that positive results are not the only option. It is possible (and for most people common) to create negative or constricting futures because of weak or poor choices in the present. Don’t make decisions based on scarcity or what you see in the present. Make your decisions and actions conform to what you want and who you want to become. Even if you can’t see the way in the present your deliberate actions will start opening the doors to the future you want. #douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #PPMDouglas Vermeeren - Personal Power Mastery 180