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Posts Tagged ‘success thoughts

What are people Saying about the new movie HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS? — A few reviews

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What are people Saying about the new movie HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS? — A few reviews

Did you hear what people are saying about this extraordinary movie? If you haven’t seen it yet — you must! www.HOWTHOUGHTSBECOMETHINGS.COM

“The movie “How Thoughts Become Things” is a must see for everyone! The many powerful statements remind us of just how valuable and powerful our thoughts are. The movie shares valuable and life changing information that every viewer can benefit from in multiple areas of their life as well as affect how they impact those around them. I am so grateful to Doug and his associates for greeting such a masterpiece.” — Paula Vail owner of wellnessinspired and host of “Elevating Your Life”

“How Thoughts Become Things” is a movie for anyone looking to grow personally to a higher level of thinking. It’s applicable and tangible advice from both established names in the personal development industry with some newer faces adds genuine value to the subject as a whole. My favorite takeaway from this movie is to better manage toxic people instead of just avoiding them altogether. 7 out of 5 stars! — Dom Brightmon, Going North

The movie “How Thoughts Become Things” is very well layed out from the beginning about thoughts and concepts, then holding the vision of desires and into execution and taking action to manifest those thoughts. These principles should be taught in our school systems. The information in this documentary, would make for a fantastic book that can be used in academia. People from all around the wold are opening up to these creative principals. – BRAD MagicBrad GUDIM Synergy Ventures LLC

I throughly enjoyed watching ‘How Thoughts Become Things’ as it helped me to reinforce teachings that I have seeded into the lives of my five precious children. I learned so much about myself and the world around me and I was able to shift my perspective. This movie added such value to my life firing a time when the world stood still with so much fear and panic, it gave me an opportunity to reconnect with myself and family in such a deeply profound way.

I highly recommend that you watch this movie because it’ll totally transform your perspective in life no matter how much you May feel that you May already know.

  • Sabrina Ben Salmi Co-founder of SARVA, multiple award winning author, Business/Personal Development Consultant and Podcast Host

HOW thoughts BECOME things… notice the two words that are capitalized. Douglas Vermeeren explained this in a way to really grasp the entire concept of the film. It is the HOW and BECOME that are the key focus. It is truly exciting when one can master their present thoughts and comprehend HOW your thoughts ultimately manifest or create what you BECOME. Through continuous repetition of the concepts and learning more from those whom have mastered the art of thought creation, I have been able to reshape, or as they say in the movie, reprogram my brain, to put me on the right path to attain everything that I want from life. Really understanding how my conscious and subconscious thoughts are creating my reality has been a great awakening for me, and I can’t wait to learn more and share this with the rest of the world! — Kristi Maggio (Radio & TV Host of What’s Up Punta Cana!)

The film was inspirational and insightful and made me realize want you can achieve with just the power of Thought.This film will when watched will release endless possibilities to improve you and your business.

I highly recommend it 5–5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟- Mark Antony Raines, Ghostman Radio Station

I had the opportunity to view Doug Vermeeren’s latest film where he uncovers secrets from some of the world’s top achievers. Doug recognized the things that we can learn from others that can change our lives. We all are programmed by what we read and experience, so it is critical to surround ourselves with people and ideas that help us strive to reach our full potential. These and other valuable lessons can be gleaned by the film.

— Dr. Diane Hamilton, CEO at Tonerra, Creator of the Curiosity Code Index, Nationally Syndicated Radio Show Host — Take the Lead with Dr. Diane Hamilton

“Before watching How Thoughts Become Things, I thought why am I watching this as I have been studying this stuff for like forever? I found out quickly this movie is like no other movie ever produced in evoking deeper consideration of truly how your thoughts become things. Every single speaker gave me insights into how to sharpen my focus for manifestation and what is really happening when thoughts become things in a way that never has been taught to me in my over 20 years in metaphysics. Doug is a master of capturing the best information to support others and making it much more useful for anyone willing to employ these teachings!!” — Daniel John Hanneman — Host of Spiritual Rockstar Podcast Show

“How Thoughts Become Things is different. This is a Must See EXPERIENCE. It is truly transformative and a major benefit to every one who utilizes, internalizes, and leverages these vital practices, tips, and tools. The (R(Evolution is HERE! BRAVO to Douglas and the TEAM.” – Barry Shore, The Joy of Living Institute

“Way beyond The Secret. It lays things out so clearl!” -Psychic Spectrum Radio 1150 KKNW AM Satellite 98.5

“A perfect 5 Stars! — Entrepreneur Success Magazine

“The most powerful personal development film since the Secret!” – Law of Attraction Radio

What are your thoughts on the film?

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HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS – Was The Secret wrong ?!?!?

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How thoughts Become Things poster

A brand new film called HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS shed new light on several of the ideas and concepts that were shared in the 2006 Law of Attraction film The Secret. The Secret was an international global phenomenon that inspired people everywhere to activate something called the law of attraction in their lives. The concept was simple Thoughts Become Things and the universe responds to our feelings on a level of frequency and vibration. Many people scoffed at the idea while other embraced it as a new way of being.

Over a decade later the film HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS is ready to answer the questions left behind from The Secret. In this effort to set the record straight some of the new revelations around the power of thought, the law of attraction, the role of emotions, overcoming negative thinking and quantum physics will astound you. Some of what you thought you understood on this subject will cause you to rethink what you have previously believed. In HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS you will discover the process of HOW your thoughts develop and create your reality. You will also discover the process of BECOMING which refers to the changes that proper and empowered thinking can bring into your life.

Featured in this film are several returning starts from the film THE SECRET and several new additions who will add much to the conversation.

This film features Bob Proctor, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Marie Diamond, Denis Waitley, Bob Doyle, Douglas Vermeeren, Travis Fox, Meagan Fettes, Karen Perkins and Marina Bruni.

Here are few thoughts from the film:

Emotion is what is creating your life. You cannot create without emotion. – Joe Vitale

Scarcity thinking is manifest in jealousy, comparison, Competition, Criticism and complaining.  If you want to improve your situation you need to let go of scarcity thinking. – Douglas Vermeeren

 Sometimes people are afraid to think differently than their families, their friends, their neighbours or their colleagues  because then they will stand out.  And if they stand out they could be left out.  – Marie Diamond

What you believe to be true is true for you. But it’s not necessarily based on reality.            – Dr. Karen Perkins

Some people think that to make the law of attract work, to be able to create a life you love that you can never have a negative thought and that’s just not true. – Bob Doyle

There’s a huge difference between having thoughts and thinking. Thinking involves higher cortical functions of the brain, whereas thoughts, they’re just there. They’re random. Some make sense, some don’t . Our job then is to be aware of the thoughts.          – John Assaraf

Thinking is in my opinion the highest thinking that we are capable of. The problem is that most people do not think. Although its the highest function we are capable of very few people do it. – Bob Proctor

If we look around us pretty much everybody is on automatic pilot. Most of the time. Unless you have very good control of your thoughts, unless you are very intentional. – Marina Bruni

Reality is different for every human being.  Because reality is based on what we perceive we’ve heard from our family and from our environment and what it means to us.               -Denis Waitley

Our thoughts become things. And our inner most dominant thought becomes our outer most tangible reality. Whatever you think about most you bring about most in life.             – John Demartini



Waking up just 30 minutes earlier gives you an edge – Personal Power Mastery minute

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Douglas Vermeeren - Personal Power MAstery 158As I studied the daily patterns of the most successful people in the world I wasn’t surprised to find this one. Are you getting started early in the day or do you like to sleep in as long as possible? Or maybe you just like a few extra minutes…Maybe its time for a shift? #personalpowermastery #PPM #douglasvermeeren #EARLYSTART

How you start the day often determines the kind of day you will have. Too often average people look for how they can hold back and relax. They assume that a few extra minutes in bed will make their day more relaxed and less stress. The opposite is actually true. By holding back and staying in bed a little longer you actually are creating more stress as it now becomes necessary to spend the day catching up.

You’ll find even waking up an extra 30 minutes earlier will give you the advantage of sorting out your day and getting things off on the right foot. Start in control and you’ll find you stay in control.

30 minutes may not seem like much but in the overall scheme of things it is often just enough to allow you to take control of your morning rather than have you respond and rush to take care of everything that you need to do.

There’s an old saying that successful people do that which is hard first, so they can do that which is difficult later. Broke and broken people take the easy route first and in the end get stuck with everything that is hard.

Make a choice now that you get the days tougher things behind you first. And for some the toughest is simply to roll out of bed and get started.

One final observation: Momentum is a key factor to getting out of bed. Like everyone else I know it can be hard to wake up. (Especially when I’m teaching a seminar in a location that has a different time zone than my own. My UK seminars start at 9am their time – 2 am my time. That means my day often starts at midnight when I am over there. It’s not always easy to get out of bed at that hour. Especially when you throw in the airplanes trips and the rest.) However the one thing I have learned is that the key is momentum. Create it before you feel like. Get moving and you will start moving.

When you get started early you’ll find that you will have plenty of time for rest later. And there is a peace that comes from knowing that the hard stuff is behind you.

Wishing you success,



What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

douglas Vermeeren cover shot

Your life is your own fault – The power of thoughts – Personal Power Mastery

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Douglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery 152Recently I had a lady at one of my events express how she just had a massive a-ha moment occur. For the first time she realized how her thoughts literally had created her life. Now for some this may be pretty clear and evident. You might even call it common sense. But as I listened to this lady share her thoughts with my audience members at a recent PPM (Personal Power Mastery) I was reminded of the way our thoughts manifest themselves in reality and often how they can surprise us with their speed.

I will call this lady Joyce. As Joyce stood up to share her story I could tell that she was doing it with some regret. The results she had created in her life was a separation from her husband and they were now headed directly for divorce. It didn’t look like there was much that could change that. They had both gone a little bit to far and said a little bit too much that healing was near impossible.

As Joyce stood in front of the group sharing her current Realtionship state she began to talk about how the roots had truly been in her thoughts. Little by little she began to shift her thinking as to how things would be more ideal with a different partner. She began to think about how some of the little things he did annoyed her. Those thoughts began to slowly manifest themselves as small criticisms and jabs. She began to share how the more habitual the thinking became the more it turned into comments and actions.

As the thoughts turned more and more critical she began to see how they strangled affection and hope right out of her heart. Every sign of compassion for her mate disappeared until they found themselves here. She was quick to point out that her was not perfect. But he certainly had become far worse than he was through the kinds of thinking she was doing. The more she dwelt on his faults and painted him in a negative light the more terrible he became.

As she stood before our group with tears she admitted that her thoughts had gotten out of control. She never intended for it to come to this point. As she reflected on the journey she told our group that for the first time in a long time that she realized during our weekend together at PPM that she realized what had happened. And in reality she did still love her husband very much, but she could also see why he chose not to stay.

Now I don’t know what the ending of this story will be. But I do know that our habitual thoughts all come with a consequence. We cannot dwell on thoughts for long periods of time without seeing a form of them begin to manifest in reality.

My challenge to you is to choose your thoughts carefully and be sure that they are pointing towards the outcomes you desire most. For those of you who’ve attended PPM in the past you will also know how quickly you can shift your perspective and your thoughts and even the things that currently do not serve you (or even hurt you) can be shifted into something that you want and deserve when you use the correct tools and methods to do so.


What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

The 4 pillars of reaching any goal

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The 4 pillars of reaching any goal
By Douglas Vermeeren


I am a firm believer that a goal that is well articulated is the first and most important step to achieving your goals. In fact, a mantra often repeated at my seminars is that, “a goal that is specific and clear, becomes attainable and near.” However after conducted extensive interviews and research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers the description is not only the first step. It’s also where most people stop.

My research has determined that in order for a goal to be achieved there are 4 other essential factors that must be included with the description in order to make it achievable.

Naturally I am assuming that you are already committed to the goal and your reasons why you want that goal are big enough for you personally. The idea that you have to be it before can have it is also true. But I don’t believe you have to be it in order to start going after it. What you will become will take place during the pursuit of the goal. Perfectionists need not apply.

So here are the four things that I have seen consistently repeated among top achievers when they set and achieve their goals. (And naturally I see people struggle all the time when they are missing one of these things.) Consider these four elements like legs on a table. Without all four the table isn’t able to stand properly.

1)Strategies & techniques
All goals require you to learn and employ techniques and strategies that are specific to that goal. You will need to gain that specialized knowledge and skill set that will enable you to effective accomplish the goal.

thOne of my original success interviews was former NHL player and Hockey Night in Canada TV host Kelly Hrudey. When Kelly was a boy he was discouraged because he was not that great of a hockey player. He wanted to measure up to the others so bad that he dedicated hours and hours of practice to learn the art of goaltending. As a boy these skills did not come easy but after years of practice and practice he began to surpass the others around him. Getting to playing professional hockey is very competitive. The Huffington post did a study on how hard it is to make it into the NHL. They found that only 0.16 of the hockey players who had NHL dreams ever made it into the league and only 0.02 percent will ever be able to make a career out of Hockey.

kellyhrudeyKelly gained the skills to the level that not only did he get drafted into the NHL but he played for several teams, the New york Islanders, the Los Angeles Kings and the San Jose Sharks. He learned the game so well that he is now a TV commentator on Sportsnet.

It’s not enough to just have the dream or even the belief that you can achieve your goal. You must gain the skills too.

2) Effort
All goals require new habits and a rearranging of priorities. If it was something that was already part of your everyday life you would have accomplished it already. One of the challenges most people experience when pursuing a major goal is that they are often surprised at the amount of hard work or effort. The hours can be long and the investment of effort, resources and even money can be extensive.

Recently I met with a new realtor who had set a goal to become on of the top agents in his city. As he studied those in his area who were consider the top agents he was immediately startled at the hourly commitments that these individuals were putting into their business. He was also astonished at how much they invested in marketing. Determined to reach his goal to be among them he began to move forward with the same fierceness. While he is not yet considered the top in his town he is definitely on his way there. Recognize that effort will be required and if you want to rise above everybody else you have got to be willing to do more than anyone else.

3) Perseverance
Even if you gain the skills and put in effort getting to most high level goals require perseverance over time. Perseverance however means more than just continuing and putting in your time. It also means hanging in there when things get difficult and maybe even appear hopeless. Everyone has heard the story of all the challenges that Edison had working with the lightbulb. It is said that he failed more than 10,000 times before he found a way to stabilize the filament. While that may or may not have been the case there are countless examples of obstacles that all top achievers have experienced.

These challenges are not just experienced by those in our history books. Challenges will always be present when you are stretching to reach new endeavors. You may experience personal learning curves you as you struggle to apply new ideas and concepts. You may experience moments of doubt that come through your own feelings or from those close to you. You may experience resistance from customers who are unsure of your offering. You may even experience conflict with competition as they try to keep you out of their business. All of these obstacles and more will try you to the core to see how bad you really want what your trying for.

Morris-GoodmanSeveral courageous people come to my mind when it comes to perseverance. One that is worth mentioning here is my friend Morris Goodman. Some of you may have seen him in the hit movie The Secret or my film The Opus. Morris had been a successful insurance broker and decides to buy himself a small airplane. One his very first solo flight he had a power failure and crashes the plane into some power lines. As a result of the accident he broke his neck and crushed his spinal cord. He immediately lost all ability to perform every single bodily function except blinking his eyes. The doctors doubted that he would even survive…but somehow he did.

Through a code of blinking and using a chart to identify letters on a chart Morris spelled out that he would walk again. The doctors doubted it would ever happen. He then surprised them even further by saying he would walk again by Christmas. No only did the doctors doubt but they even suggested he was dilusional.

This is where the lesson in perseverance appears. Morris began little by little to work on whatever muscles he could get to respond. There were days it was painful. There were days when it appeared that no progress occurred. There were discouraging days when he felt like quitting. But he didn’t. Overtime muscles began to respond and remember. He worked and worked hard. He never gave up.

Then came Christmas and although he wasn’t fully walking Morris did walk those steps out the front door of the hospital as promised. Today he still struggles and things aren’t back to normal. they probably never will be. But he continues to persevere he is still setting and achieving goals today.

4) Support
The things that I find most people seem to forget in trying to achieve their goals is that they are never alone. Mount Everest has never been climbed by a single individual without a team and the same is true of big goals in real life. All major and massive things require support. It is important when you set out to achieve your biggest goals that you also recognize that support and help is available to you too. And the amazing thing is that this help is far more accessible than most people believe.

The first step to acquiring help to get to your goals comes from being extremely clear about your mission and what you a re trying to achieve. If you know how to articulate your mission clearly and sustinctly you can ask for help from others in a way that they can say yes.

In my own personal life I have been consistently surprised at how many people are willing to help you solve problems and get to your goals. When I created my first film The Opus there were many new challenges to overcome. many people thought that I had bit off far more than I could chew. Especially when I expressed who I wanted involved and the scope of the project. But there were those that believed in me and my mission. I’ll never forget specifically how supportive Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were when it came to shooting the film. They made themselves very available in the midst of a busy conference. Joe Vitale wrote amazing blogs posts promoting the film and sent out notices through his network. Marci Shimoff came and spoke for us at our premiere launch and helped get the word out. John Demartini has promoted the film actively around the world and has since appeared in two other of my films. There were so many others that helped as well that I wish I could name. But as I think back about how the help was able to arrive it was all connected to my ability to articulate when support I needed.

Great things are always built by synergy rather than selfishness. Too often those who fail to get to their goals fail because they are trying to hang onto all the praise, money, opportunity or power. There is truth to the old saying that says it’s amazing what can be accomplished when we don’t care who gets the credit.

No matter what your goals are the above 4 pillars will help you. Consider them carefully and explore how you can implement them more directly in your pursuit of your goal and you will achieve success.


DV Photo 1Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #beAwesomeMovement #BAM #Beawesomerightnow #beawesomepreview #Beawesomebook #beawesomemovie #Douglasvermeerenawesome  #YourFutureisAwesome #PersonalPowerMastery #Personal Power Mastery #Personal Power Mastery School Programs
An Awesome life is living your life by decision. You are where you want to be, doing the things that excite you, inspire you and bring out the best in you and in those around you.

Our Natural Way is Negative – Bam#9

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Our natural way is negative – BAM# 9
By Douglas Vermeeren


It doesn’t take long to see the negativity in the world around us. It seems everywhere you go there is negativity reported in the media, negative posts about people on facebook, gossip slander, haters and trolls online and whispering criticism at work, school and even in homes. It is a very difficult world to navigate if you are hoping to stay positive and surround yourself with inspiring people. Yet it is possible and even when surrounded with negative people it is possible to stay positive if you recognize why negativity is such a big part of our life.

Much of our tendency to become negative can be easily traced back to our human ancestors. Negativity is a form of survival. In order to stay alive our early human ancestors had to be very aware of threats tot heir survival and existence. As a result they had to become suspicious of things that we take for granted. In a world where so many things could be a threat it became necessary to be on the defensive. I guess you could say that our ancestors became so good at it that it became par tot our natural out look.

As things evolved and progressed survival became easier but the habit of being on guard stayed with us. Our environment – parents, community, society – had been trained to be on the look out for negativity and was determined to point it out. Often times the intention is still to protect those we interact with. Think of the last time you spoke ill of someone else to others. Was it specifically to bash the person being talked about it was it to protect the person you were talking to. In my case, I was at an event and someone told me about the history of another speaker. They warned me by illustrating a negative experience they had had with this person. Naturally you and I are wise enough to recognize that there are two sides to every story and often times simple misunderstandings can be blown out of proportion publicly and privately. But I did recognize as this person spoke to me that their interest was more in line to protect me rather than destroy the person I was being warned about.

So how can we control our response to the negativity around us? How can we remain focused on the positive How can we be inspiring ourselves? How can we shine like a light in a tunnel of darkness?

I have two suggestions.

1.Recognize the negativity for what it is and where it’s coming from. In doing so I want to be very clear! This does not mean endorsing it. This does not mean participating to empathize with the other person. This does not mean feeding it in any way. In fact, recognizing the negativity is as simple as saying that you see what’s happening and what the source is. It’s like wet paint. It’s possible to know the paint is wet without touching it. Especially if the sign is big and clear. (But just like with the wet paint the temptation to touch is there. Don’t touch.)

2. Remove yourself. Continuing the analogy of the wet paint you would stick your fingers in it and draw pictures or sit down in the paint. You would leave it alone. Like the paint the minute you touch it it is on you too. Negativity also sticks to those who stick their fingers in it. Often times it may feel difficult to remove yourself. Especially when the person sharing the negativity has you engaged in a conversation. However I have found that if you don’t feed their negativity or endorse what they are saying they soon discontinue. (As a side note it has been interesting to feel the emotion that accompanies this awkward moment when the other person doesn’t engage in the negativity. It’s slightly embarrassing and often the person being negative tries to backtrack or recall what has been said. These emotions alone should give you evidence to recognize that this kind of talk is not on the right track.)

3.Realign yourself. Once you have left the negative situation it is important to realign yourself to your positive state and mission. This is something I recommend you do often anyways as there are so many times in a day that we interact with negative circumstances and situations that often we don’t even know we’ve encountered it.Realigning yourself is almost like washing off whatever negativity happened to sneeze on you without your control. You don’t want to be influenced by the negativity in any way.

Remaining positive in a negative world requires effort. It also requires constant addition of positive to your life. One analogy I like to use in our seminars in regards to being positive is this. Everyone is like a glass of water that is full of everything we let into our life. Most people have a mixture of positive and negative. This glass is also the lens through which we see the world. (But more on that later.) The glass is full and the only way to get more positive than negative and to keep the negative out is to fill the glass so full of positive that there is no room for negative.


My challenge to you is to find more positive today and fill your glass with positive everyday. And every time you encounter negative follow the escape and cleaning route outlined above – Recognize, Remove, Realign.


An Awesome life is living your life by decision. You are where you want to be, doing the things that excite you, inspire you and bring out the best in you and in those around you.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #beAwesomeMovement #BAM #Beawesomerightnow #beawesomepreview #Beawesomebook #beawesomemovie #Douglasvermeerenawesome  #YourFutureisAwesome

When A Terrible Day Strikes – Bam#5

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When a terrible day strikes – BAM # 5
By Douglas Vermeeren

An Awesome life is living your life by decision. You are where you want to be, doing the things that excite you, inspire you and bring out the best in you and in those around you.


But the truth of the matter is that not all days are like that no matter how hard you try and how positive your outlook. Sometimes life is just hard and things seem to go completely wrong. These are all part of our existence as humans.

A bad day does not mean you have a bad life.

So how can a person continue to be positive and seek an awesome life when things hit the fan so to speak? These challenging days will be something that everyone faces from time to time so here are three suggestions on what to do to stay on track with an Awesome when these moments strike.

Have correct expectations – The greatest reason for negative human emotions like anger, hurt, frustration and pain all stem from unmet expectations. In other words, you expected a certain result from a situation and you were disappointed that the outcome did not match those expectations. Think about the last time you were upset with your spouse or a close friend. It will be because you had a specific expectation that they would act a certain way and they did not. Your expectations were not met and you became frustrated, angry or hurt. (We will talk more about expectations in a later article, because I do believe it is important to have expectations and people often rise to what is expected of them. But for today’s article I simply want to share that it with a correct expectation that occasionally things and people will disappoint we can be better equipped to deal with them when they appear.) The beginning of getting through a terrible day is to have a correct expectation that they will occur. The next step of this process is now that you expect that they will show up from time to time is to identify the terrible day for what it is when it arrives…

Identify the terrible day for what it is – So you expected that occasionally there will be tough days and here one shows up. You have identified it. When you recognize something for what it is you gain power over it. Awareness is a massive key to unlocking awesomeness in life. The instant you can identify a challenging day is also the moment you can remember that negative days are temporary. You can also instantly recognize that you are in the circumstance but you are not the circumstance. Once you recognize that the situation will pass and that it is not your identity you can evaluate whether you need to provide solutions or simply let it pass. Many problems will just pass if you give them the needed time to do so. However the majority of problems will require some efforts from you to help them move out of your life. That brings us to the final point….

Move forward and create awesome. Forward motion and moment generally break through most negative funks or situations. It is near impossible for the power of positive and the anchors of negativity to exist in the same moment. I want to be clear that I’m not just saying think positive and everything will change. While that’s a good start positive thinking is only a starting point. for example, if you don’t have the rent money just thinking it will be okay won’t make it so. You need to add positive actions and solutions to positive thinking. As you get moving you will experience a state change as well which will immediately change your thinking and situation. All situations can be improved upon by generating forward motion. Often when negativity strikes people shut down and accept the negative fate. There is always something that can be done.

Not too long ago I had a very negative experience that left me with a bill of nearly $390,000. Naturally the day I discovered this was a terrible day. Some of this debt arose from something that wasn’t even my fault. At first I felt the paralyzing despair that everyone feels when faced with something that seems truly overwhelming, frustrating and difficult. I had bruised expectations of the way something should have happened – yet it did not.

Recognizing that there was nothing I could do in my frustrated state I decided to identify the situation for what it was. I knew this was a circumstance I had to deal with. I knew could get through this with time. I also knew that although I had contributed to this situation it was not a reflection of who I was. Even though I had helped to create an awful situation I was still capable of creating awesome too. I determined I would get through it.

I determined to move forward by exploring solutions that would get me through this situation and allow me to get back on track with creating more awesome. Naturally as I looked for solutions I found several ways to immediately make the situation more better and more manageable. I recognized payment options I could make to clear this obligation. I thought about additional business activities I could engage in that would provide for the debt. I thought about friends I could enlist to help me by letting me sell their services. I thought about talents, assets or gifts I had that I could utilize. Solutions began to appear.

As a result I actually developed a new opportunity within my business. This would never had appeared without the terrible day pushing me for solutions. Often solutions only appear out of necessity. This was a blessing in disguise.

In conclusion, don’t let a terrible day destroy your hopes and efforts for an awesome life. All terrible situations are temporary. If you have a committed and focused effort at making your life better your life will continue to follow the direction you have build for it.

P.S. – One last thought that I think is the most powerful way to shift out a negative situation is to find someone to serve. When you do something for others that helps them it allows you to escape the negative energy of your own problem. Often it is in the midst of this serving that your best ideas for solving your own problems shows up. That’s actually what happened to me in the above the example.

#BAM, #Douglasvermeeren, #Beawesomemovement, #Beawesomenow, #dougvermeeren, #Overcome negative thinking, #service, #douglasvermeerenawesome,

#1 Secret of How Thoughts become Things

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Mind secrets

Mind Secrets

#1 Secret of How Thoughts become things

By Douglas Vermeeren

We have all heard that Thoughts become things. This is true. They do become things.  The question that most people struggle with is how do they do this? It is estimated that each day we have more than 70,000 unique thoughts. So what is it that controls our thoughts? How does our mind select which thoughts to develop and which thoughts to ignore? How do the prominent thoughts become things?

In order for thoughts to develop into reality they must be permitted to develop in the mind.

As they develop they grow and are built upon. If the spark of thought continues to grow action can result. Action will then bring that thought into reality.

Many of the thoughts that develop in the mind do not become a reality. We have all had thoughts that began as a brilliant burst of inspiration. Perhaps these ideas even got you excited for a few minutes, maybe an hour, a day or even a week… Then they faded away.  Even though they started as powerful ideas they did not end up as a tangible reality in your life?

What happened? Where was the break down? How could an idea so bright and exciting turn dim or disappear altogether.

Even more frustrating are the ideas that do not disappear. They anchor themselves in the back or your mind, they cling to you waiting for the day that you may act upon them. These are probably the most painful ideas. You know in your heart that if you did something with these kinds of ideas they would really make a difference in your life.

Perhaps it’s a business idea that you feel would make a lot of money. Or perhaps it’s an idea  or innovation that would make life easier for someone somewhere. Maybe an idea about someone you would like to have a relationship with? Or what you should do to improve the health of your own body? These are all common ideas that we are excited about, but we don’t allow them to grow. They remain unfulfilled in our mind.

What is it that holds us back? What is it that keeps us from creating the reality we are thinking about?

Expectation & Belief

One of the most significant factors that determines our reality are our expectations.

What we expect dictates what we believe could happen.

What we believe could happen is the line that all thoughts must pass in order to become action. Taking action on a thought is the way it is translated into reality.

Expectations can include what we believe a specific outcome will be, but also what we believe we are entitled to and how we believe we should act in certain situations.

As expectations can often be based on past experience or pre-determined values often our expectations will cause our thinking to follow a similar course to what we have done in the past.

Expectations of outcome often guide our thoughts and our behavior to conform our new experience with a past situation. Here are a few examples of where we have experienced this:

  • Meeting someone we didn’t like the second time. (It is true that it’s important to make a good first impression.) We’ve all had a time when we have met for a second time someone that rubbed us the wrong way when we met them at first. Based on the first interaction all visits that we may have with them in the future may be jaded.
  • Physical characteristics – this idea of being jaded by someone can even follow to others who have a similar resemblance to the one who rubbed us the wrong way. I had an experience where I recognized that I became a friend with someone because he resembled someone I was already very close to. I didn’t realize it until my wife said ‘you know who your new friend reminds me of?” and then she pointed out the resemblance between my friends. Here’s an interesting addition to this story, even though the new friend was rude, sarcastic and less than charming, I still try to think of him in positive ways because my expectations had been previously set by the first friend who was kind, loving, caring and a genuine friend.
  • We also see expectations at work in the movies. If I said Tom Hanks is in a movie what kind of movie do you think you’d be going to watch? What if I said Ben stiller? Would you envision a different kind of film? And when you went to see it how would you feel if it didn’t jive with your expectations? You’d be disappointed. In fact, Hollywood has seen a lot of movies over the years that didn’t make it simply because they changed the formula, or constructed a story with an actor contrary to your expectations.

Entitlement is also an overlooked element of expectations.  What you feel you are entitled to will dictate your thinking on certain matters.

There was a study conducted some years ago to determine the role that sacrifice or activity had on entitlement. The experiment involved two groups. One group was given a variety of tasks to complete and then after completing the work, was ushered into an empty room with a table and chair. On the table was an envelope with $50 bill and the words thank you written on the envelope.

The second group was simply ushered into the room. They had no work to do. The same envelope rested on the table.

The majority of people in the first group that had done the work felt that the envelope was left there for them and it was payment for their efforts. Most in the second group felt the envelope was meant for someone else and it was probably left there by mistake.

Work, sacrifice and effort give the mind a sense of entitlement.

The same can be seen in people that win the lottery. Countless studies have shown that many lottery winners end up with little or no money after a few years. I believe this has a lot to do with the principle of entitlement. Their mind did not believe that the reward was paid for and so it did not hold the value in their mind necessary to sustain it.

Entitlement is a mysterious thing. I often encounter people who feel that they have not yet paid the price to have what they want, to be who the really feel they should be, or have the relationships they deserve because they have not sacrificed what is required. This is a victim mentality and it keeps many from acquiring the reality they truly desire.

So a great question I would have is who determines the price you have to pay? That’s right, in the end you do. And until you feel that you are truly worth the reward often times you can’t bring it into your life. It’s time to rethink things a bit.

The next expectations are expectations about how we believe we should act. I call this social expectation. I have seen many great examples of this. I will share two with you:

A friend of mine is a police officer who often arrives first on the scene after a car accident. Once when we talked about the power of social expectation he shared the story of an accident he was called to sort out. This accident could have been avoided if social expectation were not an issue. One lady had rear ended the back of a man’s truck. It was a beautiful sunny day and the road conditions were ideal in every way.

As my friend pulled up in his squad car he expected it would simply be a case that the lady was not paying attention. To his surprise when he obtained the statement from the lady she said she saw the truck ahead of her, she wasn’t caught off guard and she wasn’t surprised. She just had no where to go.

What about switching lanes quickly or moving to one side to avoid the collision? She answered, well, I thought of that but wasn’t really sure if that was allowed. And I didn’t have time to make an appropriate signal of a lane change. Thank goodness no one was hurt. But the social expectation of staying in the lane is an example of something she had learned socially and what was expected of her in terms of signaling overuled her ability to avoid the collision.

The second experience I have seen at numerous seminars and motivational events. This lesson is often used by the speaker to teach people to think differently and to consider that there are often more direct routes than those we initially consider to solve a problem.

This is how the scenario plays out, the speaker typically takes a prize (I’ve even seen it done with $100 bill) and simply holds it up and asks “Who would like to have this prize?” Naturally a number of hands raise within the group. He asks again, “Who wants this prize?” Still more hands are raised in the group and often people begin to get a little excited. At this point the speaker asks again with more intensity in his voice, “Who wants the prize?” By this time the audience usually gets it and an audience member actually leaves their set and comes to claim the prize. Again this is a great example of social expectation.

Why won’t we leave the seat instantly to claim the prize? We don’t leave our seat to get the prize because we question ourselves. Is it the right thing to do? What will others think of me? Is it proper?  We ask ourselves similar questions on a daily basis that and as a result we prevent ourselves from acting on the thoughts that will empower us most.

Am I allowed to be so bold in my thinking? Or I can think it, but is it proper to act on it? What will others think? And so on. All of these doubts extinguish powerful thinking. And even worse than this is the thought that ‘things just aren’t done that way.’ Or there is a procedure that must be followed in order for it to be done right. In some cases this may be true, but often the very best ways are discovered by innovators who look for a better way than that which is considered traditional.

In a study of the most successful businesses and inventions of all time, you will find that the majority of these successes are innovations on existing ideas. I always get a smile when I hear that Thomas Edison is considered the greatest inventor of all time. It isn’t true. Every major invention that he produced from the light bulb, to the phonograph to the motion picture camera is an innovation on a earlier effort by someone else. You can be an innovator too.

You don’t have to think according to a set of imaginary rules.

Expectations are a great source of power as much as they can be a great obstacle to your success.

If we expect to fail we will not think in empowering ways. We do not dedicate action energy to created failing expectations a reality. That doesn’t mean we don’t dedicate thought to create negative expectations. we do that quite often. If we believe that expectation to be the coming reality, we will create it positive or negative.

If we want success and to create the life we really want we have got to expect it. When we expect to succeed, our thoughts become like a magnet directing all our energies to the success of the thought.

Just a few more thoughts on why expectation is important

The subconscious mind seeks to find solutions to challenges quickly and so it seeks for the most direct route to solutions in the thinking processes. The mind doesn’t really care if the solution is positive or negative. It just wants an answer. When we are on “automatic” pilot, so to speak, our expectations guide thinking almost entirely.

Because our mind is always looking for immediate solutions we think and act from a reactive position.   Essentially what our mind is doing is trying to protect us. It is constantly analyzing scenarios and situations to prevents us from experiencing harm or other things we may need to defend against.

So how can we build positive expectations?

Positive and empowering expectations must be build on purpose and ahead of time. They cannot be reactionary.

Why must they be planned ahead of time and how can that help?

In order to explain why it is important to plan ahead of time what you to expect let me address an important characteristic of how our mind remembers.

Let’s try this together.

I am going to ask you to remember two things, notice which of the two things is easier.

1)What was the date that United States entered world War 2?

2)What did your first love look like?

If you are like most people you found the first question to be much harder than the second. Why is that? The first question dealt with the recall part of your memory. It was a cold hard fact your mind went searching for.

The second dealt with recognition. You probably also spent a lot more time thinking about the second question and you might even still be thinking about it now. emotion is attached more to recognition than recall. for those of you who are familiar with the 5 ways the brain learns this would be experiential learning versus factual learning.

What’s the point? This is the point: It is a lot easier for your brain to recognize something than it is to recall it.

Back to how this effects expectations.

If you build your positive expectations clearly, carefully, and emotionally you will have greater power to recognize these expectations and when you are thinking in harmony with them. Your mind will begin to bring your thinking into a supportive position to these expectations and look for evidence to support your new expectations.

Your mind will also recognize what is not in harmony with your expectations and discard those thoughts.

Later in this course we will talk about how to build stronger expectations to overcome doubts that may exist within your subconscious mind.

But for now the important thing to remember is:

Expectation can be used in a positive way. Once we begin to expect things to occur in a way which is empowering to us our thoughts begin to direct our actions to follow that course.

What we expect, our thinking will support.

Expect good things and your thoughts will follow! If your thoughts follow you will begin to see the fruits of these expectations become a reality in your life.

For more information go to:

How Thoughts Become Things is a brand new movie that unfolds the power that thought plays in creating the results we want most in our lives. How is it that our thought  create our reality and how can we harness that power?

How Thoughts Become Things

How Thoughts Become Things

How Thoughts Become Things – Special Edition Book available for a limited Time!

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How Thoughts Become Things -  Special Edition Book

How Thoughts Become Things - Special Edition Book


How Thoughts Become Things – Special Edition Advance Book!

By now you’ve heard about the upcoming Movie ” How Thoughts Become Things.”  Ridley Jones Publishing is pleased to announce a special Edition sneak peak at some of the cutting-edge research that will be presented in the film. This Special Edition book will be available for a limited time between October 20, 2010 and December 31, 2010. The edition will feature exclusive information that will not be available in future editions including an exclusive Audio Cd on “The 5 Ways your brain learns and 3 keys to mastery with any goal.”

The idea that ‘Thoughts become Things’ has been around a long time. What has been missing are the answers as to ‘How.’  For the first time ever in this cutting-edge book, How Thoughts Become Things, Douglas Vermeeren unfolds the process, systems and activities the brain uses to create your most powerful thoughts. Modern scientific research has given us incredible insights into the brain science that creates our realities.  By applying the processes of how your brain and your thoughts work you are able to harness a greater power to overcome negative thinking, self sabotaging behaviour and accomplish your greatest tasks.

When NLP was designed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the personal development industry saw a shift in the way looked at thought processes and success. Since then drastic changes have been developed in our understanding of how the brain works. In fact, more than 98% of what we thought we knew about the brain has changed in the last decade.

Utilizing the most recent findings in neuroscience, psychology and Vermeeren’s exclusive research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers this book will give you to insights on how to create powerful results in your life. It is not written to the scientific audience, but rather for easy application by anyone. The book also incorporates a new learning technology known as Pattern Priming which allows for maximum learning and application.

Participants in ‘The Neuroscience of Success’ live programs have said the following:

” As a person that has been working really hard in personal development I found so many things that I had never thought before. so many things that I have already applied. I can’t say enough about what I’ve learned and what I’m going to talk away from this program” – Jaeson Rau

“One of the most powerful lessons was even within the first few minutes.” – Patrick Buffalo

“When somebody sees that they can actually change their lives, you actually have all the tools for them to be able to do it.” – Guy Burns

“What can I say about the Neuroscience of Success course? I found it incredible beneficial!” – Lorna Selig

“I know have a lot clearer understanding of the brain and how it works. I can see examples everywhere of how I’ve allowed my thoughts to control my actions.” – David Bonk

“I’ve been able to now see how many negative thoughts we have going through our mind every single day. The awareness and now 5 steps to work through those negative thoughts. I can now move forward.” – Cherise Gosselin

“The information presented in The Neuroscience of Success was incredibly useful and interesting. The other thing I really liked was that we were given actually exercises that we can use.” – Lisa Ryan

“The most powerful thing for me was when you talked about stilling the pond and the Ripple Effect.” – Jaime Bonk

“One of the most valuable things to me was learning about cognitive evaluation, and how you can use it to evaluate each thought to see if it is negative or positive and use that to clear out the negative.” – Carlene Bennett

“I now know how negative thoughts happen and the steps that I can take to get rid of them.” –  Heather Betlamini

“I enjoyed learning the whole perspective of the law of attraction, and lookign at it in a different way. The patterning of your brain and  mind and putting it to work in making thoughts become things. I learnt a lot.” Jillanna Martel

With this book you will learn:

How to create change that lasts

The 5 ways your brain learns

3 major influencers on thought

How to overcome negative thoughts

The 3 kinds of deliberate thinking and how you can harness their power

The power of the Ripple effect

Strategic Cognitive Construction

Cognitive evaluation

Conditioning tools for your success

Why most people fail to get to their goals

Go into deeper detail with many of the concepts that the upcoming film “How Thoughts Become Things” will explore.

Shipping for in time for Christmas

This special edition book will be available until Dec 31 or while supplies last.

Order now and we’ll also include a limited edition Audio CD “The 5 ways your brain learns and the 3 keys to mastery with any goal.”

You can order this book through or order by phone 1-877-393-9496.

$29.99 Plus shipping

* Thanks to the Succeed Research Center for the participation in this book.