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Posts Tagged ‘speakers on leadership

Why most “speaker trainers” can’t help you grow your business?

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Why most speaker trainers can’t help you grow your business?

By Douglas Vermeeren

3573-frank_warren_-_2_-_june_2013-1024x654Recently I have noticed that there are more and more speakers who are including in their business offerings the ability to teach other speakers how to grow their business. This trend includes teaching new speakers how to craft a “signature” talk, present or “rock” the stage, speak internationally,  or grow your non-speaking business by incorporating public talks into your marketing strategies. While most of these ideas are good concepts to grow your business those presenting them are not able to get you to the results you need. And here’s why:

  • Most of those who are representing themselves as speaker trainers currently have never achieved success themselves. (You will never rise higher than the person teaching you. If they have never cleared 6 figures neither will you.)
  • Most have added speaker training to the their business because they aren’t making enough money elsewhere. (If a person is a speaker trainer they shouldn’t be offering other things. The idea of “Jack of all trades master of none” applies here.)
  • Many of those teaching speaking are teaching outdated practices. (The concept of a  “signature talk” hasn’t worked since the 1990’s. Most speakers are not paid a fee to present a “signature” talk in today’s market. the only ones that actually use these today are celebrities, athletes and politicians.)
  • Most of the speaker trainers today don’t know or teach anything about the business part of speaking. (Most focus on presentation skills, which is okay. But the presentation is only a fraction of the speaking BUSINESS. If you don’t have the business part figured out you won’t be speaking for long no matter how polished your presentation is.

The speaking business is one of the most competitive professions in the world. If you are going to rise to professional levels in this business you will need support. So if you are looking for a speaker trainer what should you look for? The first thing you need to establish are your specific goals as a speaker and what you are hoping to accomplish in your speaking business.  I recommend setting goals and getting clarity in the following areas: (And then before hiring a speaker trainer ask if this person has the experience to help you get there. when I say experience they should actually be doing it themselves. If they aren’t doing it they won’t be able to give that set of skills to you either.)

What niche do you want to be recognized in? (Does this trainer have experience in helping speakers to position people like you in that niche.)

Do you want to be thought of as a competent leader in your niche? What does that mean? (Each niche has a set of rules on how they find and position their leaders. If the speaker trainer you are thinking of working with isn’t the leader in their arena they don’t know a thing about positioning. What will they be able to teach you?)

What does your business model look like? (does this trainer understand what business models are currently working in today’s marketplace. In a recent training in London, UK my students and I identified nearly 250 business models for the modern speaker. Most people today teach on average 2 -3. Yikes!!!)

What would an effective customer funnel look like for you speaking business? (Again most speaker trainers today don’t understand the importance of a funnel. The bottom line is that if you don’t have a predictable path for your student then you won’t have any. No student = broke.)

What product, workshops or services will you offer, what will you charge and where will you put them in your funnel? (Most speakers feel like maybe they want to have a book. Books used to have power and authority but with he over saturation of print on demand companies no one places prestige on having a book any more. Everyone has one. They mean very little nowadays. There are many products better than books. Having said that there are some cases where books still work. But they don’t work well for everyone. I should also mention that products correctly created sell themselves and also position you as an expert – if you have the right product.)

How often do you want to speak? Getting speaking gigs is one of the most important aspects of your business. If you are not speaking you are not a speaker.  Make sure you select a speaker trainer who understands the 5 kinds of speaking gigs available to you in todays marketplace and that they know how to find these.

Joint Venturing with other speakers is one of the fastest ways to grow your business today. Who do you want to share the stage with and how will you get there. Is the speaker trainer you want to work with connected enough to help you get those joint ventures? Have they done enough of them to know how they work?

How will you get an audience to continue the relationship with you? Many refer to this part as selling from the stage. Selling from the stage is an important part of this business, but continuing the relationship can be done in many ways. In addition it is important to recognize that there are many different ways to sell from the stage. Some of the those ways will work better with your personality. Most speaker trainers today fail in the sense that they only know, practice and teach their way. They create clones of who they are and their selling style doesn’t work for everyone. You need to find and develop your style so that its effective and comfortable.

How will you create excitement around yourself in an oversaturated industry? In a world where there are too many speakers, coaches and trainers how will you stand out and make yourself valuable and visible? One of the essentially that speaker trainers need to understand today is how to use media to position themselves. This includes traditional media like TV, radio, print and also includes social media. (Truthfully many in the upcoming generation are wizards at social media. But social media is only part of the equation. Social media is quickly becoming just noise. Alone it isn’t going to give you the results you need.)

There are many other thoughts I share with my students to consider before they decide on who they want helping them build their speaking business. But one thing I always ask them to consider is this: THIS IS YOUR SPEAKING BUSINESS. GET THE VERY BEST PEOPLE HELPING YOU. THERE IS NO SENSE LEARNING HOW TO DO IT WRONG.

Speaking is a business. And if you are serious about that business you need to get serious about who you have helping you.

Click here to see what these speakers have to say about some of the tools I have to share:

I have been training speakers for years. I have been able to show them how in my first six months as a speaker I was able to generate over 7 figures. I have been able to show them how to get more speaking gigs. JV with some of the top leaders in the business today. I have shown them how to speaker internationally. I have shown them how to get on TV, radio and print. And I have shown them a multitude of others things that are needed for a successful speaking business that most do not even know about.


If you are ready to grow your speaking business drop me a note and I am happy to send you some free tools on growing your business today.

the-speaking-business-multiplier-bannerDouglas Vermeeren

The Speaking Business Multiplier


Content and delivery is just part of it. – By Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

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Content and Delivery is just part of it

By Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

Many people are attracted to the speaking business because they have some great ideas to share and they love to speak in front of an audience. It’s true that the feeling of sharing your information in a group setting that appreciates what you do certainly feels great.  And there are hundreds if not thousands of coaches and courses that can help you improve your presentation skills and help you deliver your content in stronger ways from the stage. But for those of you who enter into the speaking business you will quickly find out that it is far more competitive than you ever imagined and you also find that just speaking on stage is a very small part of what you need to learn to succeed.

Over the years I have been involved training and teaching speakers I have seen many people surprised at what elements are required to create a speaking business. Many one of the most surprising a-ha moments comes when a speaker realized that the business of speaking has less to do wight he speech than they realized. In fact, it’s very much like when a magician takes the stage. The audience only sees a very small part of what’s going on behind the scenes and sees almost nothing except the end result of many hidden details that have been worked out ahead of time.

Because most speakers have never seen the necessity for these details and in some cases these are elements they have never seen their business remain weak and less than productive.

The speaking business is made up of two parts. Speaking and Business. If you are going to become prosperous you need to be success with both parts. One thing is for certain: If are going to run a speaking business you must make a profit or soon you will not be able to have the privilege to continue. Recently I read some statistics that stated that 1 in every 450 speakers are actually making enough money to do it full time. I don’t know where your speaking business is today but one thing is for certain. If you want to be successful you will need the business tools for your speaking business.

In my speaking business I figured this out and was able to make over 7 figures . As I have worked with other speakers for the last decade and a half I have seen those who have been super successful making over 7 figured per year. If you are trying to position yourself as a success leader or teacher an point the way for others it is only fair that you have some success. You can only get there if you have a system that will create success. As I looked at how I did it and how others have done it I have been able to identify 12 core areas that every speaking business needs in order to become success. (This is what we teach at our 12 Essentials to a profitable speaking business event in great detail.) But for todays purposes here is the list of things you need to learn and develop:

1 Prepare the most powerful content
2 Tap into the best business models
3 Create the perfect sales funnels
4 Offer the perfect products & Workshops
5 Finding profitable speaking gigs (And more of them)
6 Successfully Joint Venture with other speakers
7 Sell more from the stage & do it the easy way
8 Build a predictable preview session
9 Create strong brand loyalty
10 Position yourself as the expert
11Leverage Social Media to grow your business
12 Attract media to Celebritize your Business

(These are the actually module titles from our weekend training and my home study course.) You’ll quickly recognize which of the laments you currently have in your speaking business and which ones are missing.  Only a full compliment will allow you to reach your fullest potential as a speaker. And if you are missing elements you are leaving opportunity, influence and income behind that should be yours.

If you a re interested to learn about how you attend one of our sessions near you go to my website: On my site I also have several free tools and videos which you can evaluate yourself as a speaker to see what areas you are currently strong in and what areas are lacking and most importantly how you can make some immediate improvements and open some opportunities for yourself.  Be sure to check it out and I look forward to seeing you on the stage soon!





The Speaking Business Multiplier – 6 Keys to Becoming a million dollar speaker

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Success in the speaking business is something most professional speakers stove to attain. But the truth is that the personal development or self improvement industry is one of the most competitive fields on the planet. Everything thinks they have powerful advice to share on how to make life better and all want to be rewarded handsomely fro sharing those  insights. While many of these lessons are powerful concepts for positive change very few of the “thought leaders” who share them actually rise to high levels of financial success.

Douglas Vermeeren on the set of Word of Art

I was very fortunate early in my speaking career to find some amazing mentors and as a result I have constructed and followed a system which made me almost immediately financially successful. In my first 6 months as a speaker I earned more than1.6 million dollars US and have had a successful speaking business ever since. Here are a few of the things I see most speakers missing today that make a big difference.

1)Get a mentor – Most speakers are used to sharing advice and not giving it. If you can find a mentor or a coach that understands how to make money in the speaking business and establish yourself as an expert you are much further ahead in this highly competitive business.


2)Develop high level expert content – Content is indeed king. Most of the people populating this business today have very generic and predictable content. You need to be able to solve real problems and take people deeper into your subject of expertise than anyone else.

3)Use a proven business model – Most speaker stop at accepting a fee for a speech or have added a few products or coaching programs or workshops. While those things are all great streams of income they are not the most effective way to monetize your speaking business. (More on this in a future post)

AM Agenda's Pat Bolland interviews Millionaire Mentor Douglas Vermeeren

4)Use media and leverage authority – Most speakers remain relatively unknown and hidden in the marketplace. They do not know how to attract media and are too afraid to invest in a publicist or support team.

Douglas Vermeeren on the Rush in Vancouver

5)Get on the right stages and build boundaries – Most speakers who are broke will speak anywhere, for any fee and say YES way too much. Recognize that there is a such things as a wrong audience!


6)Build a relationship – One of the big mistakes I see regularly from speakers is that they are too eager to rush an audience into a high priced product or seminar. The audience feels like they are simply a number or a transaction. Focus on providing value first, establishing your credibility as a true solution first and that you are genuinely concerned about the results your audience needs first. If you do these things you will have earned the right to be bold as your audience will want to continue the relationship.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

Vermeeren is the author of 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and one in the Dummies book series. He is also the creator of the personal development films The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map. Enterprise magazine calls him Canada’s Tony Robbins! He iOS the regular featured achievement expert on FOX, FOX Business, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC and others.


#douglasvermeeren #TheSpeakingBusinessMultiplier #professionalspeaker

The Speaking Business Multiplier – 3 Tips to think about developing content – Douglas Vermeeren

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While you’d think that content and acquiring content would at the top of the priority list for people wanting to be considered experts in the field of speaking, coaching and training – it isn’t always. Over the last several decades I have been involved in the personal development business I’ve seen many who just don’t feel that constant preparation, improvement or education is that important. I regularly see speakers who prepare a speech only after they have an event booked and I’ve also seen others who prepared one speech a long time ago and every time (even to the same audience) bring out that same speech. This is a short cut. And although it may be the easy way it will never open up the doors for you to be considered an expert or a person with solutions of any depth.

I suppose it’s very similar to the one hit wonders of the music business. Or better yet like a  pianist with only one key to play. LAME.

Here are 3 thoughts to think about when preparing your content that will help you to position yourself as an expert, be prepared for any event you are called upon without notice (And this happens often for higher level speakers) and lastly, to become profitable as a speaker.


  1. Read, research, watch, listen and learn every single day. I would even suggest multiple times a day. The flow of ideas into your mins on the subject you speak about needs to be constant. Almost to the point of overflow. As it overflows in your mind it will fill the minds of those you present to. In their minds you will be the well from which they know they can gain the answer. The only way that you can become that is if you first fill your mind. An old hindu saying says it best: An empty vessel can fill no other cup. Obviously it goes without saying that from the beginning I hope you have chosen a subject that you are excited about. If you are truly excited about this subject matter you’ll find that this quest for content isn’t a burden but an exciting opportunity. And I should mention if you aren’t cited about your subject it will be very difficult to get others excited about it. 452830868_0f1406ba87_b
  2. Record and sort it as though you were to teach it. When we learn with purpose we retain and record things in a more powerful way than if we to simply read something. I invite all of my students to record the content they are researching as though they had to teach it. As they look at how their research can help and bless the lives of their students they have all found amazing results. One of the most powerful being is that have immediately started to recognize what has been most valuable and practical in their research. They have been able to recognize where in their presentations these new findings have been able to fit. They have also noticed that their level of expertise has risen among their audiences. It really does become clear which speakers are consistently learning and which are just coasting. Naturally as you learn to teach your students will also feel who really cares.online_keyboard_news
  3. Look for ways to share what you are learning outside of your presentation. More and more I am seeing a massive shift in the personal development and speaking industry. No longer are people able to maintain a career simply as “a keynoter.” In order to thrive in this business it is necessary to expand to other platforms and areas such as coaching, mentoring, masterminds, products and an array of other platforms. One of the other necessities is a social media presence. Daily communication to your tribe or community is becoming more and more of an expectation. And the more your visibility and stature in the industry rise the more it is expected of you. Your daily content quests are a great way to find and prepare information to share. It needn’t be long but it definitely needs to be consistent.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the Speaking Business Multiplier. His clients include beginning speakers all the way to celebrities, athletes, top business leaders and more. His focus is on helping them to develop high profit speaking, coaching and training businesses. He is the author of three books in the guerrilla marketing series and filmmaker behind 3 of the most popular personal development films of all time. 

#TheSpeakingBusinessMultiplier #DouglasVermeeren #DougVermeeren

1 Action doesn’t create an empire. Douglas Vermeeren

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When experience success it is a time for congratulations! Maybe even time for a celebration. But success is a time for one more important element! And that is to keep going.


Everyone experiences success from time to time. One could even say that it was luck. But when you keep going after the success and work according to strategy that when things really begin to happen in positive ways.

Interestingly enough not everything is going o work out but that’s the time to keep going even more. In fact, things that don’t always work out really successfully but are still done according to a predesigned strategy still make more success than a single win. Focus on moving closer to your goals rather than creating success.


Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #PersonalPowerMastery #PersonalPowerMasteryseminar #PersonalPowerMasteryforbusiness

12 areas profitable speakers get figured out in their business – Douglas Vermeeren

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12 Areas you need to figure out if you are going to be a profitable speaker

By Douglas Vermeeren, The Speaking Business Multiplier

The title of Speaking Business Multiplier was given to me by one of my speaking students. It was one thing for me to create success in my own speaking career. We tend to create success for ourselves as a matter of survival. Often those who do amazing things for themselves are not great teachers when it comes to transferring that success to others. But I have figured out some systems that have helped others to do what I have done and help many others get on that path. The student that called me by this title was able to take his business from a steady moderate income comparable to a hobby to a full time career making over 7 figures.

I believe that you can too. Again I’ve seen it many times in the lives of my students and in other speakers around me. If you want to be successful in this business the first thing you need to do is start looking at it like a business.

As I’ve had the chance over the last 10 years or so to speak along side some of the industries top names I have seen many similarities in their business practices. I have also seen the differences in the way they do many things that make their business thrive while others experience difficulty.

img_0690I’ve worked with them and spent quite a bit of time with top speakers privately and behind the scenes. I can tell you where they invest their time and efforts to create results and most of what they do would surprise you. Why? Because you’re not doing it.

(And by the way although that’s Bob Proctor and I in a casino – that’s not where we made our money and work on our speaking business. lol. Although some people run their business by chance. We were in fact just walking through headed but some people don’t know where they are headed in their speaking business.)

Below are some of the core areas I believe need to be thought about and expanded on to create a balanced, sustainable and profitable speaking business.

Which do you think you would like to learn more about:
1)Learning and Preparing valuable content
2)Positioning yourself as an expert
3)building the right kinds of products
4)Building a sales funnel and business structure that works
5)Building an intro or preview session that converts
6)Selling from the stage
7)Finding more speaking opportunities
8)Attracting media coverage
9)Learning how to JV with other top speakers
10)How to use social media and others tools for expert positioning
11)Creating strong brand loyalty
12)Effective business structures and systems for speaking

Do you have these elements in your speaking business? Are they all there ? Are there some that are missing? Do you have questions about how to make some of these elements better?

istock_000022230045mediumOver the next while I’ll go into more detail on some of these activities and provide some practical ideas, concepts and strategies on how you can bring these things into your business and create more success.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

More speaking business training too! Douglas Vermeeren

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fear-of-public-speaking-imageLately I’ve had a lot of event organizers hire to me to participate in several upcoming events designed to help speakers grow their business. As many know I do a lot of speaker training and have been doing one on one coaching in this capacity for years. As I’ve done these events and met with speakers I’ve had a lot of people tell me that although they love the motivational articles and ideas that I share they would appreciate it if I’d share more tips and tools from speakers along the way. I am going to attempt to do that.

While I own the domain and brand high profit Speaker I had something fun happen the other day and it kind of stuck. One of my students that has been in my one on one coaching for speakers had a meeting with me recently. They have experienced quite a bit of success. They have some really great content and with a little guidance from me they have been able to build a very profitable 6 figure speaking company in a relatively short period of time.  In our last meeting he said, “You are the Speaking Business Multiplier.” I’d never heard that term before but I actually really thought it was cool.

As I share these speaker tips and other materials I am going to adopt that title of Speaking Business Multiplier. I like it. It’s what I want to do for the speakers that work for me. It describes my mission perfectly.

I want to clarify that’s not just about money in my mind though. It about multiplying everything that is good in your speaking business. I want o help you have more opportunities, more stages, more products sold, more students, more JV opportunities, more media, more people in you audience, more countries visited,  more recognition, more unique content, more power more of everything!!!! Where does it stop? I don’t know but by bringing my over 10 years experience I hope to make some massive differences for people.

I bought the domain the Speaking Business Multiplier so you will see that up soon and I will add tools there as it goes live.

For those unfamiliar with my work here a little about me and what I teach taken from some of the information we share about our courses. If you are a speaker, coach or training and you want to take your business to the next level I don’t see many people out there teaching about the BUSINESS of speaking. Most teach about how to overcome fear of speaking publicly or how to “Rock” the stage. (While there’s probably value in the 50+ courses claiming to offer this – I don’t really know what that means.)  After having a look around there really isn’t anyone who does what I do. If you really want to grow your speaking business we should meet!

Here’s what others are saying about me:

He is the author of 3 books in the influential Guerrilla Marketing series!
He is the author of books in the Dummies series
He is the creator of 3 of the top personal development movies of all time.
He has shared the stage with nearly every top name in personal development today
He speaks regularly to audiences of 1000s of people
He has spoken on nearly every continent on the globe
He is a regular featured expert on many of the top TV networks
He is featured on the covers of multiple personal development & success magazines per year
In his first six months as a speaker he earned more than 1.6 Million dollars
And he can show you how to do similar things in your career.
In this presentation you’ll learn:

*Why MOST SPEAKERS STAY BROKE and what you can do to position yourself for success.
*How to partner and Joint venture with some of the most influential speakers in the world today!
(In my movies The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map I had the support of the following well-know leaders. I will reveal the secrets behind why they were willing to help me:
Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marie Diamond, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle, Morris Goodman, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Loral Langemeier, Randy Gage, Mary Morrissey and others….
*How to become a regular featured expert on TV, radio and in the media.
I have a strategy and formal that has been getting me booked for years. Click here to see some of my media appearances on FOX, FOX BUSINESS, CNN, NBC, ABC, CTV and others –
*How to get on more stages and make big money with your programs
I bought this Ferrari as a gift for myself as a result of one event I did in Las Vegas. You can do the same with my easy to follow system. Me and my reward for speaking

*How to develop presentations and products that people are lining up to have! At one of my movie premieres we had more than 6,000 people in attendance. Most speakers have never seen that many people at an event before! Imagine that those kinds of numbers would be interested to hear what you have to say!

douglas-vermeeren-600Hope to meet you soon.


Douglas Vermeeren – Speaker training upcoming dates

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We are please to announce that we will be coming to Florida, the UK, Las Vegas NV and Los Angeles area all before Christmas to conduct speaker training. Our training is different than most in that we do not focus on the skills for the stage – we focus on the skills for the business of speaking.

If you want to learn how to:

Get more gigs!

Attract more exposure and media!

Create products and presentations that people want!

Create Highly Profitable sales funnels!

How to attract and JV with bigger stages and speakers!

And more.


You need to be here!







Don’t get discouraged – Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t get discouraged

By Douglas Vermeeren

Things can go wrong. Things can go really wrong although you had good or even great intentions. Obstacles arise that you hadn’t planned for. People change their minds or sometimes lie to get their way. Your efforts don’t always produce the results you expected. feelings get hurt unintentionally or things you say or are said to you can misunderstood.  Sometimes even the weather won’t cooperate. And we can get discouraged when things like this happen. When we are discouraged its very difficult to perform at our best and see situations and opportunities clearly. we tend to paint everything with a cynical or less than enthusiastic point of view.

Things don’t always go perfect. Or do they?


Often we are quick to judge whether an event or situation is positive or negative. What makes an even positive or negative? Most people would say the results or the way it makes me feel. This definition can be a little misleading. The problem with the hastiness of this definition is that it instantly has an effect of how we perform and what we are willing to believe. It immediately changes our desires and dedication to what we may be trying to do.

The truth of the matter is in handiness nearly everyone I have ever met have admitted that sometimes they are very grateful that certain things did not work out. They often are excited for the fact that because something didn’t work out they were able to discover better opportunities and situations waiting for them just ahead. So then was the negative experience really a negative experience or was it the seeds of a more positive opportunity just ahead?

This is why whenever something challenges comes along we need to do our best to deal with the matter at hand but recognize that this event may be the cataylst to unlock the more positive experience just a short distance away. When we get discouraged we shut off many possibilities.

Now I want to clarify I’m not saying its not okay to feel hurt, frustrated, maybe even angry at times. Those are natural human emotions and you will experience them. What I am saying is don’t get discouraged. What discouragement is defined as is the removal of the courage to move forward. DON’T DO IT.  Get mad, get angry, be hurt – just don’t quit.


Students at Personal Power Mastery have expressed at times how had they quit they would never have found the perfect job. started the business that made them wealthy, found their soul mate and in one case I am aware of beat a terminal illness.

Life is not easy. That much I agree with.

But it is easier for those don’t get discouraged. When you move forward with hope things get more hopeful.

It is time to recognize that it is not our business to declare what a negative situation is. Because they seldom turn out that way in the long run. Now is your time – Make it count!


DV Photo 1Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #PersonalPowerMastery #PersonalPowerMasteryseminar #PersonalPowerMasteryforbusiness

How do you think your life should be? – Douglas Vermeeren

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As I have taught people around the world I have noticed several common feelings and thoughts around success. It didn’t matter if these people were from a corporate setting, high level executives, prisoners in a maximum security prison, students at a high school or members of a network marketing company. Many of the these common feelings and thought surrounding the ability to create success existed.

I am going to focus on one of these “Rules of success” today. And that rule is:


Douglas Vermeeren PPM 54

Often people feel that life needs to be far more difficult and hard than it is. They feel that if they don’t create drama or challenge that the rewards life has to offer them aren’t really theirs. I have noticed that people consistently make attaining success much harder than it really needs to be. The truth of the matter is – Success isn’t hard if you’re committed to developing better habits. It’s no more complex than that.

People who believe it to be harder will seek out ways to pay the price beyond what is required. Or they will add steps that do not matter just to give themselves work to do. Success and achievement flow naturally to those who seek to simplify.

Those that think life should be easy understand that the ease of living comes from getting prepared and making smart choices. There are two stories I remember being told once although I can’t remember the source.

The first story is about two farmhands that come to a farmer for a job. The first  told of “how hard he could work and how good he was at solving problems.” The second simply said he “could sleep soundly when the storm came.” The farmer needed the help and was intrigued by both answers he hired both men. They both work hard but had very different methods of doing things.


The one day a big storm came and the farmer understood what the second man meant in his interview. The first man had always worked hard and got the job done but at times it was sloppy and a little chaotic. The second man always seemed to finish first and was organized. When the storm came the scone man was prepared and could sleep because he had originally done the job correctly and with preparation against any challenge. The first man was out in the rain trying to fix things he had rushed through or done incorrectly.

Preparation and working correctly allow you to sleep in the storm while others become frantic.


The second story is about a stagecoach company looking to hire drivers to take their passengers through the canyons of Arizona in the old west. The interviewer asked the first driver, “With your skill level how close can you drive to the edge of the cliff before you consider it unsafe?” The first driver responded, “I am skilled enough that I can even let the back wheels of the coach hang over and I will still have control.” The interviewer nodded and then asked the second driver the same question, “How close can you get tot the edge of the cliff?” This driver responded by saying, “I try to stay as far away from the cliff as I can.”

Which driver was hired?

Too many people in life look for how close they can get to trouble. That does not create a life of ease. It is a stressful place to be in and they may get lucky from time to time but it is dangerous place. Eventually things will go wrong.

Where do you put your stagecoach in life? Do you wait until the last minute to pay bills? Do you leave important tasks to do until later? Are you flirting with danger in your job, relationships, finances and more?

Your life is a reflection of how you think it should be.


Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

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