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Posts Tagged ‘Doug Vermeere

3 Morning Rituals from an Entrepreneur of Influence that you’ve never heard… Douglas Vermeeren

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Escape the Rat Race Students give Back!

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I want to congratulate my students for raising a nice donation for the Great Ormand Street Children’s Hospital.  Passive Income for ourselves is not our only mission. It becomes our responsibility to give back once we have received! Thank you all for embracing the mission! #1passiveincomecoach #Douglasvermeeren #superstars #charities #giveback #giversgain #childrenscharity #escapetheratrace

Why you need passive income – by the #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach 4

Passive Income is supposed to be just that PASSIVE. That means that it does not occupy much of your time once it is set up and running. Can you believe that as I am here snorkelling and finding sea shells I am making money. This is the kind of experience I believe everyone should have. And it’s not that difficult to do if you know the right systems to set up.

Passive income is your ticket to freedom and it is the way that all wealthy people build their fortunes.

No one wealthy trades time for money.

They just don’t do it.

I am just about to launch my newest ebook that will show you how to build passive income in your life. I am excited about this because this book reveals how you can actually create passive income using easy to follow ideas and strategies. In this book I dispel so many of the passive income myths that cause most people to think it’s just too hard. It’s not.

It really easy quite straight forward and there are specific things steps you can take immediately that will make it even easier. Stay tuned and shortly you can get your own copy of this easy to use manual for wealth.

#1passiveincomecoach #passiveincomemillionaire #douglasvermeeren #millionairementor #passiveincomemillionairebook #yourfirstmillion #passiveincome #Freedom #millionairelifestyle #1wealthcoach

Don’t Suck at Selling #3

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Don't suck at selling Shut up
Don’t Suck at Selling #3
Shut up and listen
This one is pretty obvious and most likely you’ve heard it before. But if that’s really true why do we need to keep saying it again and again?
Well, to be quite frank it’s because people are still not listening.
And even if you are a listener this is a skill that can improved every single day.
I am always amazed at how many people that attend my sales seminars say that they are really good listeners. And then they won’t shut up. That’s all the evidence I need.
This is especially obvious at the early stages of a selling relationship. When you first meet a prospect it is your job to do the investigation to see if these people are qualified. And if they are not sure they are qualified you need to listen enough so you can help them see they are, if that’s the case.
Too many crappy sales people rush in to get the sale and that they slide right past discovery into a presentation. (Yikes -Sales suicide!)
I was recently at a networking event and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I saw a “salesperson” corner a potential prospect, who by the look on his face obviously wanted to escape the moment they entered the trap.
All the clues of desperation were there. Looking at the watch. The body language of trying to squeeze past. The longing glance away for help. The disinterested nods. It was all there.
Yet this sales person didn’t get it. Instead he had even whipped out his phone to share a slide deck on his products I can only imagine what came next was a full presentation on his product line. What the heck? And even beyond what the heck, how does this delusional sales person actually think that he is going to be successful?
Obviously when you are listening you can’t just hear words. You need to be paying attention to everything. Especially look at body language.
And quite frankly had this crummy salesperson been doing that he would have easily seen that this prospect was not a prospect at all. He was a frickin’ prisoner. He was looking for an escape route the entire time, but this sales person was so wrapped up in himself that he couldn’t see how overbearing he was.
Try and listen next time. #douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #salestips #1salestrainer #1salestraining #improveyoursales #sellmore

Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren


Don’t be a script — Be a real person.

If you sound canned, too rehearsed, practiced or like you are performing YOU WILL SUCK. Sales is about connection. If you come with every words and gesture designed you are old school.

I recently watched a sales training video from a guy you all know. If you think about it you’ll know who I’m tlaking about. In the video his hand gestures were so calculated he looked like a robot with a stick up his backside. He was obviously reading from a teleprompter and that made it even more inauthentic. And the crazy thing is this guy is a well-knwn international sales trainer and he’s been doing this for year. Insane!

And if you think that’s bad — so many of the people he trains end up being the same way. Robots impersonating that main robot. Let’s get real for a minute… You wouldn’t by from a robot like that. (Kind of reminds me of a self-checkout. Sure I pay the machine, but the machine didn’t help me buy anything.)

Any ways, we will talk more in detail about this another time. But for today I’m going to suggest if you want to really start to increase your sales you must know your product, service, pricing, competitors and marketplace enough that you can be a real person. (now some of you out there may think I’m suggesting you wing it and you don’t need to prep. If you think that — shame on you. YOU WILL SUCK and then probably try to blame me and this article. Don’t.)

I am not saying don’t prepare or have a game plan. You need that and we will talk about that another time. What I’m saying is cut out this script crap and trying to memorize a prepatterned monolog to throw up all over your prospects. They won’t like it and you won’t like your results.

About DV: Douglas Vermeeren has been selling forever. He cvalls it like it is and gets results. He has been featured on all kinds of media. He is called by many THE Sales Trainer because he is THAT good. He speaks to audiences around the globe and can help you. Nothing else matters.

#douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #1salestrainer #salestraining #selling #makemoresales #dontsuckatselling #DV

Learn from the best in the best way – Personal Power Mastery

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Learn from the best in the best way – Personal Power Mastery by Douglas Vermeeren

douglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery Success quote 113

Imagine if there was a million dollars in a brief case for you on the other side of a field. The money is all yours all you have to do is go and pick it up. There is however one catch the field is filled with landmines and you don’t know where they are. Crossing this field will be a very challenging not to mention potentially explosive obstacle.

However you have a few options to get across.

Option 1 – Run like heck an hope you make it okay.
Option 2 – Read a book about it and take it slowly and cautiously on your own.
Option 3 – Have someone who has navigated the field once before tell you what to do from the sidelines.
Option 4 – Have someone who has successfully navigated the field multiple times walk with you and point out the potential dangers and challenges.

Which one would you pick?

When it’ appears in the context its pretty obvious which choice is the one you should select to complete the objective of crossing the field. But when it comes to practice in real life you’d be surprised how many choose the first option of simply “winging it” and making a run for it.

Let me share a little about each of these and then make a case why the final one is the best option in real life too.

Option 1 – Run like heck and hope you make it. This is the way most people approach getting to their goals in real life. Whether its in their career pursuits, building a business, flipping a house, becoming a professional athlete or even a rock star. When it comes to achieving their goals most people try to do it solo without support. They rush in whatever direction with whatever activities they think will help them make progress. This is also known as the school of hard knocks. This can be painful, expensive and time consuming. The are the people that think reading, seminars, coaches, mentors and that kind of thing is a waste of time. They often will say things like, “You’ve got to pay your dues.” and “There’s no substitute for hard work.” Most of the time they never achieve anything great and often never get close to their goals.

Option 2 – Read a book about it and take it slowly and cautiously on your own. – I hope I can share this one in a way that makes sense. I am an avid reader and a strong defender of reading and books. But if we are honest there are some limitations. Many people feel that simply reading a book on a subject makes you an expert. I see this ALL the time with other speakers in my career. they read a book about someone else success and suddenly feel they are qualified to teach others about success. (What a disservice to those they claim to serve. They can’t help others because they aren’t even willing to recognize their own limitations.) While reading a book will give you power there are still limitations. One of the challenges with this option in real life (and this happens with just attending seminars too) is that you learn just enough to make you dangerous so to speak. In other words you will get the information to make you started but what happens if you run up against a situation the book doesn’t cover or the seminar didn’t teach you about? What will you do? You will be stuck until you can get help.

The second part of this is taking it slow and cautiously. And we see this reflected in many people in real life. They slow their progress down to make certain that they have all of the answers they need before they take action. Hopefully that’s not you. But if it is let’s clarify one thing even with the top mentors speaking to you hourly you will still not have all the answers. It is just not possible. You will have to walk by faith if you are going to claim the prize.

No in finishing this option I want to emphatically state that I AM NOT AGAINST READING. I am against reading by itself. To be most effective it needs to be a component of a stronger strategy which we will talk about in a moment.

Option 3 – Have someone who has navigated the field once before tell you what to do from the sidelines. This option is getting better because you have the ability to rely on the experience of someone else who has completed the task. But as this article is entitled, “Learn from the best in the best way” I have to point out that while this is the best option so far there are still limitations. Someone observing you from the sidelines is often not aware of the specific details you are facing and they aren’t always seeing things as you see them in the field. They may not always give you the best advice because they don’t always know you and your particular situation in close up detail. It kind of reminds me of the encouragement that we often hear repeated, “Take a millionaire to lunch.” We’ll on the surface that’s a great idea, but in reality its going to take more than a lunch to get yourself truly on track to make your own million.

Option 4 – Have someone who has successfully navigated the field multiple times walk with you and point out the potential dangers and challenges. This final option is the best. Essentially it is having someone who has successfully accomplished what you are intending to do work with you directly to help you successfully arrive at the same conclusion. Often times this can cost more money than the other options up front but in the end it is actually the least expensive and most productive. In many cases as I have observed attendees to our seminars over the years this is also the option that actually gets the most results. Too often people come through our doors that have been trying the other options for years – but suddenly when they get the courage to actually get someone personally involved in helping them everything finally comes together.

Naturally Using a combination of all of these things will provide value as well so don’t neglect any learning opportunity that will support you on your mission.

There is one last things that I want to share that is important to recognize when it comes to learning and perhaps this is the concept that is closest to the title of this article. “Learn from the best in the best way.” Not all mentors, teachers, coaches, books, seminars youtube videos and learning tools are created equal. The lessons from some “Gurus” Will actually take you backwards and cost you time and money instead of helping you fulfill your purposes. Yes, you can learn from everyone and sometimes those lessons can be the wrong way to do something.

Life is short and your time is limited. Seek out the very best people to learn from and make the commitment to appreciate yourself enough to select the support that will ultimately serve you best.

Challenge: Get out there today and seek out in person mentors and support to help you get to your goals.

#douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #levelup #Mentors #topmentors #findingmentor #millionairetolunch #success #goalacheivement #goals #goalssetting #PPM

DO YOU WANT TO GET MORE SPEAKING GIGS? – Douglas Vermeeren 10X your Speaking Business – PART 1

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10 X Douglas Vermeeren

Do You Want to get more speaking gigs? – By Douglas Vermeeren, 10X your Speaking Business – Part 1

Getting more gigs is the most common thing that I hear speakers ask about. In this brief post I want to clarify one thought that most speaker don’t think about. When it comes to speaking gigs one of the first things that I learned in my speaking business was that not all speaking gigs are created equal.

Do you really want more speaking gigs? Or do you want the ones that are going to have your ideal audience? If you are going to run a successful speaking business speaking more is really not the goal. It becomes a questions of understanding that you want quality rather than quantity.

When I first started I would speak to any group for any reason. Not only did this not produce the results (financially and otherwise) that I was looking for but it also hurt my brand.

There was in fact one event that after I had finished speaking I actually felt the audience dislike me. It was a charity event that I tried to sell to the audience. (Remember that Kelly, Christian and Jordan.) It was painful. And actually quite inappropriate. Had I the ability to do it again I would be more sensitive. More on this learning experience later.

I have had the opposite happen as well. A perfect group who perfectly connected with my message. The results was £280,000 in sales of my services. And here’s the funniest thing that actually makes it my highest conversion of a single room. There were only 6 attendees. (Jason Parker still smiles when he remembers being in the room.)

Take some time to really think about who your best audience is before you go on the hunt for speaking events and you will find your success comes much faster.

PART 1 – Done.


10 X Douglas Vermeeren

Are you an Influence Seller™?

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Doug Vermeeren was recently just looking through social media to identify how many posts are directly related to asking for something or selling something. My goal was to see engagement. Do you know what I found? Those who actually shared value first (and often much more than once) had far more engagement than the others. This goes to prove the point that I am writing about in the Learn to Sell or Die Book – We live in a time of Influence Selling™ not transactional selling. (That is not to say that transactions don’t happen – they need to if you are going to stay in business.) But the point is that there has been a massive shift and if you don’t understand that people expect you to deliver high value and future a relationship before selling then you will struggle in this marketplace. The funniest part of this is that almost everyone agrees with me. The problem is that no one is doing it in practice. Here’s the question for you. What are you doing to create value in the marketplace right now before you ask for anything? What are you doing? #DouglasVermeeren #learntosellordie #influenceselling #sales

Douglas Vermeeren Influence Seller

Why Do You Need Someone To kick Your Ass?

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Douglas Vermeeren

Simply put. You need someone to kick your ass because you are average. Your results are average. You aren’t doing things at the high level which you know you could be. Everything that you do is generally based on your patterns and how easy and accessible things are for you today. You haven’t decided to stretch to your potential and you are holding back your very best.  Don’t make excuses. You know that everything I am saying is true.

If you want to expand and grow your results YOU need to start with you. You will never grow results larger than yourself. Get out there and get to work.

When I meet with entrepreneurs, sales people, business owners and those pursuing increased results the prescription is so often the same – GET TO WORK!  Hustle is the name of the game, yet the activity of choice is to try and find the easy way.

Don’t do it. Get to work. Work hard.

Get your momentum going so you can enjoy your results in the future. That is the only way.

The End of my rant.

Douglas Vermeeren Bad boy of sales training

Are you ready to take your organization higher?
Are you ready to give them the tools to sell more?
Are you ready to help them become more productive?

Then look no further.

Doug Vermeeren is considered one of North Americas top speakers and trainers on the subjects of productivity and sales. ABC calls him the modern day Napoleon Hill for his first hand research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. These insider Success secrets are the basis for everything he teaches and shares with his audiences.

He is the regular go to expert on sales and business for FOX, FOX business, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV and others. He is a regular business and sales contributor for the NY daily News, Forbes, INC, CNN online and others. He is a regular sought after expert in the both radio and TV.

He is the also the producer and director of 3 of the top 10 personal development movies of all time. (The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map.)

He has authored 3 books in the world famous Guerrilla Marketing series. (Guerrilla Achiever, Guerrilla Millionaire and Guerrilla Masterminds) Several of his book have reached best seller status and have been translated in more than 20 languages worldwide.

He has spoken on nearly every continent on the globe and is a sought after speaker at business and sales conferences worldwide. He has also spoken and served as MC at multiple TED and TEDX events around the world.

Douglas Vermeeren has been rated as one of the top business speakers worldwide consistently by organizations like the Professional association of speakers and trainers, The Public Speakers Association and The Professional Speakers Academy.

And why does his stuff work? Because I don’t hold back. I call it like it is. No candy coating here.

Douglas Vermeeren | Sales Doesn’t Have To Freak You Out

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Why do sales and selling freak people out? Now Douglas Vermeeren not saying everybody gets freaked out but there are lots of people who get freaked out about sales and I used to be one of them. The prospect of selling used to make me afraid, I would hold back and retreat and my results reflected my fears.

Learn to Sell or Die - Douglas Vermeeren was freaked out
The more I held back the more my fears found justification and the harder everything got. Even when I would sell I would do so with my heart pounding and gut twisted in knots. I was literally freak out each and every time.

Things were going nowhere good crazy fast.

So what was it that changed to help me learn to love sales and create profitable results.

Douglas Vermeeren : Wealth & Success Principles From The Modern Day Napoleon Hill

The bottom line is that the best way to sum it up is that I decided to get:

  1. Authentic. In other words I stopped trying to be what I thought a salesperson should be and I just decided to come real. Become yourself and things will flow better. Prospect prefer to connect with the real you than an artificial version of you that really doesn’t exist. Be someone else and you’re a ghost. Be real and you’re human.
  2. Connect. Focus on connecting with your prospect. Connect with your product. Look at how your product and your prospect connect. Connect with a belief in your ability to help. Don’t think of your opportunities as sales jobs. Really connect with the moment and how you can support your prospect.
  3. Just do it! The only way you can break a fear is to face it. The only way a kid overcomes the fear of jumping off the high diving board is to jump. You need to face the fear and do it anyways. It’s okay to be afraid, it’s another thing to do nothing about it. When you get momentum, even if you don’t begin by creating a ton of success in the beginning at least you have started. And with each presentation you get better and things get easier.  My personal experience has taught me that it takes about 4 or 5 times doing something you are afraid of or find challenging to get into my groove.

So don’t freak out! Get started. Get out there and Learn to Sell!!!!!

douglas-vermeeren-600Are you ready to take your organization higher?
Are you ready to give them the tools to sell more?
Are you ready to help them become more productive?

Then look no further.

Doug Vermeeren is considered one of North Americas top speakers and trainers on the subjects of productivity and sales. ABC calls him the modern day Napoleon Hill for his first hand research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. These insider success secrets are the basis for everything he teaches and shares with his audiences.

He is the regular go to expert on sales and business for FOX, FOX business, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV and others. He is a regular business and sales contributor for the NY daily News, Forbes, INC, CNN online and others. He is a regular sought after expert in the both radio and TV.

Vermeeren is the also the producer and director of 3 of the top 10 personal development movies of all time. (The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map.)

He has authored 3 books in the world famous Guerrilla Marketing series. (Guerrilla Achiever, Guerrilla Millionaire and Guerrilla Masterminds) Several of his book have reached best seller status and have been translated in more than 20 languages worldwide.

He has spoken on nearly every continent on the globe and is a sought after speaker at business and sales conferences worldwide. He has also spoken and served as MC at multiple TED and TEDX events around the world.

He has been rated as one of the top business speakers worldwide consistently by organizations like the Professional association of speakers and trainers, The Public Speakers Association and The Professional Speakers Academy.

If you are looking to lead your team higher then look no further than Douglas Vermeeren.