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3 Morning Rituals from an Entrepreneur of Influence that you’ve never heard… Douglas Vermeeren

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Are you running your business right?

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Do you think I am right? What kind of business are you running? Or are you running a babysitting job? This is a special episode for entrepreneurs. Learn about what it really means to hustle – AND to HUSTLE WITH PURPOSE. You won’t want to miss this episode.




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Passive Income Power – #1 Passive Income Coach Douglas Vermeeren

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#1 Passive Income Coach - Made

Most people spend their time at a job or working for someone else. They have been taught, conditioned and groomed that the only way to have income stream is to be involved in a trade. In other words, they believe that they MUST report for a 9-5 in order to survive financially. Money is separate from time and trades. When you understand how money will really arrive into your life (namely through systems that facility an exchange of assets or services) you are able to regain your freedom. #1passiveincomecoach #millionairementor #passiveincomemillionaire #escapetheraterace #dougalsvermeeren

More Student Success Stories

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More of my London Students are creating passive income for themselves and moving closer to a life of freedom and Choice. Check this out!

#1 passive Income Coach - More Student success


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A neglected conversation in passive income – By Douglas Vermeeren, The worlds #1 Passive Income Coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach 6

The conversation that most people are having around passive income is always around how to make more money. While this is an important conversation it is missing a very essential component if you want to become wealthy. (it also lets you know clearly who understands wealth from Passive Income and who does not.)

A Passive Income Lifestyle and wealth through passive income must include more than an understanding of creating income streams, it must also include a conversation around how to preserve and protect the income generated through passive income streams.

NO, I’m not just talking about a boring conversation around tax strategies and financial planning. Protecting assets and money generated through passive income is generally more complex (and important) than what can be done around regular income streams. Often times passive income comes from untraditional or unconventional methods and that means you need to have specific and appropriate ways to protect it.

You will need to find an accountant who is well versed in how technology of today generates money, the expenses associated with the use of this technology and also an understanding that you may no longer be based in the country where you have paid taxes in the past. This is certainly true if you are a bit like me where you spend the bulk of your time abroad. In fact, you should have seen may tax returns for the years that I was abroad in Asia. As a non-resident in the country of my passport I paid very little in taxes. Obviously with more and more people gravitating towards a passive income lifestyle that includes travel and living abroad these are certainly considerations you need to be aware of.

As for marketing and technology it’s important for your preservation support team (account, bookkeeper etc.) to understand that marketing is the lifeblood of online passive income. Without it you cannot thrive. But they also need to understand the experimental nature of some of the campaigns. Not only can you discover tax deductions as a marketing expense but these can also receive benefits as R & D (Research and development) for you company. Just a consideration for you to be aware of.

And certainly the systems you need to create to support delivery of online products or digital delivery are often overlooked. These are components that traditional businesses often received benefits and deductions to create in the real world but are often overlooked online.

As the rest of the world catches up to the online world there will yet be many interesting changes and considerations given. Be sure that those you select to help you are aware and can support you in preserving your assets and capital.

Stick close as we explore some of these ways in the future.

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Why you need passive income – by the #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach 4

Passive Income is supposed to be just that PASSIVE. That means that it does not occupy much of your time once it is set up and running. Can you believe that as I am here snorkelling and finding sea shells I am making money. This is the kind of experience I believe everyone should have. And it’s not that difficult to do if you know the right systems to set up.

Passive income is your ticket to freedom and it is the way that all wealthy people build their fortunes.

No one wealthy trades time for money.

They just don’t do it.

I am just about to launch my newest ebook that will show you how to build passive income in your life. I am excited about this because this book reveals how you can actually create passive income using easy to follow ideas and strategies. In this book I dispel so many of the passive income myths that cause most people to think it’s just too hard. It’s not.

It really easy quite straight forward and there are specific things steps you can take immediately that will make it even easier. Stay tuned and shortly you can get your own copy of this easy to use manual for wealth.

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What do you value? Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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As people it is our human nature to select the activities and habits in our life to lead with our highest values. One of the disappointments that we create for ourselves is that we try to fool ourselves into chasing and pursuing things that don’t matter to us at deepest levels. We often pursue the wrong things because we take messages from those around us or the media as to what we are told we should enjoy and appreciate. Authenticity to our highest values will create results and happiness. This can be seen in immediate gratification choices too. People grab what they think they want in the short term rather than what they really value in the long term. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #success #goalsetting #personaldevelopmentDouglas Vermeren Personal Power MAstery 189

Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t suck at selling #1 Douglas Vermeeren


Don’t be a script — Be a real person.

If you sound canned, too rehearsed, practiced or like you are performing YOU WILL SUCK. Sales is about connection. If you come with every words and gesture designed you are old school.

I recently watched a sales training video from a guy you all know. If you think about it you’ll know who I’m tlaking about. In the video his hand gestures were so calculated he looked like a robot with a stick up his backside. He was obviously reading from a teleprompter and that made it even more inauthentic. And the crazy thing is this guy is a well-knwn international sales trainer and he’s been doing this for year. Insane!

And if you think that’s bad — so many of the people he trains end up being the same way. Robots impersonating that main robot. Let’s get real for a minute… You wouldn’t by from a robot like that. (Kind of reminds me of a self-checkout. Sure I pay the machine, but the machine didn’t help me buy anything.)

Any ways, we will talk more in detail about this another time. But for today I’m going to suggest if you want to really start to increase your sales you must know your product, service, pricing, competitors and marketplace enough that you can be a real person. (now some of you out there may think I’m suggesting you wing it and you don’t need to prep. If you think that — shame on you. YOU WILL SUCK and then probably try to blame me and this article. Don’t.)

I am not saying don’t prepare or have a game plan. You need that and we will talk about that another time. What I’m saying is cut out this script crap and trying to memorize a prepatterned monolog to throw up all over your prospects. They won’t like it and you won’t like your results.

About DV: Douglas Vermeeren has been selling forever. He cvalls it like it is and gets results. He has been featured on all kinds of media. He is called by many THE Sales Trainer because he is THAT good. He speaks to audiences around the globe and can help you. Nothing else matters.

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Do you love to Sell? Learn to Sell or Die – Douglas Vermeeren

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If you love what you sell and love selling it your customers will feel that and your enthusiasm will contribute in a large part to your success. Your approach is often just as important, if not more important than your product. #learntosellordie #douglasvermeerenI love Selling - I love Douglas Vermeeren

Why do most entrepreneurs fail? Personal Power Mastery minute – Douglas Vermeeren

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Most people can come up with great ideas and are extremely creative. I am one of those people and I see others like me everywhere I go. Until I learned that the rewards are in being bold, taking action and then finishing the job (or hiring others to help you finish the job) you will never create massive success. What can you do today to start, keep going and finish at a level of competence? That’s where the real rewards are!!! #personalpowermastery #douglasvermeeren #ppmDouglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery 177