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Waking up just 30 minutes earlier gives you an edge – Personal Power Mastery minute

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Douglas Vermeeren - Personal Power MAstery 158As I studied the daily patterns of the most successful people in the world I wasn’t surprised to find this one. Are you getting started early in the day or do you like to sleep in as long as possible? Or maybe you just like a few extra minutes…Maybe its time for a shift? #personalpowermastery #PPM #douglasvermeeren #EARLYSTART

How you start the day often determines the kind of day you will have. Too often average people look for how they can hold back and relax. They assume that a few extra minutes in bed will make their day more relaxed and less stress. The opposite is actually true. By holding back and staying in bed a little longer you actually are creating more stress as it now becomes necessary to spend the day catching up.

You’ll find even waking up an extra 30 minutes earlier will give you the advantage of sorting out your day and getting things off on the right foot. Start in control and you’ll find you stay in control.

30 minutes may not seem like much but in the overall scheme of things it is often just enough to allow you to take control of your morning rather than have you respond and rush to take care of everything that you need to do.

There’s an old saying that successful people do that which is hard first, so they can do that which is difficult later. Broke and broken people take the easy route first and in the end get stuck with everything that is hard.

Make a choice now that you get the days tougher things behind you first. And for some the toughest is simply to roll out of bed and get started.

One final observation: Momentum is a key factor to getting out of bed. Like everyone else I know it can be hard to wake up. (Especially when I’m teaching a seminar in a location that has a different time zone than my own. My UK seminars start at 9am their time – 2 am my time. That means my day often starts at midnight when I am over there. It’s not always easy to get out of bed at that hour. Especially when you throw in the airplanes trips and the rest.) However the one thing I have learned is that the key is momentum. Create it before you feel like. Get moving and you will start moving.

When you get started early you’ll find that you will have plenty of time for rest later. And there is a peace that comes from knowing that the hard stuff is behind you.

Wishing you success,



What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

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Level up your inner Voice – Personal Power Mastery minute

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Douglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery 145

Level up your inner voice – Personal Power Mastery Moment

By Douglas Vermeeren

You’ve heard the saying that whether we think we can or think we can’t we are right. My interviews with top achievers and observance of those who are less successful have proven this true countless times. Our success begins with our thoughts, and even more specifically with the quality of those thoughts and what we say to ourselves.

Often most people don’t realize however, that its not the great and grand thoughts that pass through our mind each day that actually make the most difference. In fact it is the small almost harmless appearing thoughts that often have the most weight. It is the small thoughts that we often pay little attention to that condition us as to what we believe is possible for ourselves. Those little doubts are like cracks that appear in a damn. Almost almost invisible at times they make the structure of the damn weak and ready to collapse the minute something large presses against it. 

The same is true of the small thoughts most people continually nurture around doubt, scarcity, lack of self worth and so forth. Because those thoughts move freely in the mind without any attempt at repair when some great opportunity comes along that could really benefit them they are not able to take it into their lives because they have allowed small doubting thoughts to settle for too long. 

If you would like to achieve better outcomes in your life and experience more success the first step is to pay very careful attention to how you communicate to yourself. Positive and empowering communication must proceed powerful and positive results.

My challenge to you today is to start looking more carefully at your thoughts about yourself and to yourself. Start believing more in your ability to succeed then listening to your voices of doubt. 

About the Author

What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the CEO of The Excel Leadership Academy which provides leadership training to many of the worlds top companies.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

Are you on Purpose? Personal Power Mastery – Douglas Vermeeren

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Are you on purpose?
Personal Power Mastery Moment by Douglas Vermeeren

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As I have taught the principles of Personal Power Mastery over the last decade Have seen some extremely talented people in business, in the performance arts and athletics. Once while in Canada I met a young man who was an incredible hockey player. He was no doubt destined for an incredible career in professional hockey. By the time he was 16 he was already being scouted by several NHL teams. Secretly they had each cursed he and his parents and shared offers and promises if he were to make them his first choice.

You’d think that would have been motivating. But instead it was exactly the opposite. This young man began to think of the money, fame and fortune that was headed his way and at times he began to think beyond the mark to what life would be like when it was time to retire. One of his relatives after all had warned him to put money aside so that he would be prepared when he could no longer play hockey.

His focus began to shift to what he would do after rather than on what he could do now. His practicing began to be more relaxed and he began to sit still reading business books more often. He justified it by thinking he was still so far ahead of his peers and he assumed the promises to him from the dreams were not conditional. Slowly his lead on the other began to diminish and in a short time the phone calls and correspondence from the professional teams began tot disappear.

Unfortunately he didn’t recognize what was happening until it was too late. He lost his focus on hockey and it was no longer an option for him. He eventually took a job in the trades and is now almost forty. He will never play professional hockey and it all came to loosing his focus and looking beyond the mark.

There are great lessons from this situation. The time to do your best is in the present and even when you are ahead there is still a lot of work to do. Obviously this missed opportunity is still one of the biggest regrets and what-ifs in my friends life. Had he pushed hard for the few years between his teenage years and taking the ice as a professional everything would have been different.

As we spoke together and worked through some of these questions it became clear that part of the challenge may have been the pressure and a desire to self sabotage. But we will talk about that another time. Today is about focus which is the first thing he lost.

When we are focused and committed we have more moments of what some experts term as flow. Flow is when we get into our groove and we perform at our very best levels. When we get out of flow we can then see distractions, self sabotage and feel pressure.

When we are in the flow there is no pressure. We are doing what we love and doing it well. When this friend was on the ice playing hockey he was in his flow. When the money, agents, teams and meetings were added to the mix he started to step outside his flow. The reason why is that he couldn’t directly connect those things to the feeling he was getting on the ice. Instead in his mind he separated them. There was the sport and there was the business.

The more he thought about the business the more he became split between the sport and his flow.
My challenge to you today is to recognize where you are splitting your focus and what it is costing you? What could you eliminate or delegate to others so you can be focused on your flow more each day? I call it getting into your brilliance zone.

And with the things that you must do that are not dialled into your flow how can you attach them to your highest values so that they support you rather than distract you. Take some time and think about that today.

Activities without purpose can never produce progress.

About Douglas Vermeeren
What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill.

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

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How are you creating your life? Personal Power Mastery – Douglas Vermeeren

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How are you creating your life?
Personal Power Mastery Moment By Douglas Vermeeren

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You’ve heard the idea that people spend more time planning their summer vacations than they do planning for their life. It might sound like a funny idea if it weren’t closer to the truth than most people realize. The majority of people who even claim to be in charge of their lives still don’t take time to regularly plan and evaluate their lives. Their planning is most often sporadic and only spurred on by either outside events that force them to revaluate or a high inspiring moment that reminds them of what they are capable of.

If you are going to make powerful strides towards creating the success you want in your life a careful examination of your life and your activities in relationship to your goals must e a regular activity.

As I meet, interviewed and spend time with some of the worlds top achievers I was was quite surprised to see that each of them spend much careful time in meditation, pondering and careful thought about their present and future. (They didn’t waste a lot of time worrying about the past except to repeat successes or quickly learn from a mistake) Their time was also not spent wishing or wondering what they could do. It was actually productive thinking about why some thing would be important, how they might accomplish it and who they could reach out to for help.

It is important to point out that many of the gurus today encourage their supporters to learn to think big. While that is important I have found that often those who created lives of challenge, poverty and difficulty often tries to be big thinkers too. Big thinking alone doesn’t do it. The thinking that follows must be entered around execution and support for that execution.

One of the thoughts I often share in Personal Power Mastery is the concept you’ve heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I want to share that room to heaven is to. The only difference between the people on the two roads is that those who make it to the better places tend to add execution to the their good intentions.

Over the year I have observed that that there are some additional steps required to bring what you think about into reality. Here’s the first consideration:

If you only think it you probably won’t do it.

If you plan it you might do it. Or do it for a while.

If you schedule it you will get it done.

If you want to actually shift your ideas from thoughts to reality in the real world the first thing you need to do is start scheduling when you will take action on what you have thought about.

The second consideration:
Why do people procrastinate? The answers are simple and there are two of them. Firstly, the task that they need to accomplish aren’t in line with their highest values. When people don’t have activities that are in line with what they value most they aren’t interested to do them. And secondly they need momentum. Often people procrastinate because the aren’t really sure what to do next. Build a schedule (interesting this is connected to the idea above) and start developing a pattern of habits so you know what needs to be done next. If you know what’s next you don’t have to procrastinate trying to figure it out.

Thirdly, Seek out support and accountability partners. When you have others helping you they can’t help you stay focused and even provide support for achieving your successes.

My challenge to you today is to spend some time in planning your life. Set aside a regular time to do this often. Keep a journal for it and be sure to translate your plans from thinking to a schedule. Get to work in really time to start making things happen and get some support.


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1 Action doesn’t create an empire. Douglas Vermeeren

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When experience success it is a time for congratulations! Maybe even time for a celebration. But success is a time for one more important element! And that is to keep going.


Everyone experiences success from time to time. One could even say that it was luck. But when you keep going after the success and work according to strategy that when things really begin to happen in positive ways.

Interestingly enough not everything is going o work out but that’s the time to keep going even more. In fact, things that don’t always work out really successfully but are still done according to a predesigned strategy still make more success than a single win. Focus on moving closer to your goals rather than creating success.


Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #PersonalPowerMastery #PersonalPowerMasteryseminar #PersonalPowerMasteryforbusiness

Don’t get discouraged – Douglas Vermeeren

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Don’t get discouraged

By Douglas Vermeeren

Things can go wrong. Things can go really wrong although you had good or even great intentions. Obstacles arise that you hadn’t planned for. People change their minds or sometimes lie to get their way. Your efforts don’t always produce the results you expected. feelings get hurt unintentionally or things you say or are said to you can misunderstood.  Sometimes even the weather won’t cooperate. And we can get discouraged when things like this happen. When we are discouraged its very difficult to perform at our best and see situations and opportunities clearly. we tend to paint everything with a cynical or less than enthusiastic point of view.

Things don’t always go perfect. Or do they?


Often we are quick to judge whether an event or situation is positive or negative. What makes an even positive or negative? Most people would say the results or the way it makes me feel. This definition can be a little misleading. The problem with the hastiness of this definition is that it instantly has an effect of how we perform and what we are willing to believe. It immediately changes our desires and dedication to what we may be trying to do.

The truth of the matter is in handiness nearly everyone I have ever met have admitted that sometimes they are very grateful that certain things did not work out. They often are excited for the fact that because something didn’t work out they were able to discover better opportunities and situations waiting for them just ahead. So then was the negative experience really a negative experience or was it the seeds of a more positive opportunity just ahead?

This is why whenever something challenges comes along we need to do our best to deal with the matter at hand but recognize that this event may be the cataylst to unlock the more positive experience just a short distance away. When we get discouraged we shut off many possibilities.

Now I want to clarify I’m not saying its not okay to feel hurt, frustrated, maybe even angry at times. Those are natural human emotions and you will experience them. What I am saying is don’t get discouraged. What discouragement is defined as is the removal of the courage to move forward. DON’T DO IT.  Get mad, get angry, be hurt – just don’t quit.


Students at Personal Power Mastery have expressed at times how had they quit they would never have found the perfect job. started the business that made them wealthy, found their soul mate and in one case I am aware of beat a terminal illness.

Life is not easy. That much I agree with.

But it is easier for those don’t get discouraged. When you move forward with hope things get more hopeful.

It is time to recognize that it is not our business to declare what a negative situation is. Because they seldom turn out that way in the long run. Now is your time – Make it count!


DV Photo 1Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

#Thescienceofbeingawesome #DouglasVermeeren #dougvermeeren #PersonalPowerMastery #PersonalPowerMasteryseminar #PersonalPowerMasteryforbusiness

How do you think your life should be? – Douglas Vermeeren

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As I have taught people around the world I have noticed several common feelings and thoughts around success. It didn’t matter if these people were from a corporate setting, high level executives, prisoners in a maximum security prison, students at a high school or members of a network marketing company. Many of the these common feelings and thought surrounding the ability to create success existed.

I am going to focus on one of these “Rules of success” today. And that rule is:


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Often people feel that life needs to be far more difficult and hard than it is. They feel that if they don’t create drama or challenge that the rewards life has to offer them aren’t really theirs. I have noticed that people consistently make attaining success much harder than it really needs to be. The truth of the matter is – Success isn’t hard if you’re committed to developing better habits. It’s no more complex than that.

People who believe it to be harder will seek out ways to pay the price beyond what is required. Or they will add steps that do not matter just to give themselves work to do. Success and achievement flow naturally to those who seek to simplify.

Those that think life should be easy understand that the ease of living comes from getting prepared and making smart choices. There are two stories I remember being told once although I can’t remember the source.

The first story is about two farmhands that come to a farmer for a job. The first  told of “how hard he could work and how good he was at solving problems.” The second simply said he “could sleep soundly when the storm came.” The farmer needed the help and was intrigued by both answers he hired both men. They both work hard but had very different methods of doing things.


The one day a big storm came and the farmer understood what the second man meant in his interview. The first man had always worked hard and got the job done but at times it was sloppy and a little chaotic. The second man always seemed to finish first and was organized. When the storm came the scone man was prepared and could sleep because he had originally done the job correctly and with preparation against any challenge. The first man was out in the rain trying to fix things he had rushed through or done incorrectly.

Preparation and working correctly allow you to sleep in the storm while others become frantic.


The second story is about a stagecoach company looking to hire drivers to take their passengers through the canyons of Arizona in the old west. The interviewer asked the first driver, “With your skill level how close can you drive to the edge of the cliff before you consider it unsafe?” The first driver responded, “I am skilled enough that I can even let the back wheels of the coach hang over and I will still have control.” The interviewer nodded and then asked the second driver the same question, “How close can you get tot the edge of the cliff?” This driver responded by saying, “I try to stay as far away from the cliff as I can.”

Which driver was hired?

Too many people in life look for how close they can get to trouble. That does not create a life of ease. It is a stressful place to be in and they may get lucky from time to time but it is dangerous place. Eventually things will go wrong.

Where do you put your stagecoach in life? Do you wait until the last minute to pay bills? Do you leave important tasks to do until later? Are you flirting with danger in your job, relationships, finances and more?

Your life is a reflection of how you think it should be.


Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

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Power quote 8 – Douglas Vermeeren – Personal Power Mastery

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Power quote 8Life is incredible. Think about the air coming through your nose. Your heart beats. The warmth of the sun on your face. Your ability to chose. These are all things we overlook or often take for granted. Life is amazing!

Recognize your life is a blessing.

Once you do that you gain power to change your situation. You can’t expand your lifestyle until you appreciate your life!

Douglas Vermeeren – Power Quotes 7

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DOuglas Vermeeren top motivational Speaker 7

Everything around you can change – Douglas Vermeeren

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Everything around you can change

By Douglas Vermeeren, Creator of Personal Power Mastery

Too often people become discouraged because they are caught in the middle of a less than perfect situation. Sometimes these circumstances can even be painful. They are certainly not inspiring and often times do not give the individual involved the tools or beliefs that things can be better. we are highly influenced by what we surround ourselves with and these things often limit us rather than empower us. But are we trapped by where we are and who we spend time with. Is there no hope to live the dreams we have if we are surrounded by challenging circumstances?

The simple answer is YES! Things around you can change. Here are a few significant ways that negative circumstances can change. And quickly…

  1. Change the way you look at things and they will change. When we see things as a challenge they stay that way. But when we look at them as stepping stones to a new situation they become that. I do recognize that some situations are just difficult to paint positive. In some situations such as a abuse that may be near impossible. And quite frankly when something is just plain wrong you should not look at it in an acceptable manner. But even in those severe negative situations you do have a choice in how you will respond and react. Rather than look for a way through LOOK FOR THE WAY OUT! On this note I also want to mention that there is support, help and loving people who will be there for you to make this escape. Start looking at it in the way that you know there are people who will support your exit. You are not alone. Even this shift of perception will give you strength and courage to start to create the changes you need.
  2. Raise your standards. As you change what you will tolerate your entire situation will change. If you decide that you deserve better or more in your specific situation you will start to become more. As You become more you will begin to attract the things that will change your situation for the better. Most people settle for their current situation and so their current situation continues. If you don’t level up your life you will always get what you’ve always gotten.
  3. Get moving. Action always changes a situation. Results appear as a result of an equation. Things around you will change in the same way.  1 + 1 = 2. You have control over one of the 1s in this equation. It’s you. If you decide to raise your standards to a 2 and act that way the end result is this equation 2 + 1=3. The end result has changed. You can also choose to not participate which turn turns your 1 into a 0. 0+1=1. The equation is changed again. recently one of of my students shared that their marriage wasn’t going as planned. There was a lot of conflict and challenge. We had this discussion about equations and she decided that even if her partner was not going to be loving and kind she could be. Even if her partner didn’t value some of the things she did she would still live her live with those values. So in some circumstances she became a 2 in their 1 +1 and a 0 in their 1+1. As you can imagine things changed in both circumstances. Douglas Vermeeren PPM 47In this case her spouse decided he needed to change his behaviour to keep up with the new and improved version of his spouse and this story now has a happy ending. That is not always the case, sometimes the changes to where you know you need to be result in a recognition that you and the other person are more empowered apart.  as you create yourself in the way you know you should be those answers will appear.

Change is required for success and satisfaction in life. When the things around you begin to conspire to help you magical and marvellous things begin to happen. Everything around responds to what you do next. Both in positive and negative ways. So determine carefully what you want and then use these 3 concepts to shift your reality to follow your vision.