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Posts Tagged ‘personal power mastery events

HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS – Was The Secret wrong ?!?!?

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How thoughts Become Things poster

A brand new film called HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS shed new light on several of the ideas and concepts that were shared in the 2006 Law of Attraction film The Secret. The Secret was an international global phenomenon that inspired people everywhere to activate something called the law of attraction in their lives. The concept was simple Thoughts Become Things and the universe responds to our feelings on a level of frequency and vibration. Many people scoffed at the idea while other embraced it as a new way of being.

Over a decade later the film HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS is ready to answer the questions left behind from The Secret. In this effort to set the record straight some of the new revelations around the power of thought, the law of attraction, the role of emotions, overcoming negative thinking and quantum physics will astound you. Some of what you thought you understood on this subject will cause you to rethink what you have previously believed. In HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS you will discover the process of HOW your thoughts develop and create your reality. You will also discover the process of BECOMING which refers to the changes that proper and empowered thinking can bring into your life.

Featured in this film are several returning starts from the film THE SECRET and several new additions who will add much to the conversation.

This film features Bob Proctor, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Marie Diamond, Denis Waitley, Bob Doyle, Douglas Vermeeren, Travis Fox, Meagan Fettes, Karen Perkins and Marina Bruni.

Here are few thoughts from the film:

Emotion is what is creating your life. You cannot create without emotion. – Joe Vitale

Scarcity thinking is manifest in jealousy, comparison, Competition, Criticism and complaining.  If you want to improve your situation you need to let go of scarcity thinking. – Douglas Vermeeren

 Sometimes people are afraid to think differently than their families, their friends, their neighbours or their colleagues  because then they will stand out.  And if they stand out they could be left out.  – Marie Diamond

What you believe to be true is true for you. But it’s not necessarily based on reality.            – Dr. Karen Perkins

Some people think that to make the law of attract work, to be able to create a life you love that you can never have a negative thought and that’s just not true. – Bob Doyle

There’s a huge difference between having thoughts and thinking. Thinking involves higher cortical functions of the brain, whereas thoughts, they’re just there. They’re random. Some make sense, some don’t . Our job then is to be aware of the thoughts.          – John Assaraf

Thinking is in my opinion the highest thinking that we are capable of. The problem is that most people do not think. Although its the highest function we are capable of very few people do it. – Bob Proctor

If we look around us pretty much everybody is on automatic pilot. Most of the time. Unless you have very good control of your thoughts, unless you are very intentional. – Marina Bruni

Reality is different for every human being.  Because reality is based on what we perceive we’ve heard from our family and from our environment and what it means to us.               -Denis Waitley

Our thoughts become things. And our inner most dominant thought becomes our outer most tangible reality. Whatever you think about most you bring about most in life.             – John Demartini



Authenticity – what does that really mean? Personal Power Mastery minute – Douglas Vermeeren

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Authenticity isn’t about getting to do what you want. It’s about discovering your highest values and living within the boundaries of those values. Too often the declaration “I’ve got to be me.” leads to short sighted choices based on immediate gratification. This will never provide lasting happiness or produce the best consequences. Take time to discover your values and create consequences that will support them.

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Personal Power Mastery minute – Your future is determined by what you do NOW!

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Often times people talk about how they would like their life and future to look. Where things go amiss is when they fail to connect that future with the present. The key to creating a better future is to decide what you will do today to bring that future. Decisions are the hinge that either make or break the connection to your ideal future. But too often people make their decisions based on what they are currently experiencing rather than what they want. Decisions create future, not the present. You are already in the present.

So next time you say “I can’t because of… (lack of money, lack of connection to people, opportunities, things, knowledge, etc.) recognize that the only thing that can possibly change your future is to simply DO IT anyways.

Your decisions of today are the only thing that will give you something better tomorrow.

A decision now may require you to stretch and grow. But one thing is certain if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you’ve always gotten. Nothing will change. You can’t repeat the same patterns and expect different results.

If you want more money = you must make a new decision.

If you want more opportunity = you must make a new decision.

If you want better relationships = you must make a new decision.

All things can be improved and changed for the better if you decide. Decisions lead lives.

What will you decide today?

#personalpowermastery #douglasvermeeren #successquotes #decisions #personalpower #personaldevelopment #createyourfuture #entrepreneur #success

What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you. Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.) He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide. He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

Personal Power Mastery Minute – Are you in flow for success?

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All growth requires your expansion. If you want better relationships, more abundance, bigger results at work or in your business… or whatever it is you are looking to grow and improve it’s going to start with you. You can’t expand what is around you until you are bigger and better. Growth requires new perspectives, new skills and new understanding. Positive change is always a result of positive preparation.

If you think about it its pretty obvious to see the importance of expansion. Even the universe is in a constant state of expansion and has been since the beginning of the Big Bang. Anything that is not expanding is by nature contracting and as a result fighting against the entire universe.

In other words, when we hold back from growth and expansion we are in fact fighting against the entire universe. Expansion is the direction for everything. Are you in line with the movement?

I hope so. It is a decision to do so. It has been interesting to observe that both expansion and contraction take work. There is a significant amount of effort required to dig in your heels and resist growth. It is not easy to stay the same in a world that is ever changing. But some people choose to stay put.

As a result they end up doing more work and fighting an uphill battle more frequently. We all know people who end up repeating serious life lessons again and again because they refuse to learn. We have all seen people in financial or relationship troubles because they keep repeating poor patterns without improvement. These same people often seek out immediate gratification (with no long term benefits or power) or they would prefer to relax and lazily watch others progress.

Expansion and growth on the other hand open doors of possibility. Yes, there is work involved. But it is easier because you moving with the flow rather than against it.

So here’s the question, What are you doing today to expand?

#douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #success #successquotes #personaldevelopment #lawofattraction #growth #change #power #successmindset #personalpower #impactPPM seriers 2-1.jpgPPM seriers 2-1PPM seriers 2-1

Emotion is our highest trigger – Personal Power Mastery minute with Douglas Vermeeren

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Emotion is our highest trigger. Often people say that they really really want something in their life and they are still not taking action. That is because they re not emotionally attached to what they claim they want. Emotion is actually a function of the imagination. If they haven’t yet captured deep emotions about a subject its because they haven’t really spent time imagining that future and really seeing themselves in the picture. Take a moment to really own your desired outcome and paint it vividly in your mind and do it often. You’ll find that soon enough you will begin to develop a stronger emotional connection which will in turn motivate your actions! #personalpowermastery #ppm #douglasvermeeren

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Waking up just 30 minutes earlier gives you an edge – Personal Power Mastery minute

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Douglas Vermeeren - Personal Power MAstery 158As I studied the daily patterns of the most successful people in the world I wasn’t surprised to find this one. Are you getting started early in the day or do you like to sleep in as long as possible? Or maybe you just like a few extra minutes…Maybe its time for a shift? #personalpowermastery #PPM #douglasvermeeren #EARLYSTART

How you start the day often determines the kind of day you will have. Too often average people look for how they can hold back and relax. They assume that a few extra minutes in bed will make their day more relaxed and less stress. The opposite is actually true. By holding back and staying in bed a little longer you actually are creating more stress as it now becomes necessary to spend the day catching up.

You’ll find even waking up an extra 30 minutes earlier will give you the advantage of sorting out your day and getting things off on the right foot. Start in control and you’ll find you stay in control.

30 minutes may not seem like much but in the overall scheme of things it is often just enough to allow you to take control of your morning rather than have you respond and rush to take care of everything that you need to do.

There’s an old saying that successful people do that which is hard first, so they can do that which is difficult later. Broke and broken people take the easy route first and in the end get stuck with everything that is hard.

Make a choice now that you get the days tougher things behind you first. And for some the toughest is simply to roll out of bed and get started.

One final observation: Momentum is a key factor to getting out of bed. Like everyone else I know it can be hard to wake up. (Especially when I’m teaching a seminar in a location that has a different time zone than my own. My UK seminars start at 9am their time – 2 am my time. That means my day often starts at midnight when I am over there. It’s not always easy to get out of bed at that hour. Especially when you throw in the airplanes trips and the rest.) However the one thing I have learned is that the key is momentum. Create it before you feel like. Get moving and you will start moving.

When you get started early you’ll find that you will have plenty of time for rest later. And there is a peace that comes from knowing that the hard stuff is behind you.

Wishing you success,



What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

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Your life is your own fault – The power of thoughts – Personal Power Mastery

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Douglas Vermeeren Personal Power Mastery 152Recently I had a lady at one of my events express how she just had a massive a-ha moment occur. For the first time she realized how her thoughts literally had created her life. Now for some this may be pretty clear and evident. You might even call it common sense. But as I listened to this lady share her thoughts with my audience members at a recent PPM (Personal Power Mastery) I was reminded of the way our thoughts manifest themselves in reality and often how they can surprise us with their speed.

I will call this lady Joyce. As Joyce stood up to share her story I could tell that she was doing it with some regret. The results she had created in her life was a separation from her husband and they were now headed directly for divorce. It didn’t look like there was much that could change that. They had both gone a little bit to far and said a little bit too much that healing was near impossible.

As Joyce stood in front of the group sharing her current Realtionship state she began to talk about how the roots had truly been in her thoughts. Little by little she began to shift her thinking as to how things would be more ideal with a different partner. She began to think about how some of the little things he did annoyed her. Those thoughts began to slowly manifest themselves as small criticisms and jabs. She began to share how the more habitual the thinking became the more it turned into comments and actions.

As the thoughts turned more and more critical she began to see how they strangled affection and hope right out of her heart. Every sign of compassion for her mate disappeared until they found themselves here. She was quick to point out that her was not perfect. But he certainly had become far worse than he was through the kinds of thinking she was doing. The more she dwelt on his faults and painted him in a negative light the more terrible he became.

As she stood before our group with tears she admitted that her thoughts had gotten out of control. She never intended for it to come to this point. As she reflected on the journey she told our group that for the first time in a long time that she realized during our weekend together at PPM that she realized what had happened. And in reality she did still love her husband very much, but she could also see why he chose not to stay.

Now I don’t know what the ending of this story will be. But I do know that our habitual thoughts all come with a consequence. We cannot dwell on thoughts for long periods of time without seeing a form of them begin to manifest in reality.

My challenge to you is to choose your thoughts carefully and be sure that they are pointing towards the outcomes you desire most. For those of you who’ve attended PPM in the past you will also know how quickly you can shift your perspective and your thoughts and even the things that currently do not serve you (or even hurt you) can be shifted into something that you want and deserve when you use the correct tools and methods to do so.


What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill. 

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

One of the big lessons Star Wars got right in Personal Development -Personal Power Mastery moment by Douglas Vermeeren

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One of the big lessons Star Wars got right in Personal Development
Personal Power Mastery moment by Douglas Vermeeren


Over the last ten years I have had the opportunity to interview, spend time with and learn first hand from more than 400 of the worlds top achievers. These lessons have become the basis of what many are calling the most powerful personal change and development program in the world today. It is called Personal Power Mastery.

I have presented this material on nearly every continent on the planet and to audiences of thousands of people in almost every country you could think of. As I have seen people learn this information the lessons have continued. This time learning about the different personality types on the planet, the different learning styles these people have, the different reason people want to succeed or make changes to their lives and some very interesting ways people make choices and evaluate what they will and won’t do. (Even if the outcome will be good for them.)

I know the title of this article talks about Star Wars so I’d better get to that point. I am still most drawn to the originally trilogy by George Lucas. For me anything beyond that was simply an attempt to recapture (unsuccessfully I might add) what that original trilogy did. The original trilogy introduced such amazing ideas and concepts that connected directly with who we are as people.

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One of those links that I would like to talk about today is the Force. Sure, you saw that coming. But as I have studied the worlds top achievers and also those who were trying to improve their own lives I have come to the conclusion that certain elements of the force are real.

Yes, you heard that right. Now I’m not talking about the part about moving spaceships out of swamps or choking people from across the room. (Who knows maybe one day we’ll figure that stuff out.) What I am talking about is the connection that trusting our feelings has directly with the results in our lives.

One of my favourite scenes in the original trilogy is in the first film, now known as A New Hope. (I’m pretty sure everyone in the world has seen this film so I don’t think I need to warn “Spoiler alert.”)

You’ll remember that Luke and the rest of the rebels are engaged in an attack on the Death Star as it looms closer and closer to blow up the rebel base. Several of Lukes collegues attempt to blown up the Death Star by flying down a deep trench on the surface to shoot a few rockets down a ventilator shaft. Certainly a very difficult shot by any space pilots standards.

They each use a special targeting technology made specifically to aid pilots in making difficult shots like this. And even with that technology the pilots who attempt it fail.

Now when its Luke’s turn, and time has run out. Luke has only one chance. He also prepared his special targeting computer and heads down the trench.


Then the voice of his mentor, Ben Kenobi comes into his mind and advises him to trust his feelings. Luke shuts of his computer and shoots his rockets with only his feelings, instincts and power of the force to guide him.
Luke is successful and the good guys win.

Okay, so here’s the connection to personal development, the top achievers, those that attend my seminars and you.

I have seen many people come in and try a very logical approach to constructing their lives. They plan meticulously and itemize a list of things they need to do and sometime even itemize the order in which they need to do them. They lean almost exclusively on a logical approach.

I seen them start great. But soon life comes at them and external circumstances, other desires and new goals or values take them off track. The logic only approach seldom works. It’s like the targeting computer in Star Wars. The pilots who failed relied exclusively on the technology. They didn’t dial into their feelings and they didn’t have the force. They simply went through the motions.

Let’s jump over to the force, feelings and Luke. As I do I want to point out that Luke did have the support of some technology. The x-wing fighter for example. He couldn’t have done it without it. So I’m not saying throw out all logic. What I am saying is that there needs to be a partnership logic and feeling.

In the Personal Power Mastery Seminars I point this out when talking about creating outcomes. If you want to set a goal or create an outcome you need to begin with some very specific descriptions of what you want. This will not only face you in the right direction but it will also let you know once you’ve arrived. But more important than that are the feelings. (in other words the Force) If you have no feeling behind what you want to achieve you will have a hard time staying motivated to get there.

One of the saying we share in the seminar is that “Your Will-power is a result of your Why-power.” Without feelings, an emotionally charged reason why you will never be able to create the activity needed to achieve the outcome.

But trusting our feelings can be frightening. You’ll remember the reaction of Luke’s friends around him when he shut off his targeting computer. They thought something was wrong with him. You may even feel personally that trusting your feelings so much when it comes to creating outcomes may not be wise. But I assure that as I studied top achievers they consistently go further with their feelings than they ever had with logic alone.

In conclusion I want to invite you to find greater feeling in your outcomes. When you connect the logical activities and planning that is required to create these outcomes you find more power in your life to accomplish these most important goals.

More on this topic another time…

About Douglas Vermeeren
What would you do with the secrets of the world’s top achievers? Would you level up your income? Your business? Your opportunities? Now you can find out because those secrets are now available to you.

Over the last two decades Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the worlds top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney and others to share with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern Day Napoleon Hill.

In addition, he is the producer and director of 3 out of 10 of the top personal development movies ever made. He is the producer of The Opus (featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle and others.) The Gratitude Experiment (Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, John Demartini, John Gray) and The Treasure Map (John Demartini, Loral Langemeier, Raymond Aaron, Marshall Sylver, Randy Gage.)

He has authored 3 books in the Guerrilla marketing series and is the creator of Personal Power Mastery which has been consistently rated as one of the top events for personal change and development worldwide.

He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV, CBC, The Huffington Post, NY Daily News and others.

For more info go to

How are you creating your life? Personal Power Mastery – Douglas Vermeeren

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How are you creating your life?
Personal Power Mastery Moment By Douglas Vermeeren

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You’ve heard the idea that people spend more time planning their summer vacations than they do planning for their life. It might sound like a funny idea if it weren’t closer to the truth than most people realize. The majority of people who even claim to be in charge of their lives still don’t take time to regularly plan and evaluate their lives. Their planning is most often sporadic and only spurred on by either outside events that force them to revaluate or a high inspiring moment that reminds them of what they are capable of.

If you are going to make powerful strides towards creating the success you want in your life a careful examination of your life and your activities in relationship to your goals must e a regular activity.

As I meet, interviewed and spend time with some of the worlds top achievers I was was quite surprised to see that each of them spend much careful time in meditation, pondering and careful thought about their present and future. (They didn’t waste a lot of time worrying about the past except to repeat successes or quickly learn from a mistake) Their time was also not spent wishing or wondering what they could do. It was actually productive thinking about why some thing would be important, how they might accomplish it and who they could reach out to for help.

It is important to point out that many of the gurus today encourage their supporters to learn to think big. While that is important I have found that often those who created lives of challenge, poverty and difficulty often tries to be big thinkers too. Big thinking alone doesn’t do it. The thinking that follows must be entered around execution and support for that execution.

One of the thoughts I often share in Personal Power Mastery is the concept you’ve heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I want to share that room to heaven is to. The only difference between the people on the two roads is that those who make it to the better places tend to add execution to the their good intentions.

Over the year I have observed that that there are some additional steps required to bring what you think about into reality. Here’s the first consideration:

If you only think it you probably won’t do it.

If you plan it you might do it. Or do it for a while.

If you schedule it you will get it done.

If you want to actually shift your ideas from thoughts to reality in the real world the first thing you need to do is start scheduling when you will take action on what you have thought about.

The second consideration:
Why do people procrastinate? The answers are simple and there are two of them. Firstly, the task that they need to accomplish aren’t in line with their highest values. When people don’t have activities that are in line with what they value most they aren’t interested to do them. And secondly they need momentum. Often people procrastinate because the aren’t really sure what to do next. Build a schedule (interesting this is connected to the idea above) and start developing a pattern of habits so you know what needs to be done next. If you know what’s next you don’t have to procrastinate trying to figure it out.

Thirdly, Seek out support and accountability partners. When you have others helping you they can’t help you stay focused and even provide support for achieving your successes.

My challenge to you today is to spend some time in planning your life. Set aside a regular time to do this often. Keep a journal for it and be sure to translate your plans from thinking to a schedule. Get to work in really time to start making things happen and get some support.


#Douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #ppm #goalssetting #success #thoughtsbecomethings

Our Values determine so much!

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Our Values determine so much.
Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren

This is a most important subject which I anticipate you will be seeing many times in the future with Personal Power Mastery. The reason why is that people always support what they value most. Let me put it another way, Why do people struggle to get to their goals? Why do people struggle to keep New Years resolutions? Why do employees miss sales goals? Why do people even forget things they said they would do? Why do people even forget important dates like birthdays and anniversaries? It all has to do with our values.

What we value most becomes a priority.

What we don’t value gets procrastinated, discarded, postponed, avoided or experiences whatever other kind of neglect you can think of. We always do what we value most. We always protect what we value most. And so therefore our life is really a reflection of what we value most.

For some people we can instantly see that values that are not creating patterns of success. i call these the patterns of poverty. They include values such as immediate gratification, the value to impress others, the value to appear powerful, the desire to be liked.

There are additional values that rob people of success and that can include appetites that can’t be feed with food, drugs, sex, and any other physical indulgence.

And naturally there are ego based values that also keep success from coming your way.

The truth of the matter is after conducting seminars for the last 20 years and having thousands of attendees come through our doors even these values are not what people really want. Most of the above we have been taught by sources outside our true self that these values if you embrace them will bring happiness and fulfillment. Instead the are nothing but counterfeits and imposters in the long run.

The most powerful values come from what I call Authentic of purpose.

When people discover their sense of true purpose their true values appear. Most of these are often about connecting with the true self and connecting with the goodness in other people. (That will be an article for another time.)

But for today I would challenge you to think carefully about what you really want and if you spend some soul-searching time to consider the roots of why you really want it you will be able to discover how genuine your values are. And the shift that you might experience could very well surprise you.