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Posts Tagged ‘goal setting experts

Personal Power Mastery is Coming to FLORIDA!

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PPM logoGet your free tickets for Douglas Vermeeren’s Personal Power Mastery by clicking here! Personal Power Mastery in Florida! Get your free tickets now!

You can’t afford to miss out!

Personal Power Mastery is a top rated course designed to help individuals unlock their best self.


Some of the empowering strategies that participants are introduced to include:

Finding what you really want out of life, business and relationships
Make better choices that give you what you really want
How to become a leader to yourself
Making changes to make the most of your life
Tap into the mindset of mastery
Rising to the standards of excellence
Break down the habits in your life that aren’t working
How to use your emotions to create the results you want
The power of the reactive/proactivity paradigm
Making decisions that lead you to your greatest self
Recognizing your brilliance and igniting your best self
Discovering what you value most and what will be most valuable to you
How to recognize what’s most important in life and putting first things first
How to overcome the 2 main obstacles that stop most people from living the life they really want
Why getting momentum is more important than motivation
How to increase the probability that you will be successful
Breakthrough obstacles that are keeping you stuck
Understand and overcome fears that are robbing you of your best self
Beat procrastination once and for all
identify your strengths and take them to a higher level
Dial into the frequency of success
Open up the doors to your most important dreams
Recognize who you really could be

This material has been developed through Douglas Vermeeren’s extensive research into more than 400 of the worlds top achievers. It is calculated to help you transform your life and situation from where you are to the life that you dream about. With Personal Power Mastery you will be armed with tools to make the changes you really want and be programmed for high levels of success. Your best self is ready to meet you. Now is your time!

For more information on this program please call 1-877-393-9496 or email Rachel Dobson




Get to Work – Douglas Vermeeren

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In 2006 the most misunderstood personal development movie in the world came out. That’s right I’m talking about The Secret. With the movie appeared a concept many people had never hear of before “The Law of Attraction” became the hot topic of conversations everywhere. While I am a firm believer of the law of attraction it quickly became evidently clear that most people had the wrong idea of what it was and what was required to activate the law.

One of the more memorable experiences that I had was with a friend of mine. After just learning about the Law of Attraction he told me how he was going to test it out by using it to acquire a brand new Ferrari. Long story short, after meditating, hoping and wishing for his Ferrari something happened. I’ll never forget the day he invited me for lunch to show off his Ferrari. As I sat at the table across from him he pulled out the business card for his new assistant whose last name was Ferrari. It had arrived but not in the way he expected.

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It was a valuable lesson. we can’t leave what we want out of life to a wish, want, dream or regular thinking. Those things are important.But without the element of work focused on a specific outcome you have very little control over what arrives in your life.


The Law of attraction requires us to have strong feelings around what we want to attract and then do everything in our power to bring it about.

As I interviewed more than 400 of the worlds top achievers I saw this formula at work again and again. Each of these top achievers possessed a highly emotional commitment to what they wanted to achieve and then they worked harder, longer, more constantly and consistently than everyone around them to make that goal happen.

If you want to be a success you will have to do the same.

Doug Vermeeren 13Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

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Douglas Vermeeren – What do you really want?

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If want to know what has been most important to you take a look at the realities you have created in your life. What you have created is the result of choices, priorities and decisions you have made. What you are currently are experiencing in your reality are the consequences of those choices. For most people the reason they are experiencing a reality that isn’t measuring up to all of the things they dream about is that they haven’t considered what they really want in the long term. Most people settle for a life a ease in the short term or immediate gratification with a quick fix solution rather than a long term beneficial solution that requires a little more upfront work.  The first step to really creating the life you dream about starts with deciding what you want.

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When you decide what you want in the long term more than what you want in the short term you can make changes that will elevate your entire life.

Douglas Vermeeren – Decision interruptions than rob you of your goals.

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Decisions are a hard thing for many people to make to start with. It gets even harder when a decision is interrupted by people, events, situations and “emergencies” that are not in line with the direction you are heading and the goals you have. One of the main reasons why this happens is that often we only make decisions on what we hope to achieve and the things we want in our lives. We neglect making clear decisions and distinctions about the things we don’t want. As a result we often sacrifice what we want most for the things that we allow to interrupt us.

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There is a significant power in learning how to say NO and in establishing boundaries. It has been wisely observed that unless we fill our time with the things that are high priority your time will get filled up with trivial. In the PPM (Personal Power Mastery) seminars we discuss this phenomenon as we talk about being proactive. If you don’t decide what your boundaries are you will have none. You will be become the victim of the needs of others. I have often declared that reactive people become the slaves of proactive people. But they are also the slaves of other reactive people. Unless you have boundaries clearly set you can become a victim of the emergencies and challenges that others experience as well.

I’m not saying don’t ever help or respond to those in need. Do that. But have a plan in place ahead of time so that you can empower other people rather than enable then. As I interviewed the 400 top achievers I was surprised to learn that each one of them had boundaries in place when it came to rescuing others and providing aid. They had a system rather than a knee jerk reaction.

They also said NO regularly. If you have trouble with this have a polite phrase that you can memorize and repeat without having to think about it. Something simple like, “Thank you for thinking of me, but unfortunately I won’t be available for that.” Often as other experience you establishing boundaries their level of respect for you and your time will elevate. As a side effect in your future interactions they will value you and your time at higher level.

With a limited number of hours in a day, week, month, Year and lifetime you can’t afford to waste it by saying yes to things that pull you off course from your mission.

Douglas Vermeeren’s Personal Power Mastery Rocks Calgary!

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Check out what people had to say about this weekends PPM in Calgary! #PersonalPowerMastery #DouglasVermeeren


Douglas Vermeeren – Our best self gives us our best outcomes.

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Often the decisions we make day to day come either from habit (the decisions that we always make without thinking) or our of crisis or necessity (urgent pressing matters that need our attention.) As a result the outcomes that we experiences and the consequences they bring pretty much keep us where we have always been or put us in a state of stress. Very seldom are accidental decisions likely to create powerful outcomes for us.

Douglas Vermeeren PPM 31As decisions are the important transition moment of bring our thoughts into reality it is important that the important ones be made with care. We cannot randomly approach important issues and expect that they will take us to our best results.

Within each of us is a better self. We have caught glimpses of that person from time to time. We know he or she is there and quite frankly eager to get out. When we are our best self we feel great and inspired. We know that this best self has important contributions to make to our wellbeing and the world around us.  However to have that best-self come forward requires effort. Our best self doesn’t automatically appear unless we proactively decide to allow them forward.

Most often we settle to have our average self solve problems quickly because we are Impatient.  We allow our average self to maintain relationships because its quicker. We let our average self rush through our day because they are more or less efficient and its comfortable.

While this may work occasionally it rarely gives us the life we really want and deserve.

You will soon find that getting your best self to make decisions will make your life easier and more rewarding although it requires more effort at first.

The next time you are making an important decision ask yourself am I settling with the choice my average self is making or is my best self choosing the best path?

Warning: Mos tot the time the decisions your best self would make will take more time, more effort and more commitment. But as the old saying goes it’s better to do something right the first time than to have to repeat it.


Douglas Vermeeren – Focus on What you can DO and the results will surprise you.

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When we focus on what we can do we are proactive. When we focus on things we can’t do or the things we can’t change we are reactive. A reactive state or individual gives the power of choice away. It places the ability to make a situation better outside themselves. By giving this power away the individual becomes dependant on outside influences to determine their destiny.

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When we focus on the things we can change none of our energy is wasted. We begin to take back our power and even the situations which we thought we had no control over will begin to change. As we start working with what we have its almost as though a magical universal power steps in to bring us what we need to get our desire met – even if those things our outside of our influence.

Recently I had an experience that illustrated this. I had a challenge to solve in my business. Much of the challenge was beyond anything I could control. I decided I would do everything in power with everything that I could within my power. A very short time later I received a phone call from someone I hadn’t talked to in months. They had an opportunity to present to me that brought solutions to several of the elements of this challenge beyond my control. It was incredible. I had not reached out to this individual or made them aware of my challenge. The Universe knew and put this person in my path with help.

Start with what you can do and the momentum and commitment of that will bring you the other pieces you need.

In addition often when we begin to confront what the elements we have control over we begin to recognize elements that we may have initially thought were out of our control that actually are in our ability to do something with. Its almost as if we can’t shine a light on these elements until we have started to work with the elements that evident and immediately before us.

In the Movie The Opus, I said “There are no such thin as problems. Everything is a puzzle and there are solutions to puzzles.” If we begin to look at problems and challenges as puzzles they become much more easy to solve.

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Written by douglasvermeeren

July 20, 2016 at 10:00 pm

Posted in #1 Goal coach, Doug Vermeeren, douglas Vermeeren, douglas vermeeren, douglas vermeeren asc, personal power mastery, Vancouver events

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Successful Decisions? Douglas Vermeeren

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Why don’t we manage to get tour goals even when we make decisions that seem really good?

Douglas Vermeeren PPM 19

Simplicity Proceeds Success – BAM #14

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Simplicity linked to success
By Douglas Vermeeren

At first glance it may seem like the most successful, wealthy and influential business leaders in the world have a lot going on. It’s true that they have hectic and busy schedules. Their days are full and very productive and they don’t waste time. While those things are true one thing is certain and that is that their activities are precise and focused. To create high level success creating simplicity and effectiveness is fundamental. Here are three suggestions from my research of top achievers as to how you can create more simplicity and effectiveness in your activities.

Determine your specific mission
Recently I was at a networking event for entrepreneurs. One individual handed me his business card. On it were listed several unrelated businesses opportunities this individual was engaged in. I could immediately tell that he wasn’t extremely successful in any of them. The old saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none” was apparent. Don’t-Forget-to-Give-People-Your-Business-Card1One of the most important things that I learned in building my own business with the support of incredible mentors was just because you can do a skill doesn’t mean you should. We only have so much time, ability and energy and of we try to do everything we cannot possibly do them all well. I use the analogy in my seminars of having a single glass of water and a remove full of plants. If you try to water everything it will all die. If you select a small group of plants to nurture they will thrive. Most entrepreneurs try to do too many things and therefore nothing really thrives. Pick a specific mission and dedicate yourself there.


Go deep enough to know your business and focus on solving specific problems
By going deep into an area of expertise in your business and career you develop yourself as an expert. When you spend more time in that specific area you develop thinking and tools that allow you to solve problems in that area better than anyone else. This is same strategy that turns regular doctors into brain surgeons, average athletes into olympians and scientists into astronauts. If you want to become an expert in your business or career expertise will be required.


Your value to others will be in proportion to the problems you are able to solve. If you want to be paid more solve more complex problems. The way more complex problems are solved is to simply spend more time solving problems in that area. Your experience and knowledge in the area will give you what is needed to solve problems in a specific area. It’s that simple.

sam-waltonOne of the impressive things to me as I interviewed the 400 top achievers was to observe how how they were to learn about a specific area directly related to their business. They read, researched and talked with everyone they possible could. Sam Walton founder of Walmart would visit the retail stores of his competition and talk with them about how they were doing things every opportunity he had. He even used to do it on family holidays and in far away countries. It was his thirst to understand the world of retailing that lead him to introduce many of the ideas we take for granted in a Walmart today. It was this same thirst that made him the richest man in America for a time.

Eliminate needless activities and time wasters
You’ve heard it said that time is the most important commodity in the world. It is true yet still most people only pay this concept lip service. Most people take longer with activities than is required to solve them. For example, most people feel that a meeting with someone ought to take an hour. I suspect that this is a remnant of the idea that a class in school was an hour so therefore every other meeting should be an hour too. I’ll never forget on of the top achievers who became a mentor to me divided his day into 15 minute increments. If you wanted a meeting with him it was generally allowed 15 minutes. To stay on track we actually put a timer on the table as you talked with him to keep you both on track. With such time limits imposed you didn’t find yourself talking needlessly about the weather, the local sports team or any other kind of fluffy feel good banter. It was straight to the important matters.


Now I’m not saying that we need to eliminate all friendly discussion but average people spend too much time making meaningless conversation and time passes quickly. I recently had a student at one of my events who had a continual problem with meetings running into each other. He was always late and continually falling behind. In addition his meetings with clients were not converting for him. As we talked about the structure of an effective client meeting we found that he was spending way too much time on discussions that did not serve the client. While some of this chit chat may have been polite it did not contribute to his mission.

Simplicity requires setting up boundaries and that means you’ve got to spend some time in preparation to determine what is most valuable to you. When you know what is most important you can start spending your valuable time there.


In conclusion Leonardo Di Vinci was credited for having said that “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Getting to simple takes work, the above suggestions are not easy and they are also just the beginning. As you learn to simplify and get focused your results will improve and success will become possible for you.



DV Photo 1Douglas Vermeeren – Are you ready to level up? You’ve come to the right place. Douglas Vermeeren is considered one of the top leaders in personal development and achievement psychology. He is considered by many to be the modern day Napoleon Hill for his extensive research into the lives and psychology of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of The Personal Power Mastery program which helps you unlock your most powerful self and created positive changes in your life.

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An Awesome life is living your life by decision. You are where you want to be, doing the things that excite you, inspire you and bring out the best in you and in those around you.

Douglas Vermeeren Success quotes – PPM 8

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Douglas Vermeeren PPm 8For more information about the upcoming seminars near you go to or