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Posts Tagged ‘Edmonton networking groups

Level from a High Level Network

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Lessons from a high level network

Reasons why Building a network is the HIGHEST VALUE SKILL you can develop.

By Douglas Vermeeren, The Modern Day Napoleon Hill

Douglas Vermeeren - Modern Day Napoleon HIll

Why is the most valuable skill you can generate? It will be the one that opens the most doors of opportunity, gives you the most benefit and support and naturally creates the most income. Over the years I have been able to study more than 400 of the worlds top achievers much like what Napoleon Hill had done to write the landmark book Think and Grow Rich. While engaged in this research there were two powerful things that occurred. One of these things was an observation and the other was a result.

The observation was that EVERY single top achiever that I met with attained their success because of who they surrounded themselves with. The old adage Your Network equals your Net Work is unquestionably true. Associations at high level opened up opportunities not available to the general public. High level networks gave access to support, systems, clients and more high level introductions. Without a powerful network you are limited to your personal efforts and your connections are limited.

Nearly all results in life come through our interactions with others. If you have a low level of network you will have a low level of results.

The results I experienced were first hand success and wealth. Obviously success is not a destination but an ongoing series of experiences. As I began to level up my connections my results have continued to rise. Those that entered my network helped me, mentored me, opened my eyes to possibilities I had never experienced or considered. My network literally taught me what success could look like. Perspective is a powerful thing and generally eh result of who you spend the most time with. We are all teaching and influencing each other. If you surrounding yourself with inadequate teachers and influences you will live far below your potential. 

Below are some of the most important lessons I have learned from having a high level network. 

The #1 Habit and skill of the rich is high level networking.

Your network determines your net worth. But first you must decide what is of worth to you and what you value most.

Networking is not about simply making a sale it is about creating relationships that make selling easier.

Your network is a safety net that allows you to solve bigger problems.

Your network will determine your quality of life more than any other factor.

All wealth comes from your ability o connect with other people. 

Social capital is the most important asset a company or individual can build in todays marketplace.

Your highest value skill will be your ability to connect with people who can help you get what you want.

Access is the most highly sought after opportunity today.

Your rolodex is your greatest asset.

It is better to have 100 friends than 1000 rubles. Russian Proverb

We become the combination of the 5 people we spend the most time with.

We rise to the level of the things we allow to influence us.

The people you have in your network determine the opportunities that you have access to.

People help their friends most.

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

Everything you want is only a relationship away.

The pre-internet concept of six degrees of separation is now obsolete. You are now closer to everyone you want to connect with than every before.

All high level success is created by a team, not an individual.

How well are you known in the network that matters.

True networking is rarely done. It’s not about exchanging business cards or meeting for coffee. It is creating synergistic long term connections that create powerful outcomes for all involved.

The highest connections  come because what you are doing has meaning.

Curiosity is at the foundation of connection.

If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room.

Business success is a CONTACT sport.

Connection is a result of shared emotional experiences. Nothing bonds better.

A circle of influence is never created by accident.

Good networks don’t build themselves.

You’ll never do a $1 Million dollar deal at a $10 breakfast.

Be so on-purpose that people want you in their network.

Decide in advance what you want from your connections.

Networking is rarely about attending a networking event.

First impressions can determine your final outcomes.

Your Highest Value Skill is NOT sales

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Your Highest Value Skill is NOT Sales.

Some business gurus are telling people that they need to develop their Highest Value or most valuable skills.That part is right! You need to focus on the skill that will give you the highest return on your efforts.

What they got wrong is that they are teaching that it is sales. Sales is important, but its not the first step.

Your network is. You can’t sell unless you have someone to sell to. And the level of your network will determine the level of the people who you get to sell to. Lastly I would also suggest that sales is not the most valuable thing your network could offer you either. You will find that networking to sell is the weakest kind of networking. Instead network to find more valuable things. Most of the time in life and business your highest value skills and assets are things that will give you long term returns not a short term sale or commission.

Here are 4 to think about:

1) Support and resources 

Who in your network can help yu with the things you need to grow your business. This can be education and mentorship, financial support, help implementing systems or even introductions to other people. There is truth to the russian proverb which states, “It is better to have a 100 friends than 1000 rubles.”


Most of the big opportunities in my life have come through other people. Some of these opportunities have been to attend or speak at big events, become involved in excellent investment opportunities or attend high level events or meet celebrities. Recently one of my contacts in the UK invited me to have tea at Kensington Palace with the Royals and attend ASCOT. Your best opportunities in life will come through those you know.

3)Team members or business systems

At high level networking events it is not uncommon to meet people with specialized skillset who are very successful at what they do. These opportunities are fantastic occasions to find people, services or systems that you can use to strengthen your own business.

4) Customers (but not in the way you think) 

Low level networkers look for single individual customers — you need to look for people to collaborate with that have large groups of your customers.)

Again sales is an important skill, but it isn’t the one that will create the most wealth or success for you. The skill you need to develop is your ability to build a higher level network.

Hope this is helpful.

#douglasvermeeren #highestvalueskill #1businessskill #topbusinessskill #entrepreneurofinfluence #moderndaynapoleonhill #businessnetworking #networking #networkingtips

What are people saying about Business Networker?

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Several entrepreneurs have recently been invited inside the new and upcoming social networking site for Business owners, entrepreneurs and business innovators. The following are what they discovered in using Business Networker:

In addition here are some written comments about Business Networker:

Bevan Bird

“Business Networker is helping me find my perfect strategic alliance partners. It’s exciting to be part of this premium community full of qualified, serious business owners… and the way they have combined commerce, business networking and CRM is pure genus!” – Bevan Bird, Connection Coach

Karen Walker

“I’m so excited to be utilizing Business Networker for my organization. Business Networker is just what I need to take my business to the next level, and next level for me means global!” – Karen L. Walker, Rodan + Fields Dermatologists Independent consultant

Dave Dyer

“Business networker has revolutionized the way we do business online. The doors of opportunity have been blown wide open with the ability to connect with other business owners, create mastermind groups, search for qualified clients and leads for products all in one place. Business Networker is simply amazing. I cannot recommend it enough!” _ David Dyer, CEO market resources


“Business  Networker is the paradigm shift in which all businesses have been waiting for. It is the forefront of combining business with social media. We are in full contact with all customers and other businesses in one simple platform. It manages all aspects of business in one central place. Talk about Linkedin on steroids.” – Melissa Macky & Melissa Sterling, Empowerpreneurs!


Andrei Mincov“I have no doubt that Business Networker will grow into a giant powerhouse that will connect best service providers with the best leaders.” – Andre Mincov, Lawyer, Trademark Factory

For a FREE 30 day trial of Business Networker to see how Business Networker can help your business go to

5 Reasons to use Business Networker

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Business Networker

Business Networker

5 Reasons to use Business Networker

Business Networker is the top online social site for businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators. Business Networker has been called the ultimate chamber of commerce, but the major differences that we will point out in this article demonstrates that it is so much more! Here are 5 reasons why you need to be on Business Networker if you own a business!

1)Business Networker eliminates many of the time wasters of other social media sites. On Business Networker our members are there to do business and connect. They are not there to post pictures of their kitty-mats or what they had for lunch. They are there to do business and they are serious about making connections that matter.

2) Business Networker has exclusive custom search engines that allow members to quickly connect with contacts that are relevant to what they need to advance their business. If you are looking for prospects, cutovers, joint venture partners, strategic alliances, or even foreign contacts to expand your business we’ve got them!

3) Business Networker provides exposes of your business to 1,000s of contacts 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In a sense with Business Networker you are always networking. Even when you are not online people can still learn about your company and make contact with you.

4) Business Networker allows your online relationships to become transactional. Business Networker members can immediately accept credit card payment and even create a store on their profile to sell products, services, event tickets, consulting packages and much more! If your business makes it we can help you sell it! When you join Business Networker as a premium member your store is 100% free to create.

5) Business Networker members have the opportunity to create coupons and discounts right on the their profile to attract new customers. Over the last few years online coupling has become extremely popular generating 1000s of new clients for businesses at a fraction of the marketing cost of traditional advertising. With Business Networker our members have the opportunity to attract more customers through effect coupon campaigns that you can create for FREE!

Business Networker can be found at Join today and you could receive up to $1000 in free advertising to promote your business.

Business Networker

Business Networker

Monthly Millionaire Mentor event coming to Edmonton November 25, 2011

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Monthly Millionaire Mentor

Monthly Millionaire Mentor

Monthly Millionaire Mentor Program coming to Edmonton  for One day special event!
Do you want to learn what it takes to become a millionaire? Do you want to learn techniques to accelerate your wealth growth in todays economy? Do you want to discover tools that anyone can apply to create a fortune? If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to be in Edmonton November 25, 2011.

Monthly Millionaire Mentor Program coming to Edmonton for One day special event!

Welcome visit Our WebSite: – Upcoming Events

Mr. Vermeeren is the CEO of the Monthly Millionaire Mentor program. After conducting extensive research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers, much in the style of Napoleon Hill, he made $1,000,000 in 180 days starting with just $1. Since that time he has been teaching others superior and little known ways for growing their wealth securely and consistently in his coaching and mentoring programs. Vermeeren is the author of several books including the latest ‘Guerrilla’ book with Jay Conrad Levinson, ‘Guerrilla Achiever’ and ‘The Millionaire Myth.’ (With foreword by Bob Doyle from The Secret.) Vermeeren has been highly successful helping many to take giant steps towards their financial freedom.
Why is a mentor important? And what would you look for in a mentor?
Let’s say that your objective wasn’t just to learn about growing wealth. Let’s say it was something a little more dangerous. For example consider the following question:
If you had to walk through a field of explosive land mines which option would you choose?
a) To attempt to go through alone.
b) To go with some one who also had never been through.
c) Go with a person who knew the safe way through.
d) Read a book about it and give it your best shot.

Naturally, the correct answer is C) Go with a person who knew the safe way through. Unfortunately too often people try to go through life and create a life of wealth focused on one of the other three options. Their results are  generally unproductive.
To get to the best results in the quickest time possible you need a mentor who can help you recognize the dangers, time-wasters and pitfalls that will take you off course or even keep you from completing your goals.

The Monthly Millionaire Mentor program is such a program. It is the first program of its kind that involves an ongoing relationship with your mentor and not just a one-time seminar. It is also the first program to take the participants through the process of the education all the way through to implementation. What that means is that you no longer have to wonder what to do next when you hit the inevitable challenges that will appear on your path. Growing your wealth exponentially is not a get rich quick or easy venture. If you want to do it correctly there will be many thins to learn ahead. This program ensures that you get it!

The Monthly Millionaire Mentor Program in Edmonton!!!!

Douglas Vermeeren

Douglas Vermeeren

For one day only in Edmonton, Douglas Vermeeren will be presenting more about The Monthly Millionaire Mentor program to attendees of the Powerful Possibilities Event on November 25th. At this event he will be sharing the 7 Reasons why you are not rich and what you can do about it.  If you are interested in qualifying for a free ticket for a free ticket please contact and she will send you details of what you can do to get one of these tickets.

Attendees will also be entered into a draw for several door prizes including a one-on-one wealth building session with Douglas Vermeeren.

Business Boost Success pays it’s attendees

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Business Boost Success

Business Boost Success

Business Boost Success began in 2003 in Calgary, Canada.
Our mission has always been to showcase some of the finest speakers and trainers to grow business and support our members. Each month we have amazing speakers and have seen excellent results for our members.
Some of our past speakers have included:  Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Secret), Frank Maguire (Founder of FedEx), Brian Tracy, Bob Doyle (The Secret), Marci Shimoff (The Secret, Chicken Soup), Douglas Vermeeren (The Opus, How Thoughts Become Things), Jill Lublin (Guerrilla Publicity), Morris Goodman (The Secret) and many others!
No where else can you learn form such incredible experts in VIP or intimate group settings.
Although we focus primarily on education we attract a high calibre of individuals and have seen great results in networking and mastermind group success.
Since 2003 Business Boost Success has grown to include several clubs in various parts of the world. As a member you can attend any club anywhere.


Our mission of growing business and supporting our members remains the same. Although today we have brought in additional financial compensation for our members as they help us grow the clubs in their areas. We are pleased to report that some of our members are now bringing in full time paychecks for part time work.
How it works:

Simply invite friends to attend and join and when they do – you get paid. EVERY MONTH!
These payments are regularly reoccurring monthly residual payments. This is a great way to build a supplemental income and benefit from brilliant personal and business development opportunities.
for more information on getting started go to: or call 1-877-393-9496