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Posts Tagged ‘How to be a millionaire

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Predictable Millionaireā„¢ – Principles of Predictability – PROBABLY

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There are 5 specific principles of predictability that will allow you to create a financial future you can count on. Here’s the first principle known as Probability. That which is probable is most likely to occur. So the question is how can you increase the probability of success in matters of money?

Share some of your thoughts on what you could do to increase your probability?

Join us in an upcoming public webinar and you will learn some of he probabilty factors that were common among more than 700 Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires. Put a comment below fro details to attend.

#PredictableMillionaire #predictablemillionairebook #millionaire #Millionairemindset #wealth #predictablemoney #cashflow #makemoney


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Hey Everyone ! I want to announce something that will really help anyone wanting to change their financial circumstances. Especially during these challenging times.
As the producer and director of HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS a lot of people have asked me for suggestions on how their thinking can improve their abundance and income. The truth is that thinking won’t do much. It’s only the beginning. YOU ACTUALLY MUST CREATE.
Recently MONEY MAGAZINE rated me as the #1 Passive income coach in the world. The reason was simple: My students make money when they follow my systems.
And I am ready to help you get started with a my new program that has more support than ever before!
I invite you to join me for a weekly step by step support system to start building income streams immediately. I call it the INCOME STREAM CHALLENGE. Each week I am going to give you training, ideas, suggestions and support to build a new income stream.
You’ve heard many people say that the fastest way to learn how to create wealth is to simply take a millionaire out to lunch. There is a lot of value in that, but it is only partially true. Rather than experiencing a big change with just one lunch with a millionaire you need ongoing mentorship, support and training.
This exclusive invitation will open the door to that ongoing support for you to build income streams that will unlock your financial freedom. YOU WILL GET THIS SUPPORT EVERY WEEK! I am going to show you exactly how I did what I did to get to millionaire status and what I am doing today. I am also going to bring some of my wealthy friends as additional support to share with you their ideas. This group will hold you to a higher standard and you will get results!
In addition, everything I share with you will be available to you to rewatch and learn from again and again in a private members only VIP portal.
And the best news of all is that you can access is all for just $9. A very small price to investment to start creating income streams with weekly support. (Cheaper in fact than taking a millionaire to lunch). Click here to learn more about the program.
There’s never been anything like this before. I am going to show you step by step how to do it. And let’s be honest, if you’re not committed enough to your future to invest $9 then I am sorry you’ll never make it happen.
And by the way if you are one of the first 100 to join me I have some additional special gifts that will make this even easier and quicker. I am on a mission to show that my strategies and formulas work better and faster than anything else out there today – let me make you rich and use you as one of my case studies.
Click the above link now to claim your spot!

Are you using a system to create success? By Douglas Vermeeren the #1 Passive Income Coach

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#1 passive income caoch - douglas vermeeren - systems.jpg

Systems are the foundation of success in almost anything. The give you the ability to create results, repeat them and improve on them. Systems are the key ingredient in creating leverage. Unless you use systems you will always be stuck in the rat race and trading your time, effort, opportunity and freedom t make things happen in your life. Systems allow you to get other people, technology, services and devices working on your behalf.

Imagine a carpenter trying to put in a nail without a hammer. That’s where most people stop. Now imagine you have a carpenter with a hammer who will put the nail in for you while you’re doing something else.

That’s what I am really talking about.

How are you using systems to grow your wealth and success?

#1passiveincomecoach #passiveincome #millionairementor #douglasvermeeren #entrepreneur #entrepreneurifestyle #freedom #financialfreedom #passiveincomemillionaire #escapetheratrace

Passive Income requires an active beginning – Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income coach

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income Coach 2

Most people think passive means doing nothing. The truth behind passive income is that it is only created by those who take action and it is maintained by those who implement systems. Passive income works for those who understand how it works. Passive income systems are not accidental and they don’t occur by chance. They originate with a choice and continue grow in exactly the same way.Ā  Get started today!Ā  #1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #makemoremoney #livefree #neverworkagain #passiveincomemillionaire #passiveincomemillionairebook

Wealth secrets that often forgotten – 3

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As I was writing on my newest book this morning on Wealth and Abundance I was thinking about something interesting one of my mentors told me once. I said to him, “I wanna be rich one day.” He said, “Thinking like that you’ll never get there.” I was really surprised I thought what I said was correct. He said, “It’s not committed enough try again.”

I then said, ” I am Going to be rich. And I am willing to do whatever it takes.”
Again he shook his head, “Not committed enough.” Frustrated I said, “Okay what’s better than that.”

He said, “I am rich and this is what I am doing right now.”

It was a profound lesson for me. True story.

#millionairetrainingsystems #Douglasvermeeren #1wealthcoach #moneyandabundanceshow


douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the CEO of the Millionaire Training Systems. He teaches wealth strategies and mindset. Unlike most wealth coaches and teachers in the market today Douglas Vermeeren actually makes money in the real world and not just through the sale of seminars or personal improvement products. He is the author of the book Guerrilla Millionaire, Millionaire wisdom and several other books on money strategies that build wealth in todayā€™s marketplace. He is also known for his extensive research into the lives of many of the elite and wealthy of today.

10 Great thoughts on money from Douglas Vermeeren

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  1. Millionaire in 2011

    Millionaire in 2017


1.Do you have a plan on how you will create more abundance in your life? Most people do not. In other words they are expecting wealth, abundance and prosperity to all happen by accident.


2. You can’t create what you don’t identify. Get specific on what your financial goals are.

3. Money is not logic. If you try to make money using only logic you will fail. Money comes through exchange. And that is based in emotion. People buy emotionally and they back it up logically.

4. Broke people wait for others to help them. Wealthy people bet on themselves.

5. Money has no opinion, emotions or motives. It gets it’s meaning from the meaning we give it.

6. Income is not an accident. Income follows the systems and strategies you set up in your life. Most people are broke because theyā€™ve never built these things.

7. Fear is the most powerful emotion and keeps most people from ever experiencing wealth, abundance and prosperity.

8. If you are having trouble shifting your money mindset and your prosperity habits make a commitment to start by doing one small thing everyday. Your habits will build as you begin to experience results.

9. Begin by being part of the money conversation. Read books about growing money, watch videos about wealth building strategies, follow the markets, read articles on real estate, attend investment seminars, talk to your banker. All these things put money on your awareness and it needs to be there first before it arrives in real life.

10. Money follows habit.


douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the creator of Millionaire Training Systems and several books on wealth creation. He is different than the majority of wealth trainers in the world today in that he actually made the foundation of his wealth and continues to do so NOT in selling seminars but in real world business, trading and real estate techniques.

1 simple step that will put you on the road to financial freedom

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What does your financial freedom look like to you?

I often ask this question at my seminars and the responses I get are often as follows:

“I’d like spend more time on vacation.”

“I’d like to live in the house of my dreams and drive the vehicle of my choice.”

“I’d like to quit my job and spend more time with family.”

Although these answers are nice – they are not correct.

Financial freedom is not about what experiences you will have and how you think you will spend your day to day life.

Financial freedom is an exact number. How much exactly do you need to meet your obligations each month.

When you passively achieve the exact amount of income you need so that all your obligations and expenses are met you are financially free. Does this make sense? That monthly amount is your obligation or prison. So once you have attained it passively it’s no longer your prison. It’s satisfied without you.

The problem for most people is that they can tell you what they want (The experience) but they canā€™t tell you what it takes to make it happen.(The exact number) If your goals are specific and clear they are attainable and near. So if you want to be financially free how much money exactly do you need to have coming in passively each month.

Here’s an example:

If your monthly bills are as follows: (I know this is not a reflection of most peoples bills. But its an oversimplified example)

Mortgage $1250

Utilities $239

Groceries $250

Car payment $249

Gas $100

Total monthly Commitment: $2,088

So your financial freedom is actually $2,088. If you can build a passive income stream that replaces whatever you a re doing to get to $2,088 then you have achieved your financial freedom.

Naturally this is oversimplified. And of course, your financial freedom number will change based on your needs and situation. Once you have achieved a passive income that covers your necessary obligations you are financially free. The next step is to move onwards up to financial abundance which is something that is rarely discussed. Financial freedom is important – but financial abundance is where life really begins to change.

More on this later…

By the way, knowing your financial freedom number is just the beginning. Knowing how to get there is where things really get interesting. If you’d like to come out to one of our events near you go to

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Millionaire Training systems

Millionaire Training Systems coming To Calgary and Vancouver

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Millionaire Training Systems coming to Calgary August 27

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