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Posts Tagged ‘wealth creation


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Hey Everyone ! I want to announce something that will really help anyone wanting to change their financial circumstances. Especially during these challenging times.
As the producer and director of HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS a lot of people have asked me for suggestions on how their thinking can improve their abundance and income. The truth is that thinking won’t do much. It’s only the beginning. YOU ACTUALLY MUST CREATE.
Recently MONEY MAGAZINE rated me as the #1 Passive income coach in the world. The reason was simple: My students make money when they follow my systems.
And I am ready to help you get started with a my new program that has more support than ever before!
I invite you to join me for a weekly step by step support system to start building income streams immediately. I call it the INCOME STREAM CHALLENGE. Each week I am going to give you training, ideas, suggestions and support to build a new income stream.
You’ve heard many people say that the fastest way to learn how to create wealth is to simply take a millionaire out to lunch. There is a lot of value in that, but it is only partially true. Rather than experiencing a big change with just one lunch with a millionaire you need ongoing mentorship, support and training.
This exclusive invitation will open the door to that ongoing support for you to build income streams that will unlock your financial freedom. YOU WILL GET THIS SUPPORT EVERY WEEK! I am going to show you exactly how I did what I did to get to millionaire status and what I am doing today. I am also going to bring some of my wealthy friends as additional support to share with you their ideas. This group will hold you to a higher standard and you will get results!
In addition, everything I share with you will be available to you to rewatch and learn from again and again in a private members only VIP portal.
And the best news of all is that you can access is all for just $9. A very small price to investment to start creating income streams with weekly support. (Cheaper in fact than taking a millionaire to lunch). Click here to learn more about the program.
There’s never been anything like this before. I am going to show you step by step how to do it. And let’s be honest, if you’re not committed enough to your future to invest $9 then I am sorry you’ll never make it happen.
And by the way if you are one of the first 100 to join me I have some additional special gifts that will make this even easier and quicker. I am on a mission to show that my strategies and formulas work better and faster than anything else out there today – let me make you rich and use you as one of my case studies.
Click the above link now to claim your spot!

Abundance is everywhere

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#1 passive income coach - douglas vermeeren - abundance

I once had a mentor point out to me that everyday they are printing money at the mint. We just get to decide by what we do how much of it will wind up in our hands. The problem is most people want abundance and the freedom it brings but they have no idea how money circulates and how they can attract more of it into their lives. The first step to over coming scarcity and lack is to understand that you have the power to shape your circumstance.

There is no lack of resources only a lack of know-how or belief. Here’s the good news, Know-how can be immediately overcome through learning and support from others. Belief however is the big obstacle. If you don’t believe it you won’t even get started.


#1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #millionairementor #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #passiveincomelifestyle #leveragedincome #whattherichdo #lawofattraction #attractmoney #wealth #passiveincomemillionairebook #financialfreedom #freedomlifestyle

Not All Passive Income is created Equal

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Douglas Vermeeren #1 Passive Income CoachWhen I say that not all Passive Income opportunities are created equal let me explain. First of all, ALL passive income streams have value as long as they are producing cashflow. Cashflow when produced passively is free money. We never want to say no to that. But as you’ve hopefully learned with me by now all passive income streams require some kind of asset to produce the cashflow. Some of those assets have additional benefits. For example, If you have a real estate property that is producing the passive income stream in the form of a renter. You have cash-flow but you also have equity building. That equity is an asset which someone like the bank may look at as security to loan you more money to build more assets. While I make digital courses, ebooks, online funnels etc. They have no equity and therefore cannot be leveraged. All they can do is produce cashflow.

(Now I want to be clear – I am NOT saying don’t build online passive income. In fact, I make a lot of money doing this myself. What I am saying is recognize that different assets have different benefits. I encourage you to diversify in order to expand your empire. If you start online look for ways to expand to assets that will increase your power of leverage.)

Douglas Vermeeren is consider the #1 Passive Income coach today. He appears regularly on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC and others. He is the author of Passive Income Millionaire and Never Work Again. He conducts seminars and trainings to help people just like you develop passive income streams.

#1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #passiveincome #passiveincomelifestyle #neverworkagain #passiveincomemillionaire #money #cashflow

Where do money problems come from? Science of getting Rich minute by Douglas Vermeeren

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Money problems are never the result of money or a lack of money for that matter. The root for money problems can always be found in how you feel and think about money. If you focus on the lack of money that is what you will create. If you don’t value your money you will soon have none. All money issues are a result of the strategies and efforts of the person behind the money experience. You are the driver, so to speak, and your money is the vehicle. As the driver you control the destination you will arrive at. If you want to have fewer money problems you need to change the way you are leading your resources. #thescienceofgettingrich #douglasVermeeren #Wallacewattles #thescienceofgettingrichtoday

Douglas Vermeeren Wallace Wattle Science of Getting Rich today 1

wealth Secrets that are often forgotten – 5

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Financial freedom is not an experience. it’s an exact number.

Just received a really cool thank you card from one of my students who expressed that learning the principle of what financial freedom really looks like meant to her. I must admit that when I learned this concept, that everyone misunderstands, from one of my mentors it also changed my life. If you’ve been to one of my events where we’ve talked about this principle you get it too. Financial freedom to most people is an emotional experience. In other words: more time off, more time with family, travel, the ability to do what you want, not worry about bills, etc. These are all incorrect definitions. Instead Financial freedom is one exact number. It is specific and clear and as such is attainable and near. When we know specifics we can achieve it. Your financial freedom is the exact amount of money you need to satisfy your obligations every single money. And to be truly free this amount of money needs to arrive passively. Type Amen if you get it. #douglasvermeeren #1wealthcoach #moneyandabundanceshow

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the CEO of the Millionaire Training Systems. He teaches wealth strategies and mindset. Unlike most wealth coaches and teachers in the market today Douglas Vermeeren actually makes money in the real world and not just through the sale of seminars or personal improvement products. He is the author of the book Guerrilla Millionaire, Millionaire wisdom and several other books on money strategies that build wealth in today’s marketplace. He is also known for his extensive research into the lives of many of the elite and wealthy of today.

#douglasvermeeren #moneyandabundanceshow #1wealthcoach #millionairetrainingsystems



Wealth Secrets that are often forgotten – 4

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One of the biggest things that keeps people broke is inconsistency, hesitation and doubt. This morning I received an email from my assistant about one of my students who has a habit of committing to something and then changing her mind because she feels she always needs more information or isn’t prepared. I worry about her because no matter how often she gains the confidence to move forward she always changes her mind afterwards. Most likely we will stop working with her because I want to have a track record of getting people results. I am more interested in having successful students than an attendee who fills a seat in one of my trainings that someone more committed could have. Outside of my training she will also have a hard time building her wealth in the real world because people will stop working with her. Can you imagine her involvement in a major real estate deal or investment opportunity where she would commit and then keep pulling out. In the real world people don’t want the hassle and she will very quickly be excluded from opportunities. If you want abundance in your life start by making a decisions and stick with it.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the CEO of the Millionaire Training Systems. He teaches wealth strategies and mindset. Unlike most wealth coaches and teachers in the market today Douglas Vermeeren actually makes money in the real world and not just through the sale of seminars or personal improvement products. He is the author of the book Guerrilla Millionaire, Millionaire wisdom and several other books on money strategies that build wealth in today’s marketplace. He is also known for his extensive research into the lives of many of the elite and wealthy of today.


#douglasvermeeren #moneyandabundanceshow #1wealthcoach #millionairetrainingsystems

Wealth secrets that are often forgotten -2

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money on your mind?

Money on your mind?

Wealth is found in your capacity to solve problems. The bigger the problem you can solve the more value you can add to others and ultimately the more wealth you will receive. Most people try to solve all of their problems by themselves. That’s why they are broke.

Build a strong network that you can draw upon to solve the problems that appear in your life and the lives of others. One of the things that I have learned form my mentors is to become a organizer of people to solve problems. When an opportunities appears rather than thinking about how I can solve it I think first of who in my network can solve it. I then say yes to solving that problem and delegate the activities to do so to others. In the end I am compensated for organizing the solution.


douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the CEO of the Millionaire Training Systems. He teaches wealth strategies and mindset. Unlike most wealth coaches and teachers in the market today Douglas Vermeeren actually makes money in the real world and not just through the sale of seminars or personal improvement products. He is the author of the book Guerrilla Millionaire, Millionaire wisdom and several other books on money strategies that build wealth in today’s marketplace. He is also known for his extensive research into the lives of many of the elite and wealthy of today.

Douglas Vermeeren announces new Brand and Seminar series

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Douglas Vermeeren announces new Brand and seminar series

A lot of people have been writing in to me about my recent posts around the BAM movement. (Be Awesome Movement) The comments have been encouraging and exciting. I have received several comments asking specifically why I don’t share more of these ideas in my seminars. The truth is that I used to. In fact, these are the kinds of things that I taught when I first started in personal development and I loved it. I felt these lessons really made a difference in the lives of those I was teaching and it made me feel good to help so many people on a personal level.

I kind of gravitated away from this over time because most event organizers wanted me to teach about some of the successes I was having in business and financially. I like teaching those things too and I probably still will from time to time.

PPM logo

But today I would like to announce that I am introducing my new brand PERSONAL POWER MASTERY. The tools included in the initial program will share strategies on how to:

Create a more inspiring life
Make more effective decisions
Get those decisions to stick when things in your life are difficult
Overcome limiting beliefs permanently
The true way goals are set and achieved (Which surprisingly I haven’t found anyone teaching yet.)
Set up effective boundaries to stay positive in a negative world
Create more abundance in your life
Improve your relationships at business and at home
Take charge of your situation and create the results you want in all areas of your life
Recognize how your thoughts are becoming things
What the law of probability is and how is changes everything
Why top achievers success where others failure

And much more.

And that is what I’m choosing to focus on in level 1. I am excited about this content because I know from experience with past student – IT IS LIFE CHANGING!

As a result of this material:
I have a student who repaired a relationship that was destined for divorce.
I have a student lose close to 200 pounds and keep it off.
I have a student who developed a 6 figure business directly coming out of a bankruptcy.
I have a student who immediately increased his sales closing rate by 65%
I have a student who overcame substance addictions and suicidal thoughts
I have a student who grew his client list to the extent where he received two massive promotions in three months.


There have been so many success stories with this material. It is unique and powerful. It will change your life too.

My invitation to you is to register for a personal power event in your city and come and learn for yourself. I look forward to meeting you soon!

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Written by douglasvermeeren

June 2, 2016 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Doug Vermeeren, douglas Vermeeren, get out of debt, law of attraction, making more money, personal power mastery, prospecting, The science of being awesome, Your Future is Awesome

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