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Posts Tagged ‘sales success

30 Reasons why YOU need Sales Training

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30 Reasons Why YOU need Sales training courtesy of The Sales Success Academy
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Business man explaining to his team
You need sales training to Increase your profits
You need sales training to retain great sales people
You need sales training to help you stay motivated
You need sales training to help increase your willpower
You need sales training to you’ll do less babysitting of those you lead
You need sales training to gain more satisfied customers
You need sales training to expand your business and brand
You need sales training to increase recognition of your business and brand
You need sales training to create a faster sales cycle
You need sales training to establish easier and more effective systems
You need sales training to identify leaders in your company
You need sales training to give your sales people the tools they need to succeed
You need sales training to expand beyond your typical prospect
You need sales training to convert a higher percentage of prospects
You need sales training to sell more of prospects who are on the fence
You need sales training to have smoother transitions in the sales process
You need sales training to gain a greater understanding of the prospects problems
You need sales training to be more effective at closing
You need sales training to rise above competition in the marketplace
You need sales training to not be affected so harshly by the economy
You need sales training to get better at collecting referrals
You need sales training to get better at referral selling
You need sales training to overcome a fear of approaching or calling prospects
You need sales training to stop procrastination of important sales calls or visits
You need sales training to help you recognize what lacks priority and what will produce the highest results
You need sales training to generate consistent results
You need sales training to attract higher calibre of customer
You need sales training to create better internal company communication and clarity
You need sales training to ignite greater enthusiasm, confidence and attitude
You need sales training to attract good sellers to come and work for you
What are you waiting for? Let’s get started 1-877-393-9496
#douglasvermeeren #calgarysalestraining #sellmore#sales #thesalessuccessacademy #sales #sellmore #1salestraining #topseller #topsalestraining #powerfulsalestraining #howtoincreasesales #whyyouneedsalestraining

Creating the outcomes you want – Personal Power Mastery by Douglas Vermeeren

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The reason why most people are not successful is that they either wait until they feel inspired, in the mood or excited enough to do something to get to work doing what they need to do to get what they want. Or they wait for the opposite feelings of pain, regret, guilt or remorse to come to spur them work. Top achievers and those who are successful actually get to work by choice not as a result of feelings or reactions to something outside themselves or around them. That is the definition of proactivity. To be successful you must be a self starter regardless of what is going on around you or how you feel. #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #success #goalsetting #achievement #personaldevelopmentDouglas Vermeeren Personal Power MAstery 193

Written by douglasvermeeren

August 21, 2018 at 12:00 am

Don’t share your business card and get more sales! Learn to Sell or Die- Douglas Vermeeren

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DOn't Suck at Selling - Douglas Vermeeren 1

Do you really think that handing out your business card is your best strategy? We all know what happens next, your “prospect” is simply going to throw it in his pocket and it will either go through with the laundry or they’ll put it in a big stack of others cards with an elastic and they’ll forget about it for 6 months until they get back to it. At that point they’ll have forgotten who you are and either throw it out onto it for another 6 months and then throw it out. Sounds like a great way to generate sales… Not. There is a better way to do it.

The first suggest that I want to give is that you don’t hand ourt cards at all. If someone is interested in your busienss or your offering, YOU should be the one to ask for a card or contact informaiton. That puts you in control of the upcoming contact. Now you aren’t waiting for someone to find the time to reach you.

I encourage you to try this and see how many of the time wasters will identify themselves by either suddenly not having a card themselves, or be unqwilling to give you their contact info.

May I also suggest that just like you have a process set up for qualifying propsects for a sale you qualiy people to receive your business card. I know some people suggest you should give your business card to everyone. (And perhaps there are some industries where that works well) But if you spread your card everywhere as though it was cheap and available you are teaching people how to treat you and your business. Invest a little more effort to make the cards you hand out more valuable to your prospect.

Surprisingly as I have taught this to my students they have noticed that they aren;’t dealing with as many time wasting prospects and the quality of their cusotmers has risen dramatically. Give it a try and you’ll see what I mean.

#douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #dontsuckatselling #sellmore #salestips #businesscardfail #1salestraining #1salestrainer #1salesspeaker #thesalessuccessacademy #sellingsuccess

Most people are selling incorrectly – Learn to Sell or Die, Douglas Vermeeren

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One of the reasons why some people struggle with sales is because ether have the wrong definition of what sales is. And naturally with eh wrong definition they approach it the wrong way and they use the wrong tools for the job. Sales is a matter of influence and support. When you can identify the needs and challenges your prospect your job becomes one o helping them see the value in using your product or service to solve those problems. Influence is really what sales is all about. And influence improves when we understand how prospects make their decisions. #learntosellordie #sales #douglasvermeeren #salestips #1salestraining #influenceselling #sales #sellmore #thesalessuccessacademy

Douglas Vermeeren Influence Selling


Don’t Suck at Selling #3

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Don't suck at selling Shut up
Don’t Suck at Selling #3
Shut up and listen
This one is pretty obvious and most likely you’ve heard it before. But if that’s really true why do we need to keep saying it again and again?
Well, to be quite frank it’s because people are still not listening.
And even if you are a listener this is a skill that can improved every single day.
I am always amazed at how many people that attend my sales seminars say that they are really good listeners. And then they won’t shut up. That’s all the evidence I need.
This is especially obvious at the early stages of a selling relationship. When you first meet a prospect it is your job to do the investigation to see if these people are qualified. And if they are not sure they are qualified you need to listen enough so you can help them see they are, if that’s the case.
Too many crappy sales people rush in to get the sale and that they slide right past discovery into a presentation. (Yikes -Sales suicide!)
I was recently at a networking event and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I saw a “salesperson” corner a potential prospect, who by the look on his face obviously wanted to escape the moment they entered the trap.
All the clues of desperation were there. Looking at the watch. The body language of trying to squeeze past. The longing glance away for help. The disinterested nods. It was all there.
Yet this sales person didn’t get it. Instead he had even whipped out his phone to share a slide deck on his products I can only imagine what came next was a full presentation on his product line. What the heck? And even beyond what the heck, how does this delusional sales person actually think that he is going to be successful?
Obviously when you are listening you can’t just hear words. You need to be paying attention to everything. Especially look at body language.
And quite frankly had this crummy salesperson been doing that he would have easily seen that this prospect was not a prospect at all. He was a frickin’ prisoner. He was looking for an escape route the entire time, but this sales person was so wrapped up in himself that he couldn’t see how overbearing he was.
Try and listen next time. #douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #salestips #1salestrainer #1salestraining #improveyoursales #sellmore

A secret to sales – Learn to Sell or Die by Douglas Vermeeren

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Remember that people buy because of emotions. But most sales people forget that emotions and feels are also contagious. If you think what you re selling sucks your prospects will feel that as well. If you think what you are selling is awesome they will feel the same. I always find it odd that some sales people try to sell things they don’t belief in, like or even own. If you love what you sell what out because you will sell a lot of it! #douglasvermeeren #ppm #personalpowermastery #sales #salestips #salesquotes #1salestraining #1salestrainer #1salesspeaker #salesthoughts #sellmore

Feel-Learn to Sell or Die - Douglas Vermeeren feel

Don’t suck at Selling – The Book!

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Did you see the cover of my latest sales book? This one is actually really really fun! And it will m are you some money and improve your sales! It will be available in about 2 weeks. #learntosellordie #douglasvermeeren #dontsuckatselling #sales #salestips

Don't suck at selling cover

Written by douglasvermeeren

August 13, 2018 at 10:40 pm

Posted in #1 sales coach, Doug Vermeeren, douglas John Vermeeren, douglas Vermeeren, learn to sell or die, selling skills, Uncategorized

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Don’t let Cold calling freaking you out! Learn to Sell or Die by Douglas Vermeeren

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Ltsd Cold calls
Yes, there are a lot of frightening things in sales. But none are so feared as the cold call. What will you say to that complete stranger on the other end of the line? How do you get them to listen? What will happen if you disturb them? What if they hang up on you? What if they stay on the line and are actually interested? All of these things can create massive anxiety and fear. To win better at this game try this interesting formula to use when building your call:
Frame – Give the prospect a Frame to receive your call. “Hello Mr. Jones, My name is XXX and I’m specifically calling you to talk about your lawn care today. (or financial planning, real estate needs, dental work …whatever your business happens to be.)
Expose your difference and challenge- Share what makes this call different than others. “I know you get lots of calls like this. But I am calling with something very different than anything you’ve experienced before and I would like to prove it to you.”
Reveal the commitment – Here’s where you tell them what you are wanting from them. Make sure that it is not an unreasonable ask. If you ask for something that easy to say yes then you will get a yes. For most business you won’t be seeking to close a sale at this stage. Most people want to get to the next step in the sales cycle. Most likely that means presenting.) “Mr. Jones I’d like to meet with you for 15 minutes and show you something that you most likely haven’t been aware of that will make you very happy.
CTC – This is the CALL to Commitment. “I am right by your house/office meeting with several others in your area on Tuesday. I can squeeze you in for a quick 15 minute visit at 3:00. Will that work?”
Again this isn’t the only way to structure a cold call but our team and students have been getting great numbers using this. I’ll explain why later on. For now try it today!
#learntosellordie #douglasvermeeren #1salestrainer #topsalestraining #salestips #coldcalls #salesfears #sellingsuccess #sellingpower

Written by douglasvermeeren

August 12, 2018 at 1:17 am

Posted in #1 sales coach, Doug Vermeeren, douglas Vermeeren, Douglas Vermeeren calgary herald, Douglas Vermeeren net worth, grant cardone, learn to sell or die, Uncategorized

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are you making stupid mistakes? Learn to sell or die by Douglas Vermeeren

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Obviously you’ve seen that many sales people are making mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes that they are making is thinking they know too much about the clients and the sales process. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Well, here’s the fact if you want to keep up with the young pups out there today you don’t have a choice old dog. Get learning and quit making mistakes through selling like its 1982. Remember the more mistakes you make the less money you take home. #learntosellordie#douglasvermeeren #sellmore #selling #salestraining #1salestraining#1salestrainerLearn to Sell or Die - Douglas Vermeeren - Mistakes

Don’t let selling FREAK YOU OUT! Learn to Sell or Die – Douglas Vermeeren

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Why is it some people freak out when it comes to sales? I’ll tell you one of the major reasons I have observed… Are you ready? It’s because they aren’t sold themselves. And here’s the fact, if you aren’t already sold on your product or service you will always get freaked out when you try to present it to someone else and ask them for money. You need to be 100% committed or you will bring your hesitation and doubt with you into the presentation. And when you encounter a prospect that has questions, objections or concerns IT WILL FREAK YOU OUT! #learntosellordie #douglasvermeeren #1salestraining #topsalestrainer #salessuccessacademy #salesfails #salestips #salesquotes #howtosell #improveyoursales

Learn to Sell or Die - Douglas Vermeeren was freaked out