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Posts Tagged ‘Million dollar mentor

You get to decide if you will be rich

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Most people live life like driving through a drive-thru without ordering at he first window. When they get to the second window they are disappointed when they either get nothing or what the person inside decides what they should have.

Most take what they are given rather than strive of what they want.

If you really want to begin a journey to creating more wealth in your life start by realizing you have the power to reach for what you want and recognizing that you don’t have to accept whatever shows up. Becoming more proactive and seeking for what you want is the most common attribute of the wealthy.

Wealth doesn’t appear by accident. You must seek it, create and nurture it.

douglas-vermeeren-600Douglas Vermeeren is the CEO of the Millionaire Training Systems. He teaches wealth strategies and mindset. Unlike most wealth coaches and teachers in the market today Douglas Vermeeren actually makes money in the real world and not just through the sale of seminars or personal improvement products. He is the author of the book Guerrilla Millionaire, Millionaire wisdom and several other books on money strategies that build wealth in today’s marketplace. He is also known for his extensive research into the lives of many of the elite and wealthy of today.



Written by douglasvermeeren

April 8, 2017 at 11:04 pm

Posted in #1 wealth coach, Doug Vermeeren, douglas John Vermeeren, douglas Vermeeren, douglas vermeeren, douglas vermeeren asc, Douglas Vermeeren calgary herald, loral langmeier, make more money today, making more money, millionaire maker, Millionaire Mastermind, Millionaire Money Masterminds, Millionaire systems, millionaire Training systems, money, money magazine, self made millionaires for dummies, The Millionaire Mentor, wealth coach, Wealth growth

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Bill Walsh joins the Monthly Millionaire Mentor Faculty

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Bill Walsh joins the Monthly millionaire Faculty.

The #1 Millionaire Secret you need to know – For FREE!

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Millionaire Secrets Revealed

Millionaire Secrets Revealed

The #1 Millionaire Secret you need to know – For FREE!

Like many people interested in the subject of wealth growth and millionaire creation, I have searched google to see what tools there are that can help give me the edge in my journey to expand my wealth. It is not surprising to see headlines like “Millionaire Secret revealed Now!’ or ‘The Secrets of Millionaires – unfolded for the first time.’ or how about ‘The Millionaire Mystery and how to get rich overnight!” These are enticing headlines and are sure to attract attention. But is there just one secret that all Millionaires know?

Over the last decade I conducted extensive research on more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. The research I conducted was very similar to what Napoleon Hill did to create the personal development classic Think and Grow Rich. One of the major differences between Hill’s work and my own was that he studied primarily their behavior, while I went deeper exploring their cognitive process or their thinking. I wanted to understand the roots of why these top achievers thought what they thought, made the decisions they did and were able to create the fortunes they did.As far as I am aware no one since Napoleon Hill has undertaken such a task. As you can imagine my results were astounding. In fact, it was these results that made me my own personal wealth and later became the foundation of the Millionaire Training Systems Program.

Since then, my study of millionaires has included practical real world strategies and systems, an academic approach and continued research with a growing number of real world millionaires and billionaires.

So if there was just one secret that all millionaires have you’d think I would have found it. Would you like to know what it is?

The #1 secret every millionaire knows is that your success is not dependent on one single thing. In other words, there is NO ONE SINGLE SECRET to success. It starts with your thinking, then shifts to your commitment to act, and then is a matter of being consistent and disciplined to take that action.

Thinking: Simply put Scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist. So if you aren’t thinking abundantly then you will never create abundance. (If you want to learn more about how to create abundant thinking go to my website and listen to the audio recording UNLOCK THE MONEY MINDSET. This program will share with you what the wealthy are really thinking and how you can start to duplicate this kind of thinking in your own life. Awareness is the first step to be able to start creating.

Action: Action refers to actual strategies. Many of the wealth programs or training seminars out there today focus mostly on mindset. They are afraid to share strategy in many cases because they are worried about liability. I used to go a step further and even offer done-for- you services but that did get me into trouble with securities so I don’t do that anymore. (True story) But I do still teach the strategies. now it is up to you to implement them and when you do you get results.

Consistency: This is probably the most important. Most people wait for big events to get started with investing or real estate or whatever vehicle they choose to create wealth. The truth is that its better to start small and be consistent than it is to do one thing big. Be consistent.

These are the three big keys to growing wealth. The END! Drop mic! Whatever.

Becoming a self-made millionaire requires the development of several different skills and habits that follow the above three things. develop these habits daily and your will see wealth. Some of these different skills include: Your thinking habits, your spending habits, Your ability to systematize your cash flow, Habits of correct education, Habits of effective working, Habits of being balanced, Habits of building and nurturing networks, Habits of Personal presentation, Habits of effect evaluation of opportunities, Habits of partnering your desires with abilities, Habits of effective time use, Habits of seeking help, Habits of tenacity and follow through, habits of organization and more!

Many people have learned and are learning to master these skills to the level of millionaire. A recent study by Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal of the University of Toronto identified that in North America more than 200,000 people per year become millionaires. According to those numbers that would mean that there are more than 547 Millionaires created each day. 22.8 millionaires are created per hour. And just under 1 millionaire is created every sixty seconds. It is possible for anyone with the vision and determination to achieve this attainable financial goal.

What is the best way to grow these Millionaire secrets in your life?

The best way is simply to get a mentor who understands these attributes and has a proven track record of creating wealth in their own lives.

The Millionaire Training Systems program is such a program. It is the first program of its kind that involves an ongoing relationship with your mentor and not just a one-time seminar. It is also the first program to take the participants through the process of the education all the way through to implementation. What that means is that you no longer have to wonder what to do next when you hit the inevitable challenges that will appear on your path. Growing your wealth exponentially is not a get rich quick or easy venture. If you want to do it correctly there will be many thins to learn ahead. This program ensures that you get it!

For more information go to When you come visit us we have a free gift for you that will start you on the path to your abundant financial future today!

Where Education meets opportunity to create your new financial reality. This exclusive program currently teaches participants how to create a million dollar cash flow through passive income.

Written by douglasvermeeren

April 20, 2011 at 4:55 am

Bob Doyle From The Secret to write Foreword for The Millionaire Myth

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The Secret

The Secret

BOB DOYLE From The Secret to write the foreword for The Millionaire Myth

We all remember The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

It was an incredible movie that helped many people achieve bigger dreams and accomplish more.

It is for this reason that I am very excited to announce that my friend Bob Doyle who was featured in The Secret and my movie The Opus, has agreed to write the foreword on my newest upcoming book The Millionaire Myth. Bob is an expert on the law of attraction and wealth. His company Wealth Beyond Reason has been helping individuals build wealth and grow their financial prosperity through correct application of the law of attraction. It is a powerful program.

A few years ago Bob took the plunge and left his stultifying corporate job without any sort of ‘financial’ safety net. It was that bad! As Bob says: “Once I began understanding the Law of Attraction and “wealth consciousness”, a major switch flipped!” Since then Bob has devoted his time to studying the law of attraction and how it influences our financial lives. A major key component of the law of attraction begins with what we believe.

As the book The Millionaire Myth focuses on many of the things that people believe about money that keep them from becoming financially abundant I felt like Bob would be a wonderful fit for this book.

Bob Doyle

Bob Doyle

In speaking about this book project Bob stated, “In order to be a millionaire you have to first recognize the limiting beliefs that are within you. Douglas Vermeeren is short-cutting that process for you by providing this exhaustive list, as well as real-world steps you can take to make your dream of becoming a millionaire (or More) a reality.”

Beliefs are the beginning of everything that is accomplished in our lives. If we do not believe a specific goal can be ours we will never have the desire and the drive to do enough to make it a reality. When it comes to increasing our financial goals a great amount of work can be required. If you want to attain more than you have today you will have to make significant changes in your thinking and habits. It is those thinking and habits that have created your current reality and they will not get you much richer than you currently have become. A change in your financial results is the desired outcome, all these changes will be a product of what is going on inside your mind.

As those new thoughts take form your habits about how you spend and use your money will change. Habits are how millionaires are made. It is your habits that contribute to your real world results. But habits are a hard thing to change, it all begins in the mind.

Perhaps, you’ve heard it said that ‘when you win on the inside, the outside shows up.’ No where is this more true than in your financial well being. If you are striving to create financial abundance  The Millionaire Myth is the best place to start. If you’re goal is to achieve financial freedom this will be an important book for you to own, study and apply.

The Millionaire Myth will be released in April of this year and will be available in most bookstores and online on my sites which are listed at the bottom. Or send us your email and we will send you the link directly.

The Millionaire Myth

The Millionaire Myth

Douglas Vermeeren

Douglas Vermeeren

About Douglas Vermeeren and a free gift for you:

There is a new millionaire made somewhere in the world every 60 seconds.

There are over 10 Million millionaires in the world.

North America has more millionaires than any continent on the planet.

To become a millionaire you only have to make $2,739 dollars a day

…$114 per hour …and $1.90 per minute

Douglas Vermeeren makes millionaires for a living.

Douglas Vermeeren

He is best known as the creator of the following:

The Monthly Millionaire Mentor program (This organization and its members currently manage over $70 Million dollars in global assets)

The Millionaire Experience (This exclusive members-only program teaches hundreds of people each year how to grow their wealth in exponential ways… And they GUARANTEE POSITIVE FINANCIAL RESULTS!)

The Opus Movie (Featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Dr. Joe Vitale, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle, Marci Shimoff, Bill Bartmann and others)

…the author of the best-selling book The Millionaire Myth

the author of the latest best-selling Guerrilla Book, Guerrilla Achiever (With Jay Conrad Levinson),

…and NOW he is pleased to announce the successful completion of an experiment in exponential wealth creation that has never been attempted before.

The 1 X 180 Million Dollar Experiment. The objective: Start with $1 and in 180 days  make $1,000,000. In this presentation Doug will share some of the techniques he used to do it. And teach you how to some of it yourself!

In addition to growing wealth top business leaders and celebrities trust Doug with their business, personal development and financial growth.

Some of these include: Louie Anderson (Legendary comedian), Richard Kiel (Jaws from the James Bond Movies), Kyle Cease (Comedy Central, 10 Things I hate about you, Not another teen movie) and many others.

Wallace D. Wattles, The author of the science of getting rich once said, “Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains, it is impossible to enjoy a complete and successful life unless one is rich.”

The vast majority of North Americans are currently living pay check to pay check. Many carry high levels of debt including credit cards, mortgage, car payments, student loans, medical expenses and more!

Do you want to know why most people are having trouble becoming rich?

Research demonstrates that there are primarily 7 major reasons that keep most people from changing their financial course and becoming rich.

Once a person recognizes these reasons they can be equipped to beat them and grow their wealth exponentially.

Wealth begins first with what goes on in your head. Then it translates to what goes on in your life. Ultimately it will then be apparent by what goes on in your bank account. Douglas Vermeeren’s Monthly Millionaire Mentor program teaches you how to be success in each of these areas. From a millionaire mindset, to millionaire activities to ultimately living a Millionaire experience each day.

If you would like to know the 7 reasons you can get a free report on our website