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Not everyone can be Rich? Is this true?

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Can I be rich?

Can I be rich?


Not Everyone can be rich? Is this true?

(an Excerpt from The Millionaire Myth by Douglas Vermeeren)

One of the most oft repeated excuses keeping people from becoming wealthy is the idea that ‘not everyone can be rich.’ There are three specific problems with this common belief. We’ll address each of them.

1)Not everyone can be rich, therefore I have no choice but to be poor.

The thing that many people do not grasp is that not everyone can be poor either. Who gets to decide? of course, you do. And those decisions are happening every moment of the day. All decisions begin first in your thoughts.

Someone does have to be rich and someone has to be poor. The question is ‘Why can’t you be the rich one?’ There is no reason it couldn’t be you, except for you.

Decide today that you can be among the rich and abundant.

2)Not everyone can be rich because being rich requires specific smarts and ability.

While becoming and staying rich do require you to learn certain things, these things are generally not the things learned in school. The things you need to learn about creating wealth are less about the lessons and more about the character traits.

Several of the most well-known millionaires and billionaires did not excel in their post secondary education. Fred Smith, founder of FedEx, shared his overnight delivery concept for a University class at Yale. The professor awarded him a C for the project.

Some financial giants even chose to leave post secondary education to grow their business. Bill Gates for example left Harvard University without completing to start Microsoft.

In regards to formal schooling Eiji Toyoda, The founder of Toyota motors once said, “…more important is the work a person  accomplishes in the 10 or 15 years after school.”1.

While school smarts are valuable there are attributes that are more valuable. Things like discipline, self-control, tenacity and patience. You have got to learn to control emotions like frustration, anger and greed.

Many of the most successful millionaires and billionaires in the world have experienced several setbacks. One report suggests that the average self-made millionaire suffers bankruptcy 3.2 times.2.

There are going to be times that will test you to see how bad you want to become rich. Becoming wealthy is not a simple exercise of ‘sit back and watch.’

You have got to want to make it happen and then get busy doing the right things.

3)They don’t really have a real understanding of what rich is.

Lastly, many people do not understand what it is to be rich. One definition of rich is to be able to make whatever choices you wish without considering the financial cost.

In my seminars “The Millionaire Experience” we share the concept of finding your Financial Freedom Number. You Financial Freedom Number is simply the income or cash flow amount that needs to come to you every month guaranteed, to cover your financial obligations. Once this number has been met you are free to make any and all choices you want to better your lifestyle.

The challenge that most people have is they have no clue of how much they need every month to become financially free. (In the book The Millionaire Myth there are some exercises that will help you determine this number.) Once you understand what this number is you can go beyond your Financial Freedom Number to something called your Financial Fortune Number.

This where your wealth can grow exponentially. We’ll talk more about how to build this number in a future setting. The key principle that I want to leave with you now is that most people don’t understand what rich looks like for them. They simply say I want to be rich and have now idea what the target looks like.

When you have a clear view of what you want to accomplish, your chances of accomplishing it grow.

So decide to be rich today. Recognize that anyone can do it if you have the right attributes and get to work doing the right things. And lastly, get a clear vision of what rich looks like for you. Armed with these three tools your chances of becoming rich will increase dramatically.

1.Billionaire Success Story: Eiji Toyoda – Toyota p.1

2.The 21 Success Secrets of Self-made Millionaires, p.2 Brain Tracy

Douglas Vermeeren, author of The Millionaire Myth

Douglas Vermeeren, author of The Millionaire Myth

Douglas Vermeeren is the founder of the Succeed Research center. He has conducted similar research to that of Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) by studying the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achievers. He developed several success systems that have revolutionized personal lives, business and financial situations for hundreds of people around the globe. Doug is also the producer of the film The Opus featuring Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, Bill Bartmann, Marci Shimoff, Morris Goodman, Bob Doyle, John Demartini and others.

The Millionaire Myth

The Millionaire Myth

Douglas Vermeeren is creator of The Millionaire Experience and the author of the book, The Millionaire Myth.